This is the Message Centre for SuePlusArt
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Hello SuePlusArt...
Ardzil ( Squad No-4 ) Started conversation Jan 23, 2002
Welcome to h2g2.
Hello I'm Ardzil and one of h2g2's ACEs (assistant community editor), we're a group of volunteers who welcome new researchers. Our main role is to give help and advice where needed.
My welcome page at has some links on it that you might find useful, and it saves me from having to type a lot of links here.
If you need any help just click the "reply" button at the bottom of this message or click on my name at the top and leave a message on my page.
Catch you later
Have fun
Hello SuePlusArt...
SuePlusArt Posted Jan 24, 2002
Hi Ardzil, thank you for your warm welcome and hope that all is well with you.
Sorry I hav'nt checked out the links as yet but will give them a go this evening. Only just got in from night shift and i am beat.
I have to be up early today to attend a funeral of a close neighbor.
One thing though, we were unsure about where to place our profile and wondered if we'd got it wrong. Would appreciate your feedback.
Must sleep now.
Hello SuePlusArt...
Ardzil ( Squad No-4 ) Posted Jan 25, 2002
It looks fine where it is.
You don't have to check the links if you don't want to, it's not obligatory.
Note to Ardzil
Ancient Brit Posted Aug 6, 2002
Note to Ardzil
I hope that you pay attention to the way your charge welcomes Newbies.
Posting 36 <./>F93219?thread=193128&post=2254861#p2254861</.>
It would seem that .'we'. are not amused
h2g2 Acronyms
Ancient Brit Posted Aug 7, 2002
Got your message to Tefkat
You lot don't stand still for a minute.
What's a BOF anyway ?
I could make guess that it's something like SYB
h2g2 Acronyms
SuePlusArt Posted Aug 9, 2002
Tedious and Past it with a Gas Explosion
Is that Ceribely Immature Without Legitimate parentage.
Hmmmmmmmm......... thought so!
h2g2 Acronyms
Ancient Brit Posted Aug 9, 2002
CSOBWNBTD - Clever Silly Old B****R's With Nothing Better To Do.
h2g2 Acronyms
Ancient Brit Posted Aug 9, 2002
There you go again.
For 'Without Legitimate parentage' just read B****R's then you've got it.
TBOFIGBWTSG both T's represent This.
h2g2 Acronyms
Ancient Brit Posted Aug 10, 2002
Why do you use of the word utilitarian in front of the word compliment ?
In fact I am surprised that you consider N*B H**D to be any sort of compliment. Can I call you D**K H**D in the sane vane ?
h2g2 Acronyms
SuePlusArt Posted Aug 10, 2002
Well you O** F***, now we're down to the niceities. What medication's are you on? Well you mentioned "Sane" not us.
We note that you used to be an Oily Rag when you were usefull. 40 years with the same company, well we can see how that could make some one grumpy. Are you a fan of "O.F. in the G." we are, though only because we see it as a salutary warning against an over cynical old age.
You might be interested in these two sites:
h2g2 Acronyms
Ancient Brit Posted Aug 11, 2002
For 'sane' read same you S**lyOF**tess.
Just CLO : A**P**n & A**nol for my ticker.
Already had a shifty at your suggested sites. Pict'em from your space.
What's your claim to fame ?
I only get cynical when talking to SOFs like you.
Can't be bothered to decipher "O.F. in the G." we obviuously have nothing in common except this stupid game. Lets pack it up or people will start talking.
Wisdom Tooth
SuePlusArt Posted Aug 11, 2002
People talking is the whole point we thought. Still you know best, we're sure.
So your not on Wolfrin and Prozac as yet?
We've done many things over the years, as is the way for most of us, generaly coal face careers in industry and commerce, some time with local authority education.
We were thinking of the "Victor Meldrew" character.
So were those links of any interest to you
Wisdom Tooth
Ancient Brit Posted Aug 12, 2002
Give your mate Tefkat a call please she doesn't seem to be answering.
This BOF will not bore you again.
Here Pussy Pussy
Ancient Brit Posted Aug 16, 2002
- -Post117-<./>F93219?thread=193128&skip=100&show=17#p2286669 </.>-Charming-
Key: Complain about this post
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Hello SuePlusArt...
- 1: Ardzil ( Squad No-4 ) (Jan 23, 2002)
- 2: SuePlusArt (Jan 24, 2002)
- 3: Ardzil ( Squad No-4 ) (Jan 25, 2002)
- 4: Ancient Brit (Aug 6, 2002)
- 5: Ancient Brit (Aug 7, 2002)
- 6: SuePlusArt (Aug 9, 2002)
- 7: Ancient Brit (Aug 9, 2002)
- 8: Ancient Brit (Aug 9, 2002)
- 9: Ancient Brit (Aug 9, 2002)
- 10: SuePlusArt (Aug 9, 2002)
- 11: Ancient Brit (Aug 9, 2002)
- 12: SuePlusArt (Aug 10, 2002)
- 13: Ancient Brit (Aug 10, 2002)
- 14: SuePlusArt (Aug 10, 2002)
- 15: Ancient Brit (Aug 11, 2002)
- 16: SuePlusArt (Aug 11, 2002)
- 17: Ancient Brit (Aug 12, 2002)
- 18: Ancient Brit (Aug 16, 2002)
- 19: SuePlusArt (Aug 16, 2002)
- 20: Ancient Brit (Aug 16, 2002)
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