Journal Entries
Cherry Mistmas. . .
Posted Dec 25, 2003
It's about 3pm on Christmas day here in Melbourne. It's about 28 degrees outside (82.4F)
Santa's been, and my belly is very full of lovely food.
I got a milkshake maker!! Mmmm Mmmm.
Hope everyone out there is having/will have a wonderful time.
Ho Ho Ho
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Latest reply: Dec 25, 2003
What a storm
Posted Dec 3, 2003
what a storm we had last night here in Melbourne.
The noise was incredible. (especially since I live under a tin roof!)
There was constant thunder and lightning. Not just the occasional rumble and flash, it was like the gods were having a rave party. The lightning was flashing, like a flickery florescent.
Huge chunks of ice fell out of the sky. The word 'hail' doesn't even come close.
The noise was so tremendous I had to use ear plugs just to sleep. (Thanks Miztres!)
This morning I heard on the news that there were BOATS going up the Eastern Freeway to rescue people who's cars had been submerged.
Flash flooding was everywhere.
Really amazing, and apparently there's more storms coming.
Batten down the hatches people!
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Latest reply: Dec 3, 2003
Posted Dec 1, 2003
I'm sooooo tired. Haven't had a day off since last Thursday, which is not unusual, and won't get another day off until this Thursday. Thank whatever for Thursdays!
It's been stinking hot here in Melbourne. Saturday was awfull. First thing our AC blew a phoofer-valve, taking partial power with it. Naturallly this included our server, so we had no computers for four hours as well as no AC. It got pretty uncomfortable. (and I couldn't even hootoo
And I had sore feet, which extended right up the legs by the end of the day.
Sunday was better, but still busy. At least we had AC.
The cool change has arrived today (not for long I'm told) and all I'd really like to do now is sleep, but must soldier on in order to earn the bucks. Who invented money anyway! I vote we live in a utopian society where everything is free. Yes, I know utopia never works, but let me have my little dream.
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Latest reply: Dec 1, 2003
My Holiday thus far. . .
Posted Nov 3, 2003
I really like point of ellipses!
Sorry, just an observation.
Starting journal entry now. I'm just beginning my second week of a two week holiday. Last week I started off by crashing my car. Brilliant! I'm okay and the car wasn't too badly damaged. I have a newer car as a loaner (but it looks way older!). My friend Miztres came down, and we planned to do some day trips. Most of the time it was cold wet and miserable though. Helping matters along, I had (still have) a head cold.
We did go to the Dandynongs (Mountains outside of Melbourne), but barely got out of the car. It rained most of the time. We ended up scouring through antique shops, which was fun. I also got to see my first live wild Kangaroo (more like a wallaby). Every other time I've been in a position to see one, some one says "Look, a Kangaroo!", I go "Where, Where?!" and don't spot it before it hops away.
(Hey a good use for the boing smiley!)
Miztres has gone back to Sydney, and this week our weather is going to fine up. Still pretty cool today, but tomorrow (Melbourne Cup day) is supposed to be 24 degrees! (75F). Wednesday is supposed to be 28. We chose the wrong week Miztres! Hope you had a good time anyway. Even if I wasn't the best company.
I'm not sure what I plan to do this week. Other than pick up my car. Yesterday, I stayed in bed most of the day. The cold took a turn for the worse. It's funny how when you're in bed. You try to do things to keep yourself sane, and you try to be comfortable.
I'm there, yesterday, with a book I'd gotten sick of on the doona. I'd gotten out my CD Walkman to listen to 'The Salmon of Doubt'. This also ended up on the doona. I found that I needed to do something while listening to it. So I had to get up and get the book out, then I could follow along with the words. *sigh* Move everything off the doona, get up to get the book, settle back and start listening. There is a eulogy ('a' eulogy or 'an' eulogy?*shrug*) by Richard Dawkins. It's not in the book! (No, not the lament) Move everything off the doona again, get up and get Dawkins' book. (A Devil's Chaplain). Settle back into bed, get on with reading book.
It's tough work being sick.
I did manage to go shopping today and buy a new shirt and some nice underwear, Life does get better.
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Latest reply: Nov 3, 2003
Pockets. Where for art thou?
Posted Sep 24, 2003
I hate clothes with no pockets!
I recently vowed to never again by pants without pockets.
Then what do I go and do? Buy a fantastic pair of jeans that fit beautifully, only to get them home and realise they have no pockets!
I never even thought to check. Who makes jeans without pockets? Argghhhh!
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Latest reply: Sep 24, 2003
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