This is the Message Centre for Ancient Brit

Please don't bother me

Post 161

Ancient Brit

The problem needs to be tackled on a National/International scale.
An estabished individual ID is vital in a civilised community. smiley - ok

Please don't bother me

Post 162

Emily...overly fond of the ellipsis...and top ten lists...submit yours @ A87824361...

yep, you're absolutely right, however easiest thing for me to do would be to bite the bullet and just send off for my provisional licensesmiley - groan least then even if I continue to procrastinate about driving I can get into 18s and into the pub without being IDd.

(I haven't as yet been IDd but I have also only been in a pub once and considering my birthday is in 4 months, it was only a week or two ago and I only had one drink, which I didn't buy I think it's ok.

Please don't bother me

Post 163

Ancient Brit

You've provoked me to write A951248 - Who's Who 2020

Please don't bother me

Post 164

Emily...overly fond of the ellipsis...and top ten lists...submit yours @ A87824361...

Looks goodsmiley - ok

Please don't bother me

Post 165

Ancient Brit

I might need your help again Em. Remember F19585?thread=194089
my first conversation on h2g2 that developed into an argument.
I've cross referenced the '360' conversation. smiley - ok

Please don't bother me

Post 166

Emily...overly fond of the ellipsis...and top ten lists...submit yours @ A87824361...

How's the editing process on your entry going Ancient Brit?

Please don't bother me

Post 167

Ancient Brit

Hi Em
Thanks for your follow up. I assume you've got your BotF hat on.
I've got 5 entries up for grabs A962138 : A958719 : A927605 : A926895 and A964866.

Two of them have been edited - Who's Who 2020 the one on Identity along with Money and the Environment. The other three are waiting for recognition.. Who picks 'em smiley - smiley
Have you time for a quick look at the conversation in Tommy's space. F111306?thread=246247.
A self appointed Ace smiley - biggrin.

Please don't bother me

Post 168

Emily...overly fond of the ellipsis...and top ten lists...submit yours @ A87824361...


I shall have a read of them later, shame I'm not editing currently (I've got exams and don't have time) or I may have ended up editing onesmiley - winkeye

Please don't bother me

Post 169

Ancient Brit

Best of luck with your exams.
Someone else will get the pleasure.. smiley - biggrin
Keep in touch. smiley - ok

Please don't bother me

Post 170

Emily...overly fond of the ellipsis...and top ten lists...submit yours @ A87824361...

I vertainly will do, my exams aren't until the end of the month, and it's only Art and Business Management so I've got a week to get it all in my headsmiley - smiley

I@m sure whoever gets your entries will be very luckysmiley - smiley

Please don't bother me

Post 171

Emily...overly fond of the ellipsis...and top ten lists...submit yours @ A87824361...

Hey again Ancient Brit, I saw you were only and thought I would come along and ask how you aresmiley - smiley

(Oh and the two Emily's you've mentioned on your page are definantely different people, and I'm only a little strangesmiley - winkeye My one and only page is U129266, I've been tehre three years nearly and don't intend to movesmiley - biggrin)

hope you're well.

Emily - One of many.

Post 172

Ancient Brit

Hi Emily - There are too many of you around. I had difficulty sorting out em and emm on h2g2 but when I found another Emily on BotF my old brain was addled and I was sure that it was you. (F102293?thread=246693&latest=1#bottom). I'm sure I saw somewhere that it was Emily Strange on BotF. I'll recap. smiley - biggrin
I still enjoy lurking around h2g2 and chipping in now and again.

Emily - One of many.

Post 173

Emily...overly fond of the ellipsis...and top ten lists...submit yours @ A87824361...

I must admit to having noticed the lurking (thus why I came to say hi)

And it is confusing the number of Emily's on h2g2, personally I don't get confused about it being one of them but if you've got name vaguely similar to anyone elses you'll end up being mistaken for one sooner or later, it's no biggysmiley - smiley

Glad to hear you're wellsmiley - ok

Emily - One of many.

Post 174

Ancient Brit

Good morning Em - had a quick lurk at Emily's space on BotF but things have changed there. The list of Editors has gone and I can not find the reference that linked her to you. One 'small' clue remains in this posting she made to Gwem Morris.
< BTW, she sounds like a very cool wee lass and very full of beans! I'm highly impressed by the gymnastics, piano and ice skating. Add horse riding to that, and she can come live with me! smiley - smiley >

Not fully convinced - Ancient Brit smiley - spacesmiley - smiley

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