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keep trying!
nortirascal Started conversation May 9, 2010
I couldn't help noticing some elements ofg the gaurdianista are up to their usual tack on "Where should public spending cuts fall? (UK centric)" They really don't like me
Their loss
Try having a look at "Differing on opposing fascism" from post 174, you'll get the idea
keep trying!
Ancient Brit Posted May 10, 2010
I've been here before. I am told by someone in real life who is in the know that more often than not that kind of behavior is brought on by the frustration of under achievement. Their work in real life does not satisfy their mental capabilities. It might be unfair to take things too far.
keep trying!
nortirascal Posted Jun 18, 2010
Here we go again Personal bias permits advertising dates and venues likely to cause distress and vilolence just because it supports their own views
keep trying!
nortirascal Posted Jun 18, 2010
I'll just keep playing games as long as they wish, stops me becoming bored and complacent.
Lets see what barrage of self righteous piety and paraphrasing they can think up after my last post
Let the games continue I might just lob another social hand grenade in if required and sit back and watch them fight one another
The sad thing is they are too blinkered to realise I'm actually exposing their own prejudices
keep trying!
nortirascal Posted Jun 19, 2010
Don't you just know it
When resorting to personal insults it is a sign of losing control which in turn leaves the perpetrator off balance and vulnerable.
I did try to warn the guardianista, when they were attacking from the self percieved moral high ground, "If you think your attack is going too well, you are most likely walking into an ambush"
It is a fine line between 'Flaming' and challenging piously held tenets of the blinkered and self righteous.
Dost thou think, just because thou art pious, there shall be no more cakes and ale
keep trying!
Taff Agent of kaos Posted Jun 19, 2010
<<"If you think your attack is going too well, you are most likely walking into an ambush">>
never take cover with someone braver than you!!!
friendly fire is more accurate than enemy fire
your weapon was made by the lowest bidder
you working today??
keep trying!
nortirascal Posted Jun 19, 2010
Sure am tracers work both ways
Drawing enemy fire wil not endear you to your comrades.
The personal favourite for me "When the pin is pulled, Mr Grenade is not our friend"
keep trying!
nortirascal Posted Jun 25, 2010
Well, AB, sometimes we all feel as though we are battering our heads against a brick wall I played before with *youknowwho* and just got bored
like yourself
I was berated by my colleagues for setting simple ambushes and dragging on
You have my tacit support, along with Tiggy. Effers is usualy the once with good, moderate, erudite views
Salud, the Monday Club Conservative
keep trying!
Ancient Brit Posted Jun 25, 2010
He is just impossible. Not happy with his life but wishes it on others.
If he can live with himself and a boy friend so be it. His line will die out.
keep trying!
nortirascal Posted Jun 25, 2010
The think is 'he' always thinkjs he is right and therefore morally and intellectually superior to the rest of us
He's so full of his own self righteousness (anally retentive my colleagues call it) He is completely blinkered to the simple traps I set and flatly refuses to see any other perspective than his own and that of his sycophants
I did say to him, and he completely ignored it naturally, "You are so sad and predictable"
I do tire of his pontificating form the self percieved moral high ground, the constant paraphrasing and the personal insults.
Just so sad and predictable
We will never convince him, he's too indoctrinated in his own evangelism - a complete bigot in fact like so many of that ilk. Thus I wasn't sorry to see that fool Raymondo unsub, I yikes'd his post (Fully supported by the moderators) for advertising dates and venues of forth coming rallies, both EDL and UAF, to attempt to draw weak and like-minded inviduals into conflict in our rural market towns. Maria del Mar (another sycophant to Whatisname) kept asking me why and denigrating me so I sent her a copy of the moderators decision to her journal(See: "Just for your information" on my posts)
I have yet to receive a response, funny that
They only see and hear what they want to see and hear, my friend, never the truth of their own bias
keep trying!
HonestIago Posted Jun 25, 2010
norti: >>The sad thing is they are too blinkered to realise I'm actually exposing their own prejudices<<
Yes, yes you are dear.
norti: >>"If you think your attack is going too well, you are most likely walking into an ambush"<<
I'm still waiting for the 'ambush'. Still, I'm not convinced of your firepower, so I'm pretty secure. I mean, two old farts coming together and bitching about me behind my back doesn't exactly inspire fear.
However, let it not be said I am set in my ways: prove me wrong - wow me with your attack
AB: >>He is just impossible.<<
Thank you I'm delighted a foul, racist homophobe can't understand me. Seriously, there is no higher compliment
AB: >>His line will die out.<<
You really don't understand evolution do you? We'll add it to the list shall we.
norti: >>He is completely blinkered to the simple traps I set and flatly refuses to see any other perspective than his own and that of his sycophants<<
Not much of a trap then is it? A trap is generally something that bites into your leg and you can't get away from. But, like your ambush, I await your attempt.
And I'd rather have my sycophants than you two giggle twins.
Funny you should mention yikesing norti, I seem to recall you got yikesed for posting some pretty nasty homophobic stuff. Care to share your mod report on that.
I'll leave you to your mothers meeting. Hugs and kisses
keep trying!
HonestIago Posted Jun 25, 2010
Also gents, good job on ignoring me. Running away and gossiping behind my back is a stunning affirmation of your decision.
Your impression of teenage girls is spectacularly realistic. Bravo
keep trying!
Ancient Brit Posted Jun 25, 2010
By the way I should have a lurk around some of the other spaces you may find that you are not as popular as you like to imagine.
keep trying!
HonestIago Posted Jun 25, 2010
I don't need popularity, I've got my sycophants. What more does a man need?
And I wasn't lurking, one of said sycophants tipped me off so I thought I'd come and play. After all, norti said he enjoyed playing with me and while I think men playing with men is just a little bit gay, I was game for it.
keep trying!
nortirascal Posted Jun 26, 2010
Atleast we can all abuse one another here, is a purely macho heterosexual sense and not bore everone to death with verbal
digressing from sensible discussion.
Let the games begin! You're most welcome Whatisname
I see you lack the ablility to come up with anything original of your own, whatisname, and continue with paraphrasing, tedious and predictable. When are we to see the product many qualifications you informed us?
Impressive for one who has the social skills of
Your personal attacks, thus far whatisname, have been as effective as being savaged by a dead sheep Borrowed that one off of Mo Mowlem, bless her
Now the sun is shining, and as a good Englishman, I must go out in the midday sun with a cheery wave to the sycophants.
Key: Complain about this post
keep trying!
- 1: nortirascal (May 9, 2010)
- 2: Ancient Brit (May 10, 2010)
- 3: Ancient Brit (Jun 13, 2010)
- 4: nortirascal (Jun 13, 2010)
- 5: nortirascal (Jun 18, 2010)
- 6: Ancient Brit (Jun 18, 2010)
- 7: nortirascal (Jun 18, 2010)
- 8: Taff Agent of kaos (Jun 18, 2010)
- 9: nortirascal (Jun 19, 2010)
- 10: Taff Agent of kaos (Jun 19, 2010)
- 11: nortirascal (Jun 19, 2010)
- 12: nortirascal (Jun 25, 2010)
- 13: Ancient Brit (Jun 25, 2010)
- 14: nortirascal (Jun 25, 2010)
- 15: HonestIago (Jun 25, 2010)
- 16: HonestIago (Jun 25, 2010)
- 17: Ancient Brit (Jun 25, 2010)
- 18: Ancient Brit (Jun 25, 2010)
- 19: HonestIago (Jun 25, 2010)
- 20: nortirascal (Jun 26, 2010)
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