This is the Message Centre for manda1111

I am back

Post 61

Reality Manipulator

I am on on an Empowerment Course from 10-12 and a Creative Writing Course from 12:30 to 2:30pm.smiley - smiley

I hope you do not mind mend me asking you but my name is not on the FoLDers Arms and the h2g2 Essex Researchers Group of Listed researchers anymore.smiley - smiley


I am back

Post 62


It should be smiley - erm

I will have a look later, but I cannot put it on at the moment cos loup put the LDers page thought the SSO, and I have not got the lodin details yet

manda smiley - peacedove

I am back

Post 63

Reality Manipulator

smiley - cheersThanks Mandasmiley - smiley

I have got the upgrade and I am watching is Front row previews. Usually at this time I am watching the Sweeney.smiley - smiley


I am back

Post 64


You are at number 26

I have just had the upgrade on teliwest, I think it gets on your nerves after a while watching Front row previews all the time smiley - erm

manda smiley - peacedove

I am back

Post 65

Reality Manipulator

Manda I think they keep on repeating the same 6 films. I also find it irrating too. I have made a very good bargin. I have bought 3 new Indiana Jones videos at the Salvation Army for £3 when it would be between £30-£33. I just went in their on the off chance.smiley - smiley


I am back

Post 66


I like going into the charaty shops, you never know what you will pick up.

I like the "odds and sods" corner

manda smiley - peacedove

I am back

Post 67


Welcome back manda smiley - smiley

hope you and mrs m had a good timesmiley - smiley

I am back

Post 68


Thanks intern smiley - ok

we had a great time smiley - biggrin

manda smiley - peacedove

I am back

Post 69


smiley - coolhas any one told you about the disscution in Aces code of conduct
A537734 Its a disscution from insomic
vampire regarding some of the Aces just thought iwould let you know about it with it regarding the aces...smiley - smiley

it involves a lot of readingsmiley - biggrin

I am back

Post 70


what a coinsidance, I have just started to read it, I got half way down the first page and thought,
> I had better see if anyone has left me a message, as I am just trying something out <

and there you are telling me about it smiley - rofl

Boy, that is going to take a lot of reading smiley - erm

manda smiley - peacedove

I am back

Post 71


smiley - laughsmiley - rofl
grate mind`s think alike matesmiley - biggrin

I am back

Post 72


You wouldn`t happen to know the `B`Number for the post reporters badge would you i can only find the small badge and not the big sheald type one smiley - smiley

I am back

Post 73


Not of hand, but I will have a look about for you, have you seen it on any other page

manda smiley - peacedove

I am back

Post 74




I am back

Post 75


I have just found it, but it looks like SEF has bet me to it smiley - winkeye

I would put it like this

( changing the ALIGN as needed )

Is that right SEF

manda smiley - peacedove

I am back

Post 76

Captain_SpankMunki [Keeper & Former ACE] Thanking <Diety of choice> for the joy of Goo.

Days late, but...

Welcome back smiley - cheers


I am back

Post 77


smiley - wowsmiley - run TADA

smiley - somersault

I am back

Post 78


Hi Captain smiley - smiley

Thanks, I have only just got rid of the jetlag smiley - yikes


long time no speak smiley - smiley

manda smiley - peacedove

I am back

Post 79


Yeah long time...... Good to see you again *passes smiley - ale* for old times sake smiley - laugh

so hows life treating you matesmiley - huh

bottoms up smiley - ale glug *wipes chin* ahhhhh thats better

smiley - somersault

I am back

Post 80


Hi BLJ smiley - ok

Thanks for the smiley - ale just what I needed smiley - smiley

well my foot is getting a bit sore from kicking my PC smiley - grr

but apart from that I am great smiley - cool

( my car passed its MOT today smiley - magic )

manda smiley - peacedove

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