Leisure District - .buttons32 80)


Well I guess you're another LD/Smellywest user looking for "release" from the world of 400's smiley - headhurts, chat streams that don't move smiley - zzz or hosts with Obsessive Barring Fingers smiley - steam lmao

If so, then you've probably seen me around chatting with the likes of Brat smiley - wah, Manteaser smiley - angel, Bob the Slob smiley - burger, Along Came A Spider smiley - spider, Gunslinger smiley - cool, Morning Star smiley - star, Ghostie smiley - ghost, Beelzebub smiley - devil, [KOUROS] (hubby) smiley - loveblush, raised in carolina smiley - smooch, Mr Loverman smiley - blush and many others......hey I'm a nice person, no harm in being nice to the needy online!!! "WEG" smiley - fairy

Well leave me a message, say hi or even better, visit us at the
FoLDers Arms, where you can kick back and chill out amongst good companyFoLDers Arms


For those of you who don't know me, I'm 38,female, Pisces and hail from the West Midlands, mom to 3 boys and 4 cats, numerous piercings,strange hair (black and red at the moment), weird sense of humour (but my shrink says I'm okay to go out in public now) When my youngest went to nursery I decided to try improve myself and enrolled and qualified for my NVQ 2 and 3 in childcare and am now a qualified nursery nurse/classroom assistant. Am hoping to find something working with special needs as this is an area I feel needs more input, and although most schools operate an "inclusions" policy, not many of them have adequately trained/experienced staff to implement it.

Like my punk/alternative music..."whispers"..you'll also find Enya, Madonna and David Gray in my collection, but they are for "chill out" purposes only....tee hee

SHAUN is my "angel", 13yrs old and thoughtful, kind and very tolerant of his younger brothers. He's a very bright boy, attends a grammar school (got his brains from his mom of course lol), loves his games consoles and is getting into skateboarding........christened his first skateboard with a fractured wrist!

SCOTT is very typical of this picture..lmao..he's 8 and suffers with ASD, semantic pragmatic language disorder and anxiety disorder but has a "rogueness" to him that people love. His cheeky smile and doe eyes will get him far lol.

JOE is 7 and like his brother Scott will have many hurdles to overcome in life. He has Dyspraxia (Clumsy Child Syndrome) and a preliminary diagnosis of Tourettes Syndrome, fortunately for him he does not fall into the 3% who have violent tics and swearing outbursts, but has an impressive range of grunts, belches, animal noises and facial+finger tics that keep him amused for hours LOL

AN INSIGHT INTO MY TWISTED MIND I find myself questioning the meaning of the following:
Wholemeal Bread - To date I have not found the "wholemeal" ie sausage n mash lurking beneath the crusts...
Spring Water - I was unaware that "springs" drank...
Plain Flour - As opposed to what?? "Decorated Flour"/"Pretty Flour"...
Disposable Breast Pads - Well I dunno about you girlies, but my breasts are def NOT disposable...if only..."Today I think I'll wear the 36dd's"...


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..BuTToNs.. On the edge...but balancing nicely, thank you very much...Visit the FoLDers Arms at A913150

Researcher U198145


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