This is a Journal entry by serenity
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serenity Posted Jan 29, 2004
it hasnt washed ours away.
ours is still here. iced up and very treacherous underfoot.
its an ideal day for sitting in front of a log fire.
all we need now is the fire
mobile phones
serenity Posted Jan 29, 2004
has anyone heard from sheryl lately?
i havent seen her around since sunday. does anyone know how her hubby got on at court?
have they locked up the mad mother-in-law yet?
mobile phones
smurfles Posted Jan 29, 2004
morning helen,,..i didnt know he ws in in court luv,or i would have wished them both althe bestest.
i do hpe pe she's okay
maybe the theyre celebrating the in -law ge getting her just desserts!!!xx
mobile phones
smurfles Posted Jan 29, 2004
for that
.i never had her number,so i couldnt get in touch with ith her except by e-mail!!!!!glad she's 's
mobile phones
BATWING1 Minister of Mirth Merriment and Insanity (portfolio) Posted Jan 29, 2004
update.....paul goes back on the 25th feb as this was a preliminary hearing
and sheryl hopes to be back on here tonight sometime
mobile phones
Paganmoon - Crazy as Ever Posted Jan 29, 2004
morning folks..... s all round....
i'm ok thanx....just been weary with at this crap that's going on so haven't been in here for a couple days....
it was just a preliminary hearing at court, bout that plant pot business.. he has to go back 25th next month... tha solicitor has to get a copy of the cctv tape off the police to see if he can pick holes in the mad outlaws statement, also the statement of her demented friend who claims to have witnessed the event.... hope thay both get done for purgery...
the solicitor and other police officers have said they think it's a waste of peoples time and that she's just a sad woman for even thinking about accusing her own son of doing anything....
there is something afoot concerning the cops and the outlaws, but we're not supposed to know about it so can't comment in here at the moment....
well i hope you are all keeping well and no one has come a cropper with the snow n ice.... saw one dizzy woman slip yesterday, well i ask you, stilletto heels in the snow.... she stepped up onto the tiled entrance of a shop and nigh on did the splits as the tiles were all wet.... think she might invest in a pair of wellies for the next
take care, chat soon....
mobile phones
serenity Posted Jan 29, 2004
hi sheryl.
good to hear from you again.
thanks for keeping us up to date with the 'outlaws'. lets hope the police see sense and do something to shake her up enough to realise what a plonker she is being.
we are all thinking of you
as for stilletto's in this weather.....
the mind boggles
mobile phones
Paganmoon - Crazy as Ever Posted Jan 29, 2004
hi helen...
thanx for that luv.... i'll keep you updated.....
that silly moo in the stilletto's was the fur coat n no knickers type... lol...
later hun.....
mobile phones
smurfles Posted Jan 30, 2004
as for stistilleto's in ANY weatherther!!!!!!
maybe this wont go any ny further sheryl....surely the courts can an stil stop seems a bit of a fruitless exercise to meo outlaw is !!!dont let it worry you
mobile phones
Paganmoon - Crazy as Ever Posted Jan 31, 2004
hi all...
sal, i think they can stop it but don't know if they will luv....
our area bobby seems to be on their side, who's sleeping with who....
one of our neighbours took a cctv tape into the cop shop and said she wanted something doing about the outlaws threatening behaviour, this particular incident had been directed at her.... she had proof on the tape of what had been said....
now the idiot bobby has told the neighbour that if she procedes with the case that he will instruct the outlaws to press charges against them as the camera was pointing at her windows and looking in....
the camera angle covers the neighbours own front and drive, the road area and the front of our house and outlaws next door..... you can't see thru any windows, only if someone was to stand right in front of the window could you see anything.... the outlaw has a camera that looks straight into another neighbours bedroom and the cop said that's ok.....
can anybody make any sense of that lot of shite..... coz we sure can't......
mobile phones
serenity Posted Feb 1, 2004
hi sheryl.
cant you complain to the idiot bobby's boss?
surely there is a way around the problem.
its quite obvious that he needs to be made to realise that he cant get away with it. he is committing just as much crime as the rest.
get some cctv footage of him as he drops his truncheon
im sure the neighbours will angle their camera for you
mobile phones
smurfles Posted Feb 1, 2004
hi all.sheryl,i have never heard of an anything as sts stupid as all this carry on...........and if i were you i'dgo the media.or your our local get a stop put tut to it once and for all!!!!
what abourout all these new anti social behaviour our laws that have been intintroduced????
surely the beabeat bobby shy should be enforcing's his job.
you can find out about the camera thing from the local library...there will be by-lawslaws for things like that.i'm glad you can keep calm...cos i woudnt be able to!!!<s
mobile phones
smurfles Posted Feb 2, 2004
hi helen,,,and everyone else...i have NO idea !!!of course you know my experiences with anythithing tachnical.....ju..just doesnt work for me,doedoes it!!!
hope everyones okay.having qg quiet day here...been on pc pc,,so suffering no!!chat later.xx
mobile phones
Paganmoon - Crazy as Ever Posted Feb 4, 2004
morning all....
we have complained about the bobby in question but i don't think it's made much difference.... it's just turned him more against us.... he knew from the start that we didn't like him, so there's no love lost on either side.....
i'm seriously thinking about writing to the papers about it....
later folks.... xxxxx
mobile phones
smurfles Posted Feb 5, 2004
sheryl luv,your local mp might be able to help..they tentend to want to get involved with silly things ike this...not tha that i think your silly..but i mean all the court thingy,and the beat bobby problems.lets face it..if they can sort it its another vote for them!!!!!!xx
mobile phones
serenity Posted Feb 7, 2004
hi sheryl.
you could always go to your local telly news people.
get him names and shamed that way. more people will see it.
they arent going to want someone like that 'protecting' them.
and all this 'bad press' isnt going to do the police force any good. they will want it sorted.
good luck
mobile phones
Paganmoon - Crazy as Ever Posted Feb 7, 2004
evening all....
gawd, now i sound like a bloody bobby....
how is everyone keeping these days....
has anyone seen lately.... not seen him in here for a few days...
..... hope all is ok....
mobile phones
serenity Posted Feb 7, 2004
hi sheryl.
mailed me yesterday.
he has been having a few rough days with one of his foster children
im sure he will be back to his 'normal' self soon
so beware
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- 181: serenity (Jan 29, 2004)
- 182: serenity (Jan 29, 2004)
- 183: smurfles (Jan 29, 2004)
- 184: BATWING1 Minister of Mirth Merriment and Insanity (portfolio) (Jan 29, 2004)
- 185: smurfles (Jan 29, 2004)
- 186: BATWING1 Minister of Mirth Merriment and Insanity (portfolio) (Jan 29, 2004)
- 187: Paganmoon - Crazy as Ever (Jan 29, 2004)
- 188: serenity (Jan 29, 2004)
- 189: Paganmoon - Crazy as Ever (Jan 29, 2004)
- 190: smurfles (Jan 30, 2004)
- 191: Paganmoon - Crazy as Ever (Jan 31, 2004)
- 192: serenity (Feb 1, 2004)
- 193: smurfles (Feb 1, 2004)
- 194: serenity (Feb 2, 2004)
- 195: smurfles (Feb 2, 2004)
- 196: Paganmoon - Crazy as Ever (Feb 4, 2004)
- 197: smurfles (Feb 5, 2004)
- 198: serenity (Feb 7, 2004)
- 199: Paganmoon - Crazy as Ever (Feb 7, 2004)
- 200: serenity (Feb 7, 2004)
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