A Conversation for h2g2 FAQ: Your Journal
Rothers Posted Jan 24, 2003
I have just found this site, after reading "The Salmon of Doubt".. please be gentle...
pedboy Posted Jan 25, 2003
Welcome Rothers, I too discovered this wonderful place from "The salmon of doubt". After reading that book I felt sad , because the world is missing a wonderful mind, and it was brought back to me when I read that book. This is a great site with wonderful readings to find, I still am amazed by the depth of topics here.
pedboy -keeper of smelly Veeblefetzers and expert on all things shallow
threesecondmemory Posted Jan 26, 2003
Welcome to h2g2. Anything I can help you with, or a chat, stop by my space by clicking on my nickname.
ponytailu Posted Jan 26, 2003
hey I just got here too, have no clue what i,m doing.surprised I even got this far!! nice to meet you everyone!! keep smiling..
Hi Newbie
Anarane Posted Jan 26, 2003
h2g2 takes a bit of patience to get the hang of how to use it but dont worry, you'll get there!
I still dont know the full works of it myself yet and ive been a user for just under a year.
Take Care Arwen
Hi Newbie
Jim Posted Jan 27, 2003
Hi Everyone,
This is my first message, wonder if i'm doing this right. I heard about this site from 'Salmon of doubt', excellent book! Anyway just thought i'd say hello to everyone and i'll talk later. Bye for now.
Hi Newbie
threesecondmemory Posted Jan 27, 2003
Jim if you activate your space then people can drop by and say hello. click on update page whilst on your space and write a little about yourself.
Gypsy Posted Jan 31, 2003
Hi! Newbie. I am also new here. You have done a lot better than me. I have not quite figured out what is going on as of yet. You did good to post an entry. I still have not figured that one out. I have gotten replies and hellos from my space. Which I appreciated very much. I have been able to respond to postings, I have even learned how to do smileys Learning more everyday. See you around and Welcome
Researcher 209804 Posted Feb 6, 2003
How on earth do you add the emoticons and other pictures??
threesecondmemory Posted Feb 7, 2003
Click on a smiley and it will take you to the simely page, where you will find a cornacopia of smileys and instructions on how to use them.
As a quick intro, try typing : ) but without the space in the middle. then try ; ) without the space.
As fo rth emore advance stuff, it's really easy. IF you know the name of the smiley you just surround the name with < >
eg. - < cheers >
< ok > =
If you are using internet explorer, hover your mouse pointer over the smiley and the name will appear in the grey status bar, bottom left.
If you are using digital tv to view h2g2 though, don't use smileys, they can sometimes crash you viewer.
Joseph Posted Feb 10, 2003
Hello to you Newbie. I, to, am a new one. Have not quite figured it out yet. Good luck, now where's the way out? Oh, here it is.
.WENDYWOOS Posted Feb 11, 2003
Nothing in particular, think its just the whole lot, lol.. AND the blue box errors my digi-box keeps throwing out :@)
Gypsy Posted Feb 12, 2003
I am a newbie also. I have not learned how to use everything, but am looking forward, I have learned a little. I have been away, just had surgery on my eye, nothing major, Just had to stay away from CP for a while
Key: Complain about this post
- 21: threesecondmemory (Jan 20, 2003)
- 22: Rothers (Jan 24, 2003)
- 23: pedboy (Jan 25, 2003)
- 24: threesecondmemory (Jan 26, 2003)
- 25: ponytailu (Jan 26, 2003)
- 26: ponytailu (Jan 26, 2003)
- 27: Anarane (Jan 26, 2003)
- 28: Jim (Jan 27, 2003)
- 29: threesecondmemory (Jan 27, 2003)
- 30: Gypsy (Jan 31, 2003)
- 31: threesecondmemory (Feb 3, 2003)
- 32: Researcher 209804 (Feb 6, 2003)
- 33: threesecondmemory (Feb 7, 2003)
- 34: Researcher 209804 (Feb 8, 2003)
- 35: Joseph (Feb 10, 2003)
- 36: threesecondmemory (Feb 10, 2003)
- 37: .WENDYWOOS (Feb 10, 2003)
- 38: threesecondmemory (Feb 11, 2003)
- 39: .WENDYWOOS (Feb 11, 2003)
- 40: Gypsy (Feb 12, 2003)
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