This is a Journal entry by serenity

mobile phones

Post 81


mornin all.

how is everyones health and temper?smiley - smiley

it will have to be monday, the way things are going i will need a social secretary.

hope you are feeling better today.

smiley - bat
i didnt know that the halifax had a cafe section. how can you meet sheryl for a coffee in there?smiley - biggrin

you be careful. ive met him already.smiley - whistlesmiley - biggrin

mobile phones

Post 82

BATWING1 Minister of Mirth Merriment and Insanity (portfolio)

smiley - peacedove
what do you`ve had me already??? and what we get up to in halifax is a secret smiley - silly

let me know in the mornin what you doing

it`s all lies i tell you smiley - biggrin

smiley - bat

mobile phones

Post 83


smiley - bat

try putting your glasses on.
i didnt say HAD. i said MET.
big differencesmiley - biggrin

anyway, how are you this morning????

smiley - rose

mobile phones

Post 84

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi theresmiley - rosehelen and smiley - batty

sorry ive not been around much, im busy sorting out the ww2 search im on,and with the info coming from all areas i have to fit it into the resaerch daily.smiley - disco

well sunday is here again, yuck, there,s never anything to do.

he,y smiley - batty wo,t no van this weekend
jimbobsmiley - lovexxxx

mobile phones

Post 85


mornin jimsmiley - smiley

im just having a few minutes peace before smiley - monster gets upsmiley - wah

we have to visit my brother today and its ever so frosty out there. i better sort out my thermal knickerssmiley - biggrin

smiley - rose

mobile phones

Post 86

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi just replied on our threadsmiley - love

its parky here to, im not stepping through the door at all today,bbbrrrr

catch you later alligators,(disco>jimbobxx

mobile phones

Post 87


morning all,,glad everyones chirpy s bloomin freezin ut there....
hey how come i didnt get invited for a smiley - coffee????smiley - sadface

jim...helo smiley - lovenice to to see you!!

mobile phones

Post 88

Paganmoon - Crazy as Ever

hi all smiley - lovesmiley - hug ....

hiya jimbob.... smiley - hug ... not seen you around for a while, but know you've been busy.... mind you i've not been around much meself lately.... hope you are well ... smiley - kiss

hiya helen n sal.... womens probs not as bad today thanx .... smiley - hug
helen, smiley - bat will have to behave coz i'll have me hubby with me.... lol...

smiley - bat will let you know what i'm up to luv.... mind you i never know what i'm up to, even when i'm doin' it..... smiley - rofl
you'll prob find me by the womens hygien section of wilkinsons or asda.... that'll have 'em talkin' eh.... pmpl.... smiley - kiss

catch you all later.... smiley - love

mobile phones

Post 89

BATWING1 Minister of Mirth Merriment and Insanity (portfolio)

suppose it`s better than being thrown out of tesco for making love over a freezer smiley - biggrin

mobile phones

Post 90

Researcher 220282

smiley - rofl and alot warmer smiley - brrsmiley - yikes

mobile phones

Post 91


mornin all.

how is everyone?

smiley - bat and sheryl
well, you certainly have a variety of shops to choose fromsmiley - biggrin
surelurely a furniture shop would be more suitable.
i know smiley - bat would prefer the comfort in his old agesmiley - whistle

mobile phones

Post 92

BATWING1 Minister of Mirth Merriment and Insanity (portfolio)

i`ll have you know i`m not averse to sneaking round the back of the bike-sheds...comfort indeed smiley - biggrin

mind you there are stands i can prop meself on! you know......get wedged in,saves falling over smiley - doh

mobile phones

Post 93


is that where you go, after a few smiley - stiffdrink??????

do they still have bikesheds?

mobile phones

Post 94

BATWING1 Minister of Mirth Merriment and Insanity (portfolio)

don`t tell me you`ve forgotten already

it`w where we went last time smiley - evilgrin

mobile phones

Post 95


morning al all!!!!xxx
you tell him helen,,its the bigger things that you dont need reminding about!!!smiley - biggrin

mobile phones

Post 96

BATWING1 Minister of Mirth Merriment and Insanity (portfolio)

definitely won`t forget me then smiley - biggrin

mobile phones

Post 97


smiley - biggrini thought that mi might prompt you to say somethething!!hehe!morningsmiley - bat.

mobile phones

Post 98

BATWING1 Minister of Mirth Merriment and Insanity (portfolio)

only cos i am a big lad......more out than up though smiley - biggrin

see that lazy sheryl ain`t up yet or is she lurking,waiting to pounce

smiley - bat

mobile phones

Post 99

BATWING1 Minister of Mirth Merriment and Insanity (portfolio)

oooppss smiley - sorry
mornin sal smiley - kisssmiley - hug

mobile phones

Post 100


smiley - bat

the last time that we met, we had the comforts of your caravan
smiley - biggrin

smiley - strawberriessmiley - whistle

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