This is the Message Centre for Hypatia

Hillbilly Meet

Post 1


The conversation for the Hillbilly Meet is here. F2733189?thread=1292721

I just added a few ideas for activities for those of you staying a few days with me. smiley - biggrin Post 28.

Hillbilly Meet

Post 2

Lady Chattingly

I can't get there from here................I get the "this page cannot be displayed" message. smiley - grr
So I will ask you here. Do you think 10 bottles of cranberry smiley - redwine will be enough?

Hillbilly Meet

Post 3

Jackruss a Grand Master of Tea and Toast, Keeper of the comfy chair, who is spending a year dead for tax reasons! DNA!

hey! coolio!
smiley - biggrin

Hillbilly Meet

Post 4


The link just worked for me. Try hitting the refresh button if it happens again.

10 bottles should do it. It has such a kick that we'll get everyone snockered if they drink any more than that. smiley - evilgrin

Hillbilly Meet

Post 5

Lady Chattingly

Wouldn't want to get anyone smiley - drunk now would we? smiley - evilgrin

Hillbilly Meet

Post 6


Is this here the queue for snockering?

smiley - whistle

Hillbilly Meet

Post 7


HeeHee. It may not be as fancy as aged Scotch Whisky, but it will get you just as drunk.

Hillbilly Meet

Post 8

Mr. Dreadful - But really I'm not actually your friend, but I am...

Snockered? Is that a similar state to Larryed?

Hillbilly Meet

Post 9


Snockered, layered, wasted, pickled. I always liked s**tfaced. smiley - smiley

Hillbilly Meet

Post 10

Lady Chattingly

<...aged Scotch Whiskey> Tastes better straight too. It's pretty good made into a spritzer as wellsmiley - biggrin

Hillbilly Meet

Post 11


So which airport should I look to be flying to?

Hillbilly Meet

Post 12

Jackruss a Grand Master of Tea and Toast, Keeper of the comfy chair, who is spending a year dead for tax reasons! DNA!

yeah, me and the family would like to use an airport, it seems only right!

smiley - biggrin

Hillbilly Meet

Post 13


I've noticed that there's an airport in Joplin? Would that be your nearest?

Hillbilly Meet

Post 14


Z, I can be from my door to the Joplin airport terminal in 5 minutes or less. But it is difficult to make connections in and out. When I visited you, I flew out of Joplin.

Here's the deal. All flights into and out of Joplin must be routed through St. Louis Lambert. Period. No other way unless you hire a charter. The only airline that flies into Joplin is a commuter service run by American Airlines called American Connects. So, you will have that extra St. Louis stop.

Plus - and this is what Marv hated when he came here to go to the Lincoln Meet with me - you will have to fly on a Jetstream between Joplin and St. Louis. These are very small planes. Some folks have a problem with them.

Then there is the problem that the short hop between Joplin and St. Louis adds quite a bit to the price of the tickets. For this reason a lot of people in this area refuse to fly from here and go to either Springfield, Missouri or Tulsa, Oklahoma instead. I can get to the Springfield airport in an hour and to the Tulsa one in two hours. I couldn't come to St. Louis to get you because that would be a six hour drive for me. So, price the tickets for those three airports before you make a final decision.

From my standpoint, I would rather have you fly into Joplin. That would be the easiest for me. But I am willing to pick you up at one of the other airports too. The biggest problem would be for several of you to come into Tulsa at different times. But I am so thrilled at the prospect of you coming that however the schedules turn out, I'll make it work. smiley - biggrin

When I flew over I went from Joplin to St. Louis to Dallas to Gatwick. And when I flew home I went from Heathrow to Chicago to St. Louis to Joplin. I was happy to pay the extra for the ticket for two reasons. First, the savings to have flown out of Tulsa would have been eaten up by toll roads and long term parking fees at the airport. Plus, I figured when I got back I would be too tired to want to drive another two hours home. I think the people around here should use our own airport more.

Hillbilly Meet

Post 15

Jackruss a Grand Master of Tea and Toast, Keeper of the comfy chair, who is spending a year dead for tax reasons! DNA!

so what other drinks are there in the Joplin area...... a nice sourmash or twosmiley - erm

Hillbilly Meet

Post 16


RJR, you can buy almost everything here spirits wise. We might not have the same brand names though. And won't have the specialty beers and ales available in the UK. But lots of dfferent beers just the same. But there will be something for everyone, I'm sure.

What's your favorite?

Hillbilly Meet

Post 17

Lady Chattingly

RJR, if I may add a word or two.........there are also some nice local beers available in the area. (Besides the big brand names.) Some of the bigger stores carry a good line of imported spirits--both beers and whiskeys.

Hillbilly Meet

Post 18

Jackruss a Grand Master of Tea and Toast, Keeper of the comfy chair, who is spending a year dead for tax reasons! DNA!

My favorit is cider but i must admit to a nice bitter! But as/when i was in the NY the other week i found Budd lite a bit too sweet/fizzy but i found Millar to be quite acceptble for the purpose of getting falling down drunk smiley - biggrin

Hillbilly Meet

Post 19

marvthegrate LtG KEA

Miller? Surely we can get you a better beer than that! I abhor American macro-brews.

My plans are to drive from the Triangle. If the Wittys can make it perhaps we can plan a convoy (I have two way radios we can use). I don't much like airplanes, and I rather like road trips so it will be good for me.

Hillbilly Meet

Post 20

Lady Chattingly

Do you like the brews made in the local cafes? How about Boulevard Beers from KC?

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