Journal Entries

It's Mac Time!

smiley - wowNo more blue screen of death! No more, 'This program has performed an illegal operation . . ." No more wierd little error messages that don't tell you anything! smiley - biggrin

I've given Windows the flick and bought an iMac! Woo Hoo! I'm now a MacHead. It's soooooo cool. It's a 17" flat screen iMac. Very cool to look at. Installs applications in five seconds! smiley - boing

I'm as happy as a pudding can be (sorry puddingers) at least until the novelty wears off. smiley - winkeye

smiley - elf

PS: Naturally, because I'm gloating I had trouble posting this entry. Safari wouldn't let me do it. It unexpectedly quit on me. Then it just wouldn’t let me post! smiley - grr Typical smiley - erm

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Latest reply: May 12, 2003

New Job

Well, it only took almost six years but I'm finally working full time! Bye bye free time, helooooo bank account!
I'm still a Library Technician. Was part-time at one branch, have just been made part-time at another branch. One plus one equals full-time.
The job at the second branch means that I'm their BITS person (Branch IT Support) brings a whole new meaning to the term 'Library Technician'. My nephew once asked if that means I fix libraries. I can now say yes (to a degreesmiley - winkeye)

smiley - elf

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Latest reply: Apr 18, 2003


Johnny, you stupid little Twit! You don't have to do everything George says!smiley - grr

smiley - elf

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Latest reply: Mar 19, 2003


It's Moomba today (Labour Day). How ironic that because of Labour Day I loose a day's pay.
If it weren't a public holiday I'd be working the whole day. On Mondays and Fridays I've been replacing a lady who recently left, therefore the work is casual. . .
Oh well! I can do with the holiday. Between that and my usual shifts I'm pretty much working full-time. Something I'm definitely not used to!

That's not what I intended to write in my journal today. This is:
I was watching a TV show and in this show I saw graffiti scrawled onto a cave wall. My first reaction was "How can people do that!" The natural beauty of the cave had been marred.
Then, they showed the same cave centuries in the past. It had cave paintings on the wall.
I suddenly thought. "We've been drawing on walls for almost as long as humans have existed. When did it become wrong?"
I'm not advocating graffiti here. I'm sure I wouldn't want someone writing rude stuff (or even polite stuff) on my wall. Seems to me though, that it's an ancient part of human nature. I'm curious as to when it became a bad thing to do.
We treasure ancient cave paintings done 40,000 years ago. Would we treasure an obscene crude drawing done on a London wall 400 years ago by a street kid? Is it the age that matters or cultural importance? Is an ancient picture of a buffalo on a cave wall as culturally important as say "LBW Alderman" scrawled underneath "Thatcher out!" on a billboard in 1989?

Your thoughts are appreciated.

smiley - elf

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Latest reply: Mar 9, 2003

Email sign off.

I need a new word or phrase to sign off my emails with. Particularly my work emails. Can't use 'love' in a work email. smiley - elf doesn't work anywhere except here. I'm not a 'cheers' sort of person, or 'ciao'. Need something interesting and unique.

Suggestions here please. Any welcome.

smiley - elf

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Latest reply: Mar 2, 2003

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