This is a Journal entry by serenity

mobile phones

Post 201

JINTY. ...back in circulation again

hi sheryl smiley - stiffdrinksmiley - stiffdrinksmiley - stiffdrinksmiley - stiffdrinksmiley - stiffdrinksmiley - stiffdrink
you'll need these by the sound of things
ive been wondering about you hope your ok
i'm still trying to master my pc ggrrrr
its a case of press a button and hope for the best smiley - rofl
smiley - teasmiley - teafor sal and helen
hi there hope your well see you all soon
jinty smiley - hug

mobile phones

Post 202


hi there jinty...lovely to hear from you you.<tasmiley - tafor tor the smiley - tea,just what i needed!!!!umph!!!are you tryirying to get to grips ips with the pc smiley - love...weve had ours for three years,,and i just three days ago started my msn messaging!!!!it STILL gives me migraine...i think i'm gonna have to admit defeat !!!smiley - goodluckwith

mobile phones

Post 203


hi sal.

is it the screen that is giving you the headaches?.
some people suffer and wear tinted glasses or get a tinted screen cover to stop the glare.

its a thoughtsmiley - smiley

smiley - rose

mobile phones

Post 204

Researcher 220282

hi all

if you get a headache using the PC try 'yellow' tint glassessmiley - smiley, I know quite a few people who have, it's done the trick for them smiley - biggrin

Hi helen smiley - hug

long time no chat, how are you?smiley - erm

mobile phones

Post 205


hi jonathan.

nice to hear from you againsmiley - smiley

im ok thanks. how are you?.

i havent been spending as much time in here as i ought to and when i do, i tend to lurk more than speak.
its just a phase im going through.

hows your health these days?. has the doctor sorted you out yet?
i did see(while haveng a lurk) that you were looking for a spell to help.
did you find it?. has it helped?

i might not be saying much, but i still think of yousmiley - smiley

hsmiley - rose

mobile phones

Post 206

Researcher 220282

helen smiley - hug

the health is up and down, smiley - bleep kidney infection now smiley - grr and the other matter, well its just wait and seesmiley - erm

The spell ......err.. yes I found what I wanted, but due to the translator program getting some of the text wrong it turned into a nightmare smiley - yikes but it's sorted now I thinksmiley - smiley ( and I got my ears burned over it from *my Mentor*)

I never forget absent friends either smiley - hug

Jonathan <./>ACE</.>

mobile phones

Post 207



smiley - hugsmiley - smiley

smiley - rose

mobile phones

Post 208

Paganmoon - Crazy as Ever

hi all... smiley - hug

helen.... thanx for that hun, i'll be on my guard.... smiley - rofl
hope the problem isn't too

hi jinty... smiley - hug
so good to hear from you luv... thanx for the smiley - stiffdrink.... deffinitely need them... lol...
hope all is well with you hun... xxx

hi sal... hi jonathan....
i need a spell to get rid of the outlaws, if anyone knows of one... mind you with my frame of mind i don't think i should try one as it would go belly up with my

just a flying smiley - zoom visit for now.... be in touch soon....

smiley - love sheryl... xxxxx

mobile phones

Post 209


Hello everyone.Havent got a great deal to say tonight,except hope everyone's smiley - ok.I am really smiley - steam,but i shall be back tomorrow.
Have a good night all.smiley - lovensmiley - hugs salxxxx

mobile phones

Post 210


mornin all

sal at a loss for words??????
are you oksmiley - whistle
sorry, i couldnt resist, especially with all of those extra letters in your postings.smiley - biggrin

i hope all are keeping well this cold frosty morning.smiley - smiley

mobile phones

Post 211

Paganmoon - Crazy as Ever

morning all.... smiley - hug

cold n frosty here too..... and i gotta go out...... brrrrr smiley - bluesmiley - titsmiley - tit ..... lol..

smiley - love xxxx

mobile phones

Post 212

Researcher 220282

morning allsmiley - smiley

paganmoonsmiley - smiley you know you can't use smiley - magic for that *three fold rule* stops you but nightmares are a different thing .....smiley - whistle

mobile phones

Post 213


Good morning all,excuse me helen,just look at my last posting(above)!!!Where do you see an extra letter??smiley - biggrinI am in the need of sendng some e-mails i think!!!!!!It is unusual for me to be lost for words,isn't it,but i'm been a good girl today.smiley - weird???smiley - love

mobile phones

Post 214



its because you are on the pc..

you cant fool ussmiley - nahnah

smiley - smileysmiley - hug

smiley - rose

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