This is the Message Centre for Ancient Brit
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Ancient Brit Posted Aug 7, 2002
Not too quick. SuePlusArt
Have you read Birds of a Feather <./>F93527?thread=200740</.>
that your posting 36 and other
earlier postings prompted me to write ?
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SuePlusArt Posted Aug 8, 2002
Glad we were able to bond O' AB. We're grouping, well, like clots, do you like your Rump steak, fries, peas and mushrooms liquidized and served in a feeder?
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Ancient Brit Posted Aug 9, 2002
SouPlusArt and TefKcat - SPAT for short.
I don't have to be fed with a spoon yet.
Who the L's Amanita ?
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SuePlusArt Posted Aug 9, 2002
Well as you're New, Tefkat would seem to have guessed our taste in Fun-Geeeee, though we had Fly Agaric in mind
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Ancient Brit Posted Aug 9, 2002
Please girls if you must talk in my space. Keep it simple.
If you want talk in riddles go play somewhere else or try to help a Newbie. (Please remember my age).
I have tried to contact you in your own spaces. Play around in there if you like.
You could put a headers to your conversations.
ITRh2 - In the realm of h2g2 (Imaginary World)
ITRL - In the real world
ITLE&F - In the land of the elves and fairies : ITLE&F
My lack of experience means that I can't find Fly Agaric or that other Fun-Geeeee as hykers/identities ITRh2.
So you must be ITLE&F with connections ITRL
I begin to think of you two as CSOBWNBTD.
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Emily...overly fond of the ellipsis...and top ten lists...submit yours @ A87824361... Posted Aug 9, 2002
Hello, everyone well?
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Ancient Brit Posted Aug 9, 2002
Remove the 'a' from 'You could put a headers to your conversations'
For ITRL read ITRW
If you need to know what CSOBWNBTD search you own space.
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Ancient Brit Posted Aug 9, 2002
Hi Em - Getting concerned again ???
Can't an old guy feel grumpy now and then?
I've just been to the toilet and the lid was down
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Emily...overly fond of the ellipsis...and top ten lists...submit yours @ A87824361... Posted Aug 9, 2002
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Ancient Brit Posted Aug 9, 2002
I'm but don't know about others.
I've found a wee contact up in Scotland.
Finding women a bit of a pain
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Emily...overly fond of the ellipsis...and top ten lists...submit yours @ A87824361... Posted Aug 9, 2002
Finding women a bit of a pain, how so?
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Tefkat Posted Aug 9, 2002
But Amanita Muscaria IS Fly Agaric. Well. I can see you're not a ! (Or a
Art. Mustn't make the men feel superfluous, eh Sue
Hmm. Nice name. Think I might change it by deed poll.
Which one of you is this anyway? Or do you always post together?
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Tefkat Posted Aug 9, 2002
We're not all girls AB. I may be all woman () but SPA is 50% male.
(Put on your glasses Pet. You'll find them on top of your head. )
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Tefkat Posted Aug 9, 2002
Quite well thank you Em. How are you?
Have we met? Are you the entity formerly known as "St Emily Ultramarine" or another Em entirely?
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- 61: SuePlusArt (Aug 7, 2002)
- 62: Ancient Brit (Aug 7, 2002)
- 63: SuePlusArt (Aug 8, 2002)
- 64: Tefkat (Aug 9, 2002)
- 65: Ancient Brit (Aug 9, 2002)
- 66: SuePlusArt (Aug 9, 2002)
- 67: Ancient Brit (Aug 9, 2002)
- 68: Emily...overly fond of the ellipsis...and top ten lists...submit yours @ A87824361... (Aug 9, 2002)
- 69: Ancient Brit (Aug 9, 2002)
- 70: Ancient Brit (Aug 9, 2002)
- 71: Emily...overly fond of the ellipsis...and top ten lists...submit yours @ A87824361... (Aug 9, 2002)
- 72: Ancient Brit (Aug 9, 2002)
- 73: Emily...overly fond of the ellipsis...and top ten lists...submit yours @ A87824361... (Aug 9, 2002)
- 74: Tefkat (Aug 9, 2002)
- 75: Tefkat (Aug 9, 2002)
- 76: Tefkat (Aug 9, 2002)
- 77: Tefkat (Aug 9, 2002)
- 78: Tefkat (Aug 9, 2002)
- 79: Tefkat (Aug 9, 2002)
- 80: Tefkat (Aug 9, 2002)
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