Hellllooooo, Only meeeeeee .WENDYWOOS :-)
Hellllllloooooo peeps :-), nice to still have a friendly sight now LD has finally closed :(
Cheers 2 TheDistrictBrat for giving me a little insight in2 this wonderful world of h2g2 ;-)
Erm , for those of u who have never had the pleasure of my acquaintance, Im .WENDYWOOS, an LD escapee :-) Im 34 from Scotland (DUNDEE). Soon 2 b elsewhere, lol
I love 2 chat and have lotsa fun and hang around on places like this with COOL people :-)
Anyway, Im not goin 2 waffle on as Im still trying 2 find my feet, I am slowly but surely gettin there, finding more and more each time I log on :)
If any of my old m8s fae LD happen across this, mmmmmwwwwwwwaaaahhhhh!!! XxXxXxX
.Buttons32 and TheDistrictBrat, Ruby~Love, DizzyandBob and any1 else, I'll see u all round and abouts,
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hi | Jun 2, 2007 |
Hi,Wendy | Nov 24, 2003 |
HI WENDY, I'M ANDREA XXX | Jul 5, 2003 |
Hiya Doll | May 8, 2003 |
hi | May 8, 2003 |
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Testing Journal | No Posting | Mar 9, 2011 |
Pick your own berrys and support your local economy | No Posting | Jul 8, 2009 |
Newbie | Feb 11, 2003 | Mar 26, 2009 |
Why do I have "eyes" infront my nick? | No Posting | Mar 25, 2009 |
how do i shrink journal entries? | No Posting | Oct 20, 2007 |
Researcher U198368
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