This is the Message Centre for Gadget

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Post 1

littlemightyblue2(Not around much at the moment)

Hiya gadget, lmb here!Its great this isn't it?Proberly speak to you soonsmiley - biggrin

Getting Lost

Post 2


Hi Blue, hope you don't mind me calling you that, it's so much easier to type! Only been typing for 44 years - get the hang of it soon!

I keep getting lost in here - I click a link to a new page, then another link and so on and so on and forget where I started!

Still, it's more exciting that the messageboards today! People obviously make more input in the firm's time than in their own!

Back to work tomorrow huh?


Getting Lost

Post 3

littlemightyblue2(Not around much at the moment)

Defianatly,the R2 board has been quiet since christmas,hopefully it will sort it's self out over the next week or sosmiley - biggrinI'm not back in till the 10th so i'm on here of a day now as well,as you can proberley tell i don't work with computers!If i did though i'd end up getting the sack as i'd spend all day every day on here and the other boards,i wouldn't be able to resistsmiley - laugh,you can call me michelle if thats any easier,although i have been called worse than bluesmiley - laugh

Real Names

Post 4


H Michelle - my name's Shirley but I much prefer Gadget!

Lucky you not working till the 10th - where on earth do you work?

One of my daughters has a jammy job, she's 'front of house' at a central Police Station. She has free access to the internet [except porn and gambling for some reason smiley - smiley ] whilst she's not busy - and for every set of shifts, say four nights, she gets four days off following it - and they pay her good money too.

I only work two short days a week but that's enough getting up early for me and I'm back by 3.00 pm so can jump on the boards when I get back.

Speak soon


Real Names

Post 5

littlemightyblue2(Not around much at the moment)

Speak to you soon,we get are holidays now because it's a quite time,this time of year,it works out good for us and good for are boss too,as then we can't inconvience her for extra hols when it's busy.smiley - biggrin

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