This is a Journal entry by serenity
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a busy 23rd of april.
serenity Started conversation Apr 19, 2004
Well folks, the 23rd is nearly upon us and many things are celebrated on that day.
Its St Georges day
Its Shakespeares birth and death day
It many other peoples birthdays. some famous and some not so famour
and most of all
There will be a birthday bash held on the thursday night(22nd), hopefully going into the wee small hours.
Just look for the AWOL thread(smudgers) and lets party
a busy 23rd of april.
Pinky Posted Apr 20, 2004
Can't wait xxx Happy Birthday for your special day Love Pinky xxx
a busy 23rd of april.
Paganmoon - Crazy as Ever Posted Apr 20, 2004
jinty'll sup owt.... lol..
only kiddin' jinty.... good to see you about luv....
hey, helen, i bumped into on the market today... he seems to be doin' ok....
a busy 23rd of april.
serenity Posted Apr 20, 2004
hi sheryl.
good, im glad to see that all is well.
i know that he isnt very happy about mrs health.
now that he is back from the van, i will get a better chance to mail him and see how things are.
a busy 23rd of april.
Paganmoon - Crazy as Ever Posted Apr 20, 2004
i didn't really get the chance to ask much, just how's things, to which he replied ok.... he had a young ginger haired girl with him, pleasent little thing she was... he'd just had his mug shot taken in one of those booth thingys.... think it's still workin'.....
only kiddin'.... lol....
a busy 23rd of april.
serenity Posted Apr 20, 2004
it was probably his foster child.
i dont know, we havent had a chanced to catch up on things for ages.
i will have to have a mailing session with him
a busy 23rd of april.
Paganmoon - Crazy as Ever Posted Apr 20, 2004
i know, not had much contact meself of late....
it probably was his foster kiddie.... she seemed a really nice girl....
hey, we've just a visit from someone round the corner.... the mad next door has been calling her young daughter a "slag", with reference to her "being just like her mother", also calling the girls father who passed over less than 12 months ago, AND she's hit a 14yr old... (don't know if it's lad or girl).......
hope she get's it this time from the cops.... she's bound over for 12months.... i'll keep you posted.......
a busy 23rd of april.
serenity Posted Apr 20, 2004
you do have excitement where you live.
i live in a quiet cul de sac and nothing ever happens.
i miss out on all of the fun
its a wonder thay they havent sectioned her or imprisoned her.
there is only so much that she will get away with.
someone somewhere will suddenly realise and hopefully before its too late..
a busy 23rd of april.
Paganmoon - Crazy as Ever Posted Apr 20, 2004
was on phone.....
i wish i lived in quiet cul-de-sac..... quiet anywhere.....
bout time she got hers........
a busy 23rd of april.
smurfles Posted Apr 21, 2004
morning all..i can't understand how she's getting away with so much seems as though some people can carry on however they think fit,if it was any of us we'd be in trouble.She certainly wouldn't have hit any of my family and got away with it.
we had a chance of living in a cul-de-sac helen,and i refused .it would drive me daft,not seeing anyone from one day to the next.having said that..i question my sanity for living where i do anyway!!!!
a busy 23rd of april.
serenity Posted Apr 21, 2004
hi sal..
thats what i wanted. after many years of nosey neighbours, i wanted somewhere that was quiet and away from the main estates.
i keep myself to myself and hardly see anyone, but part of that is due to frightening everyone away
sometimes i miss the company, but then when i have some, i cant wait for them to leave
a busy 23rd of april.
Paganmoon - Crazy as Ever Posted Apr 21, 2004
not heard owt else about last nights incident..... it's about time summat got done with the mad .....
and she's back at work in that care home.........................
i used to live in a cul-de-sac, owt but quiet tho'...... mainly down to myself and a friend/neighbour few doors up..... not falling out, quite the opposite... weekend knees up, doin' the conga in the street....
the other neighbours were used to us tho', we never upset anyone and if we knew anyone was ill then we didn't make a noise, kept it all indoors......
a busy 23rd of april.
JINTY. ...back in circulation again Posted Apr 22, 2004
hi folks
i'll drink anything as long as its wet
is it knees up mother pallett tonight then
see you there
a busy 23rd of april.
Paganmoon - Crazy as Ever Posted Apr 22, 2004
evening jinty....
yip, it's knees up mother pallett.... lol... not sure wot time we kick off tho'....
cheers till later luv....
a busy 23rd of april.
Also Ran1-hope springs eternal Posted Apr 23, 2004
Happy birthday Serenity,
I hope you have had a lovely day, and now you are able to continue it on St. George's Day.!!
It looks a lovely day.
Alsor Ran1
a busy 23rd of april.
JINTY. ...back in circulation again Posted Apr 23, 2004
happy birthday helen
have a nice one enjoy yourself but not too much
chat later
oooo ma heid !!!
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a busy 23rd of april.
- 1: serenity (Apr 19, 2004)
- 2: Pinky (Apr 20, 2004)
- 3: Paganmoon - Crazy as Ever (Apr 20, 2004)
- 4: JINTY. ...back in circulation again (Apr 20, 2004)
- 5: serenity (Apr 20, 2004)
- 6: Paganmoon - Crazy as Ever (Apr 20, 2004)
- 7: serenity (Apr 20, 2004)
- 8: Paganmoon - Crazy as Ever (Apr 20, 2004)
- 9: serenity (Apr 20, 2004)
- 10: Paganmoon - Crazy as Ever (Apr 20, 2004)
- 11: serenity (Apr 20, 2004)
- 12: Paganmoon - Crazy as Ever (Apr 20, 2004)
- 13: smurfles (Apr 21, 2004)
- 14: serenity (Apr 21, 2004)
- 15: Paganmoon - Crazy as Ever (Apr 21, 2004)
- 16: JINTY. ...back in circulation again (Apr 22, 2004)
- 17: Paganmoon - Crazy as Ever (Apr 22, 2004)
- 18: serenity (Apr 22, 2004)
- 19: Also Ran1-hope springs eternal (Apr 23, 2004)
- 20: JINTY. ...back in circulation again (Apr 23, 2004)
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