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Classic Films

Post 21

Titania (gone for lunch)

For silent and B/W movies, I'd go for Buster Keaton.

Classic Films

Post 22

There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho

A Peter O'Toole theme would throw up some interesting flicks:

(The aforementioned) Lawrence of Arabia
(The also aforementioned) Lion in Winter
The Ruling Class
The Last Emperor
Lord Jim
Goodbye Mr Chips

Classic Films

Post 23

Baron Grim

My Favorite Year

Classic Films

Post 24

There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho

I've never seen that one. Is it worth a punt?

A more recent one is Venus but I'm not sure that would be, er, quite suitable.

Classic Films

Post 25

Baron Grim

My Favorite Year is a very fun and sweet film. It's one of those films that I remember watching when I was a teenager that just made me happy to watch it. I grew up watching reruns of 50's and 60's TV shows and this film is set in that world.

"I'm not an actor... I'm a MOVIE STAR!"

Classic Films

Post 26

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

My Favorite Year is a terrific film. I think it revealed O'Toole's comic talent, and Joe Bologna was great as the Sid Ceasar character, too.

Classic Films

Post 27

Amy Pawloski, aka 'paper lady'--'Mufflewhump'?!? click here to find out... (ACE)

Vincent Price movies?

Movies based on Poe? (I know I've seen The Raven (extremely loosely based, but fun) and Fall of the house of Usher... Actually, those are the only ones I can think of off the top of my head, and they'd fit under my first suggestionsmiley - laugh)

Spot-the-Shakespeare-this-is-mangling? There's got to be tons more than just Forbidden Planet=The Tempest.

*insert actor/ress name here* retrospectives? From first appearance to latest? (Jack Nicholsen was in The Raven with Vincent Price, and I could only identify him because I knew he was there.)

Classic Films

Post 28

There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho

Film Noir. You can't go wrong with Film Noir smiley - bigeyes

Incidentally, how are you showing these?

Classic Films

Post 29

Jackruss a Grand Master of Tea and Toast, Keeper of the comfy chair, who is spending a year dead for tax reasons! DNA!

smiley - smileystop frame animation, Ray Harryhusen

Earth v Flying sausers coolio film smiley - smiley

Classic Films

Post 30


MST3K is Mystery Science Theatre 3000. They showed cheesy old films with added heckles from some robots.

Classic Films

Post 31

Titania (gone for lunch)

Amy mentioned Shakespeare - films based on his plays could be a theme. Some of those films are quite entertaining - how I laughed at Much Ado About Nothing with Emma Thompson and Kenneth Branagh!

Classic Films

Post 32

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

Shakespeare films - great idea if you leave out Larry Olivier (though, for a laugh, his 'Richard III' is hard to beat, it's so bad).

I'm thinking Roman Polanski did 'The Tempest' once. Isn't his the one with Sycorax singing 'Stormy Weather'? That one was fun.

And then of course 'Prospero's Books', with John Gielgud...

If you haven't seen Branagh's 'Love's Labours Lost', try that one, it's a hoot. He's combined it with thirties musicals. (That might be too pricey and recent, though.) Then there's the four-hour, definitive, perfect 'Hamlet'...

There's an old 'Midsummer Night's Dream' with Mickey Rooney as Puck.

You could always throw in 'West Side Story', too.

If you widened the theme to include Marlowe, you could show Jarman's 'Edward II'. Wait, you're in Missouri, maybe you couldn't....smiley - whistle How, er, tolerant are your board members?smiley - winkeye

Classic Films

Post 33

David B - Singing Librarian Owl

How about movie farces? There's my personal favourite Some Like It Hot, there's The Producers (though some audiences won't like that), Twentieth Century is another great old b&w farce.

Classic Films

Post 34


You guys have a lot of great ideas. smiley - ta

As to format, I set up in my conference room, which has screens that pull down. I use a regular DVD player and Dell projector. Nothing fancy. But it works.

Classic Films

Post 35

Magwitch - My name is Mags and I am funky.

How about an Audrey Hepburn series? Roman Holiday, Paris When it Sizzles, Funny Face, Breakfast at Tiffanys and Charade to name but a few that own?

Classic Films

Post 36


Mags, those films would appeal to the group that came last summer for the musicals. smiley - biggrin

Classic Films

Post 37

Blue-Eyed BiPedal BookWorm from Betelgeuse (aka B4[insertpunhere])

smiley - monster
When I was growing up, my favorite pastime was plopping down in front of the black-and-white TV to watch the Afternoon Movie. It typically ranged from the early monster movies through Westerns to Sci-Fi. I believe you've already mentioned the monster movie genre, yet it might be a bit of a send-up if you double-billed the old-style versus a newer release of the same theme. (Shy away from the Lugosi films if you don't want to counter-point the vampires.)
smiley - vampire

Classic Films

Post 38

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

The best 50s scifi/horror flick, far and away, was 'Sssss'. (I may have misspelled this.)

This brilliantly bad film concerns a mad scientist (the inimitable Strother Martin) with the inevitable pretty daughter. M.S. is dead gone on snakes (hence the title).

In the process of going madder and doing bizarre things with snake venom, he:

- Turns his graduate assistant into a cobra. The poor kid ends up with a job as a circus attraction rather than the Fulbright he had hoped for.

- Bumps off the campus jock with a mamba in the shower. The head cheerleader thinks it was because the footballer broke training by hooking up with her. Hilarity ensues.

- Denied a major grant, the tenured nutcase locks his department head into the cellar with a very large python. Veterans of academic infighting will appreciate this.

As you can see, this film is a not-to-be-missed intellectual treat.smiley - biggrin

Pair this with a documentary on Civil Defence, circa 1955.smiley - whistle I had to learn Duck and Cover, why not the rest of you?

Classic Films

Post 39

Catachresis - not just a metaphor

Pairs of movies can be fun, either as a double feature or over two days.

For instance, I was told that Warner Brothers tried to suppress the film of Pygmalion (Leslie Howard, Wendy Hiller) when they launched My Fair Lady. They'd be interesting together.

You could run Seven Samurai along with The Magnificent Seven, or Yojimbo and A Fistful of Dollars.

Classic Films

Post 40

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

If you do 'Seven Samurai' and 'The Magnificent Seven', you could also take a look at 'Battle Beyond the Stars', the Roger Corman sci-fi version (which is really funny):

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