'Tis Me!

Hi there

I'm Gadget, commonly known as Gadget by most people, allegedly because I'm very useful. Just for the record - I'm also female!

I know lots of useful stuff, like where the clean socks live, how to fill up the petrol tank in the car and how to change a fuse. See what I mean? very useful.

I like to use the Radio2 Messageboards - but keep away from the heavy stuff. If there's light-hearted banter there I'll probably join in.

I don't watch television or read newspapers 'They're all just tellin' lies!'

The last newspaper I bought was after that guy was shot dead on the tube train and the 'graphic' showed him wired up, like it was 'real' when in fact in truth we found he had nothing on him at all. If I don't read the papers or watch the TV they can't lie to me any more.

I love skiing - managed a whole month in Breckenridge last year ['05]. I also love driving my red sports car - with the top down. Not really pensioner-type activities but what the heck! The main up-side of being one is that I don't have to get up in the morning and I can behave outrageously!

I'm pretty sure not many people know about this place, so I'm not expecting much traffic but will be pleased if anyone can be bothered to write anything - I'll be very impressed if they can find out how to do it!



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