This is the Message Centre for Ancient Brit
keep trying!
Ancient Brit Posted Jun 26, 2010
If you want to keep it off h2g2. Get yourself a specific email address
Like [email protected] and try him on
[email protected]
keep trying!
HonestIago Posted Jun 26, 2010
Ooh, aren't you brave - sending anonymous emails to a complete stranger because you're afraid of what the mods will do if you posted your sentiments here. You big butch man you.
If it wasn't for Pinniped, I'd think the old man persona was just a ruse and that you're actually a teenage girl. The evidence seems to be pointing that way.
But feel free, send what ever you like to that account. Though I'll most probably ignore it (I rarely check that account), you might get a few interesting responses.
keep trying!
nortirascal Posted Jun 27, 2010
Hmmmmm, not sure I approve that one AB, not really playing the game and it certainly isn't cricket in my book publishing a chaps email address. My social chit chat etc. email is available for those who wish to trawl my posts Help yourselves if that is what you want
Amyway, down to business oops, sorry, game play. If it is just us playing here and the lacks the courage to reveal themselves, therefore in my book has no right to be affronted and
anything here. Though let us play within reason. My sense of humour and a "backs to the wall, chaps" music hall joke did seem to affront a hysterical Queen once, it was laughable really, it was such a coerney joke only the most narrow minded fool would have taken offence and
I didn't bother to challenge it with the moderators, they did suggest I contine with my 'close to the edge' humour and accept the odd
gracefully, we are after all, self policing
Like I said, it's just a game and lets try not to get too serious with the 'Flaming Reds'
keep trying!
Taff Agent of kaos Posted Jun 27, 2010
hi HI and norti
i don't think i will be getting into this as i have no beef with either of you
taff the swiss
keep trying!
Ancient Brit Posted Jun 27, 2010
Whoisit himself makes no secret of that email address. Read at the bottom of his own page U215204
< After 3 and a half years here, I've finally got around to getting a hootoo specific email address. If you are mad enough to want to contact me, you can do so at honestiago(dot)h2g2 (at) googlemail (dot) com>
He will most likely edit it out as he did with other remarks that I pointed out to him as being totally inappropriate to a man of his standing.
keep trying!
Ancient Brit Posted Jun 27, 2010
I'm with you Taff. It would seem that they deserve each other.
Just remember you two that you are in my Message Centre and if you step out of line I will ask the moderators to remove the whole thread.
keep trying!
Ancient Brit Posted Jun 27, 2010
Thanks to those securing us the freedom to spend on these trivial pursuits.
keep trying!
nortirascal Posted Jun 27, 2010
Crikey, where is this going now Thanks for the explanation of the email address AB, vindicates you
Yes this is your message centre, I know that I wrote to you on it in the first place, We both appreciate the freedom of interlopers to pop in and say what they wish. That is true democracy
Also, I know all our posts here are public, I wouldn'tpost anything on Hootoo I didn't want people to know
May we continue? Or am I persona non grata with this thread in your PS?
keep trying!
HonestIago Posted Jun 27, 2010
>>Like I said, it's just a game and lets try not to get too serious with the 'Flaming Reds'<<
I like it! If only I was flaming or red...
As for my email addy, I've done naught but reaffirm your right to send whatever you please to it and pointed out that I rarely check it.
In fact I invite you to dazzle me with your uncensored wit. And "trap". And "ambush"... it's not going to happen, is it?
Later duckies.
keep trying!
nortirascal Posted Jun 28, 2010
Well if you lack the insight
Even "flaming reds" is a play on words, I thought you'd realise that That was elementry.
None-the-less, I thought it was AB's go, it is his message centre keeping in mind the other
sycophants lack the courage.
keep trying!
nortirascal Posted Aug 3, 2010
Cor life is pretty dull without the Guardianista pontificating Ah well, I'll just trundle around the convos and look for some other swivel eyed
with self righteous concepts to challenge
keep trying!
HonestIago Posted Aug 3, 2010
Our last few posts re: Afghanistan we vigorously agreed. I think we're both losing our touch.
keep trying!
HonestIago Posted Aug 3, 2010
Maybe I'm a closet right-w(h)inger. It's come up with a mate on facebook lately: I support the war in Afghanistan, I don't mind the Royal Family or fox-hunting and in general I'm a pale imitation of a leftie.
keep trying!
nortirascal Posted Aug 3, 2010
It gets even worse we're becoming..............moderates Normal law abiding people who abhor the ramble rousing activities of whichever extreme in our town centres
I used to go to 'Heaven' @ Kings Cross with Bob C and his boyfriend, despite being a commited heterosexual. Broadens ones horizons and understanding of different lifestyles from our own, though doesn't require becoming a devotee
keep trying!
HonestIago Posted Aug 3, 2010
That's what I always think when I go to Wetherspoons with my straight mates. Sometimes, if I'm feeling really open-minded, I'll have a pint.
>>>>Normal law abiding people who abhor the ramble rousing activities of whichever extreme in our town centres<<
You've just summed me up perfectly. Sat slap-bang in the middle and the first one to encroach gets a slap.
keep trying!
nortirascal Posted Aug 4, 2010
very well played
How 'Oscar wilde' you are
though not quite as dead very obviously.
I admire your fortitude in camping at Wetherspoons, taking the risk of a pint and not a , very cutting edge. I used to frequent the Croydon High Street Wethespoons, curry, pint and a fight for a fiver.
Well, I never realised you worked for the Old Bill Slap bang in the middle and the first one to give a slap should some innocent local denizen encroach. There I was thinking you had nothing better to do than sit excitedly in from of your computer screen
BTW where is AB? It is his journal after all? NO, before you ask. I don't do sock puppeting, I don't have the time to sit at my screen all day. Some of us have 'real' work to do, beside I get the IT on my case if I spend too long on non-work related websites and not out ensuring good order and discipline amongst the clientele.
keep trying!
nortirascal Posted Aug 9, 2010
Bored, bored, bored What has happened to all the thought provoking controversy lately? The 'flamers' and basic puerile verbal
we used to swing at one another with great relish
Guess everyone with half an ounce of acumen has simply gone on holiday.
Oh well, back to work - Kids can't stand them, especially other peoples
keep trying!
Ancient Brit Posted Sep 23, 2010
Whoisit the mouth of h2g2 strikes again:- F135418?thread=7758044&post=100832419#p100932148
keep trying!
HonestIago Posted Sep 23, 2010
Please provide your witty response: show me up to be a fool by eloquently refuting my points.
I'll wait here while you do it...
Key: Complain about this post
keep trying!
- 21: Ancient Brit (Jun 26, 2010)
- 22: HonestIago (Jun 26, 2010)
- 23: nortirascal (Jun 27, 2010)
- 24: Taff Agent of kaos (Jun 27, 2010)
- 25: Ancient Brit (Jun 27, 2010)
- 26: Ancient Brit (Jun 27, 2010)
- 27: Ancient Brit (Jun 27, 2010)
- 28: nortirascal (Jun 27, 2010)
- 29: HonestIago (Jun 27, 2010)
- 30: nortirascal (Jun 28, 2010)
- 31: nortirascal (Aug 3, 2010)
- 32: HonestIago (Aug 3, 2010)
- 33: nortirascal (Aug 3, 2010)
- 34: HonestIago (Aug 3, 2010)
- 35: nortirascal (Aug 3, 2010)
- 36: HonestIago (Aug 3, 2010)
- 37: nortirascal (Aug 4, 2010)
- 38: nortirascal (Aug 9, 2010)
- 39: Ancient Brit (Sep 23, 2010)
- 40: HonestIago (Sep 23, 2010)
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