Journal Entries
a busy 23rd of april.
Posted Apr 19, 2004
Well folks, the 23rd is nearly upon us and many things are celebrated on that day.
Its St Georges day
Its Shakespeares birth and death day
It many other peoples birthdays. some famous and some not so famour
and most of allITS MINE
There will be a birthday bash held on the thursday night(22nd), hopefully going into the wee small hours.
Just look for the AWOL thread(smudgers) and lets party
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Latest reply: Apr 19, 2004
Easter Greetings
Posted Apr 5, 2004
Easter greetings to one and all
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Latest reply: Apr 5, 2004
my absence
Posted Mar 19, 2004
has some holidays owing that he must use up before the end of the month.
so he is having them now
he wants to go away for a few days, but hopefully i can talk him out of it with this bad weather. i know its sounds ungrateful, but i hate and dread our times away in the caravan.
we are only going for 4 days, but he will still be here, under my feet till the 28th. so by then, my pc and keyboard will be covered in dust and i will have forgotten how to type
so now you can all talk about me, while im gone. just make sure its nice things
see you when i can..
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Latest reply: Mar 19, 2004
Posted Feb 26, 2004
cuddles are a well underestimated in their need and satisfaction.
the more available... the more i want
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Latest reply: Feb 26, 2004
mobile phones
Posted Jan 12, 2004
have you ever tried to change the tv channels with your mobile phone???
it doesnt work
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Latest reply: Jan 12, 2004
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