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Classic Films

Post 61

Blue-Eyed BiPedal BookWorm from Betelgeuse (aka B4[insertpunhere])

smiley - laugh
Count Zero, you slay me!
smiley - titsmiley - tit
When I was young chap, and actually saw this film in a theater, I could NOT shake the unmistakeable likeness of the spaceship to that of a plucked, headless chicken.
smiley - peacedove
But, now that you mention it, the pods at the 'bottom' of the ship do look like...
smiley - rofl

Classic Films

Post 62

Baron Grim

Holy smiley - bleep... Guess who designed that spaceship...

James Cameron. And yes, it was intentional.

Classic Films

Post 63

Baron Grim

BTW, you only have to read the first paragraph from that linked page to read what I was talking about.

Classic Films

Post 64

Blue-Eyed BiPedal BookWorm from Betelgeuse (aka B4[insertpunhere])

smiley - laugh
Ooh, but I'm such a slave to 'drilling down' in the cross-reference links...
smiley - monstersmiley - angel

Classic Films

Post 65


The attendance has been so low that I probably won't do another series for a while. I don't know whether it's the choice of movies or a bad time slot or what. The people who encouraged me to do them aren't even coming. smiley - cross

Classic Films

Post 66

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

I'm sorry to hear that, Hypatia. But I know the feeling.

Back when I was teaching college, we had something called the Great Books course. I was one of a number of people teaching this required course. It occurred to me that it might be helpful to put together a film festival. Which we did.

The most we ever had there was 6. smiley - rofl It was a shame - we illustrated the Great Books with films including 'Brother Sun, Sister Moon' (If you're at a Benedictine college and your projectionist is a monk, it works), 'Heart of Darkness' (Merchant/Ivory), even 'Quest for Fire' (to illustrate Jean-Jacques Rousseau).

It's spring, what can you do?

Classic Films

Post 67


It's frustrating to plan things, put in time and resources you could use elsewhere and then have a poor result. I've always held to the philosophy that if I keep throwing mud against the wall... It looks like I need a different philosophy.

"Brother Sun, Sister Moon" I'm impressed. smiley - biggrin

Classic Films

Post 68

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

I know what you mean about frustration. smiley - cheerup

Yep. Of course, this was a college that included the Rule of St Benedict in its Great Books course.smiley - winkeye So I got the nuttiest monk as a guest speaker...

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