This is the Message Centre for Ancient Brit

Women to Hate, BOF's to Go

Post 101

Eccentrica Gallumbits (I'm out of my mind right now, but feel free to leave a message.)

smiley - biggrinsmiley - hugsmiley - smoochsmiley - tickle Em

Women to Hate, BOF's to Go

Post 102

Emily...overly fond of the ellipsis...and top ten lists...submit yours @ A87824361...

*giggle*smiley - biggrin

Women to Hate, BOF's to Go

Post 103

Ancient Brit

Please - Please -- Don't leave me alone in all this space.
Whatever shall I find to do ????.
Cheers : Em : Telkat : SuePluse Art and Eccentrica Gallumbits

Women to Hate, BOF's to Go

Post 104

Emily...overly fond of the ellipsis...and top ten lists...submit yours @ A87824361...

Don't worry AncientBrit, people say they'll leave forums but it rarely happens, h2g2ers have a tendancy to stick things out and make the best of any situation.

smiley - hug

Women to Hate, BOF's to Go

Post 105


And if being grumpy meant people left you alone I for one would be completely ostracised by now smiley - erm

Women to Hate, BOF's to Go

Post 106

Emily...overly fond of the ellipsis...and top ten lists...submit yours @ A87824361...

Auw! smiley - hug I'm sure that's not true.

Women to Hate, BOF's to Go

Post 107


Oh it has been Em. Thank goodness people are so nice here. smiley - biggrin

Women to Hate, BOF's to Go

Post 108

Emily...overly fond of the ellipsis...and top ten lists...submit yours @ A87824361...

well h2g2ers try there best I guess

Women to Hate, BOF's to Go

Post 109


h2g2ers are smiley - magic

Women to Hate, BOF's to Go

Post 110

Emily...overly fond of the ellipsis...and top ten lists...submit yours @ A87824361...

They certainly are.


Post 111

Ancient Brit

Em T it may be soon. SPA and EG have gone quiet
To save me time could you tell me whether over sexed EG is M-F-ACorDC ? Male I think from the Book.
I'm surprised at you Em. Who likes to keep her Message Centre a place of peace and goodwill.
Have you any idea how this started ?
I keep reminding you that it was you who welcomed me to h2g2.

Try yakking to yourselves on this one for a change.
Your right Em. Like a bad penny I'll keep turning up because as I've said somewhere else I enjoy the exercise, if you see what I mean. smiley - smiley
As a long ago retired BOF I've plenty of time to spare.
Must go I'm on the Tee (Hee Hee) in 3/4 hour. ..


Post 112


For an enlightened view on AB's dilema see:

With particular attention to the Heading: Attention Seeking Methods, and the sub heading: The Online Victim smiley - bigeyessmiley - ok

smiley - cdouble


Post 113

Ancient Brit

Thanks SPA I wondered what was wrong with you Guys smiley - smiley


Post 114

Ancient Brit

I should get your Link right otherwise the busy people you are trying to impress will not bother to follow it and just go on to press the nearst available button.
Why must you come hear. Can't you go it alone at <./>F82831?thread=162636</.>..?
You have me 2 to 1 there you know smiley - smiley
In my haste I refered to the Gruesome Foursome as Guys.
Sorry to you real Guys - A slip of the tongue

The conversation 'ID Cards-What's the problem ?' was to me a learning exercise and thanks to the incessant chatter it created I have learned quite a bit. It's what could be called 'Learning the hard way' - I would have preferred a more gentle approach and when Em welcomed me I honestly thought that that was possible.
It was not to be.
I am now running out of steam so can we please put a stop to this. smiley - bleep


Post 115


When out of steam, eat more nutty slack!

smiley - cdouble

SPAT - Please Stay Away

Post 116

Ancient Brit


SPAT - Please Stay Away

Post 117


Have you got a smelly old mongrel that sleeps under your chair and serves as a fart collector, we bet you have!

smiley - cdouble

SPAT - Please Stay Away

Post 118


Hey, AB wake up it's time for your medicine *Kicks side of Parker Knole sit up and beg chair for the senile*

smiley - cdouble

Please don't bother me

Post 119

Ancient Brit

Go to - U33922

Please don't bother me

Post 120

Emmily ~ Roses are red, Peas are green, My face is a laugh, But yours is a scream

smiley - footprints

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