This is the Message Centre for Ancient Brit

keep trying!

Post 41


You should try doing my job for a couple weeks, the clientele would tear you up for bottom wipe within a couple of days listening to your boorish turgity, HonestIago, and I get paid less than a teacher smiley - winkeye

My daughter is training to be a PE teacher, I do wonder if her last year (post grad) will be an indoctrination of the Marxist dogma so many of our teacher training colleges were obsessed with not so long ago. Anyone remeber the 'Sharon Shrill' case?

keep trying!

Post 42


>>I get paid less than a teacher<<

So do I - your point?

keep trying!

Post 43


Get a proper job!!! smiley - laugh

keep trying!

Post 44


Or maybe I'm happy doing a doing a hard and important job because someone has to and I don't really care that the wage is pants.

I know it's an idea AB will struggle with because it doesn't involve being smug and self-centred, but it's my choice in life.

keep trying!

Post 45


smiley - erm I'll let AB comment on that one, it is his journal after allsmiley - winkeye

What does constitute a hard and important job? Dealing with feckless ingrates, who for the first time in their cosseted lives have been told the word "No" and "Do as you are told, or we will simply do things the hard way. Your choice!"smiley - cool

keep trying!

Post 46


I have to state. Being a careers advisor for higher education, though laudable and quite rewarding, does confine your attention to the able and motivated, HI. Try applying the same enthusiam to feckless ingrates who lack the ability or motivation. Too challenging for you???? smiley - winkeye

keep trying!

Post 47

Taff Agent of kaos


he does, he works in a public secondary school in bradfordsmiley - erm

he sees the same standard of client that you do, maybe he should just pass the files straight to you and save the courts some time and moneysmiley - laughsmiley - laughsmiley - laughsmiley - laughsmiley - laugh

smiley - bat

keep trying!

Post 48


>>Being a careers advisor for higher education, though laudable and quite rewarding, does confine your attention to the able and motivated, HI.<<

That's only half of my job. The other half is 6th form pastoral staff and that involves working with feckless ingrates who lack the ability of motivation. That's the *really* hard part of my job, the part which absolutely drains me.

Plus the bottom 10% need careers guidance too: we're not allowed to tell them to just go on the dole and setting up work placements for people who need help spelling their own names is rather trying.

keep trying!

Post 49


Taff beat me to it.

If you want to see the calibre of kids I work with, read my journal entry entitled "I'm a media star" - the people who assaulted me were students and the rest of the saga shows just how little support I got from my colleagues.

keep trying!

Post 50


Thank you, I shall. I tend not to lurk uninvited. smiley - ta

keep trying!

Post 51


Thought you may like a in this, AB. Seems only fair as HI has no qualms about interloping other people's journals with the guidance of his sycophants

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