This is the Message Centre for Gadget

Hiya, Gadget

Post 1


Hello, I found this place after straighttalker told NACA about it, I don't know what I'm doing yet, but I'll get there,

See ya Soon

Foggy x

Hiya, Gadget

Post 2


Hi Foggy - glad to see you here.

It's a bit like breaking into someone else's house when they're not there isn't it - creeping around seeing what's here.

I started a thread on the subject 'H2G2, Hootoo, Whatever..' and a few people have dipped their toes into the water.

Didn't want to say too much about myself on My Page, but for your ears only I am in my early 60's, had four children, the eldest nearly 40 and the youngest nearly 30 and am currently living with my new lover!


Hiya, Gadget

Post 3


Have you got yourself a toyboy? do smileys work on here? smiley - yikes

Well I am Annie, early 30's, mum of 3. Heidi is 7, Katie is 5 and Pancake aka Christian is 9 months old.

I thought hootoo was for geeks (sorry) and never really ventured here before, but it's quite good isn't it? How long have you been coming on here?

I hope you had a nice Christmas, Pancake has had bronchitis and nearly ended up in hospital when his antibiotics caused severe d+v. Bless him he's on the mend now though. Other than that it has been a nice Christmas over all. We will be having another Christmas day on Saturday when my girls return form their dad's.smiley - cool

Anyway, take care, I'll speak to you soon.

Hiya, Gadget

Post 4


Hope your children are all well now and enjoy your second Christmas. It must be heartbreaking to have to share your kids at Christmas but by the same token they must enjoy seeing their father too and you can't deny them, or him, that, can you?

Hope you have a lovely and peaceful New Year - well as peaceful as you can expect with three young children.

Can you tell me why you call Christian 'Pancake'? Does he answer to it? One of my kids only used to answer to the nickname, not her real name ...

All for now


Hiya, Gadget

Post 5


Hi Foggy

Somehow managed to miss out half of the intended message - it should have started off:

Hi Foggy

I've only been in here about two hours before you got here! I thought it might be an idea to interest some of the people I chat with in h2g2 by giving them an invitation in a thread. And it worked!

I noticed from a post of yours yesterday that you come from Hampshire, which is fairly spooky as I do too! I live in a village near Southampton.

My name is Shirley - horrible name - I much prefer Gadget! No, my partner is not really a toy boy though he is a few years younger than me.

If you add this to the beginning of the next post you'll sort of get the gist of what I was supposed to be saying ... Technology - Bah! Humbug!

Hiya, Gadget

Post 6


Hi, again.

All 3 of my children have nicknames; Heidi's middle name is Louise and gets called Lou/Lou-lou/Heidi-lou most of the time. Katie answers to "Cuckoo" which she has been called ever since she was a baby. That comes from when my mum had a cuckoo clock and she used to point to it and do the noise (aaah) so Katie Cuckoo just kind of stuck. We don't actually call Christian Pancake - we call him Bo - that's something that Heidi started to call him which stuck. Pancake comes from the boards. I said his name is Christian because he was born on Good Friday, and someone then made a joke (which I didn't get) about another child being called Pancake after being born on Pancake Day, but I thought he was on about Christian, so he became Pancake on the boards from then on. smiley - erm

I live in Gosport, about 10 mins walk from the Gosport Ferry (if you know where that is) so quite near to town. There are quite a few of us from Hampshire aren't there? I know Rabid comes from Hants too.

Well I hope you had a good Christmas and New Year, back to the routine on Tuersday - thank goodness!! Heidi has Aspergers, so being out of riutine really throws her and she's a nightmaresmiley - wah, so I'll be glad when the girls are back at school.

Take care, speak soon,

Annie x

Hiya, Gadget

Post 7


Hi you lot, you all look familiar smiley - winkeye

I've seen you about on the cb board and thought I'd pop by to say hello. I've been using this board for about a year now. It looks like you've missed out on getting a message from an ACE, (people who welcome new folk to the site and give lots of useful info). I'll copy the message I got from Reefgirl if you like, it fills you in on smiley - smiley. There's loads more than on the r2 site and I smiley - love them (esp smiley - redwine and smiley - cheesecake and smiley - disco (cos it flashes!)).

Any questions I might be able to help or at least point you in the right direction.

vicky x smiley - hug(aka chorlton)

heres the ace bit

Hi and welcome from your ACE
Post: 1

Posted Jan 6, 2005 by Reefgirl (Pleased to Meet You, Hope You Guessed My Name)
Greeting's new researcher I am your Friendly Neighbourhood Reefgirl I am a Community Assistant Editor aka ACE and I'll be your guide on this trip around our community, anything you need to ask just call and I'll be pleased to point you in the right direction or answer any queries.

You may like to try some of these places on your first trip out and about

A868098 I'm new what do I do

A53146 h2g2 welcome page

A690518 Spicing up your Personal Space

A155909 The Smiley Page

A719840 Hints and Links for new reserchers

A692741 The h2g2 picture libraby

A214796 The ACE home page

Have a read of our own paper called ThePost .

If you want to have a go at writing a guide entry have a look at PeerReview.

Info Will take you to statistics to see all the recent conversations

Or if writing stories is your thing Fiction Central here A294833 may be the place to look at

If you ever need a friendly ear come to my Personal space here U190551 for a chat and and

Most importantly HAVE FUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

See you around


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