This is the Message Centre for Gadget

Hey Gadget

Post 1


Hey, Gadget, I thought your joke on the Limericks thread was hilarious ! That, and I'm so impressed by your not watching television smiley - ok..I'm a bit of a news junkie myself, but I don't watch much else, actually. I prefer to listen to music.

So I'm just saying hello.

J smiley - smiley

Hey back

Post 2


Thanks for the compliment about the Welsh joke. I have to confess it wasn't mine but I still laugh to myself every time I tell it. [sad, I know]. It's actually incredibly difficult to TELL the joke as you have to pronounce Llanfairpwyll... etc! Much easier to spread it round on the internet!

I found the joke on an MX-5 messageboard site and originally the joke read that they were touring Wales in an MX-5.

I guess you can guess that I was on that site because I drive one too. It's my favourite thing - apart from my man!!! though it's a close thing sometimes!

Will see you around the site!

Gadget smiley - ok

Hey back

Post 3


smiley - ok

J smiley - smiley

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