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ANGEL4U~TEAM ANGEL *D*O*Y*L*E* Started conversation May 8, 2003
hi i'm 33/m/lpool msg me if u wanna ch@
*angelicaheaven* xxi will take thee stuart to be my husband for eternity.xx Posted May 8, 2003
Hi scouser
Im a scouser too lol
My name is Natalie and i come from Netherton Bootle.
Where about in Liverpool are you.?
If you look into my space you will see that i share your hobby, and thats poetry.
I make my own up, do you.?
Anyways i hope you get back to me cos it would be nice to talk to another scouser like myself lol.
Hope to chat soon, lots of love to you.
Love xx*NATS*xx
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