This is the Message Centre for manda1111

I am back

Post 101


Morning Intern smiley - biggrin

how are you this fine moning smiley - ok

manda smiley - peacedove

I am back

Post 102


goodmorning mr manda

im very good thanks was just looking around the new software/layout of t/w

how are you and mrs manda keeping well i hopesmiley - smiley

I am back

Post 103


We are well smiley - ok

I have a day of work today, so I am going to be busy smiley - erm
have to go and see the son, fix the car, do the shopping, I will be glad to get back to work smiley - rofl

manda smiley - peacedove

I am back

Post 104


yeh mate dont sit to long mrs manda will wonder why you are not doing the washing mate and look for you whip in handsmiley - laugh

I am back

Post 105


I was at home once and Mrs manda was at work, she phoned up up from work and ask if I was ok, I said that I was board, she suggested that I do the washing up.
I said "I AM NOT *THAT* BOARD" smiley - yikes

manda smiley - peacedove

I am back

Post 106


smiley - laughsmiley - crysmiley - laughwhat you like matesmiley - biggrin

I am back

Post 107


Well you have to enjoy life don't you smiley - winkeye

Like when the doctor said I was over weight, He said I have to take up a sport to get fit smiley - yikes
So I took up fishing and I have never looked back smiley - winkeye

manda smiley - peacedove

I am back

Post 108


yeh thats very true you do have to enjoy lifesmiley - smiley

is fishing a sportsmiley - smiley

I am back

Post 109


well I have seen world fishing contests on eurosport, so thats good enough for me smiley - oksmiley - smiley
(but I have also seen advertisments for durex on there as well. and I don't think thats a sport smiley - erm )

manda smiley - peacedove

I am back

Post 110


smiley - laughso much you could say but probably bee yiked

a cat has jumped from the garage and on the roof oposite and walking up the roof
its a good job im not ozzy osboarn flash backs arrrggghh sharon its happerning againsmiley - laugh

I am back

Post 111


smiley - roflsmiley - laugh

manda smiley - peacedove

I am back

Post 112


I'm fairly certain I don't have eurosport here. However, from the scientific point of view, the non-sport associated with durex is probably a lot healthier than fishing. Apparently the amount of foreplay is very important and those who keep it brief are missing out on the full benefit. The key factors are energy expenditure being fairly high, exercising many muscles and having a raised heart-rate followed by relaxation.

I am back

Post 113


yep, that sounds like fishing alright smiley - biggrin
manda smiley - peacedove

I am back

Post 114

JINTY. ...back in circulation again

hi manda
so this is what you do on your day off ===== sex lessons ==== not much work getting done thought you were going to be busy lmpo
ive just finished putting the last of my bulbs in so i can lock the back door till next spring now and watch them growing from the window
looking forward to getting my photo of you
ive not got your address send it in email please
and get the work done and help angie
smiley - love n smiley - hugs jinty

I am back

Post 115

Reality Manipulator

Hello Manda, SEF, Jinty and Intern I hope you are keeping well. I have been having not only problems with my smiley - drunk keyboard (I think it is due to the fact I have been drinking smiley - cider next to it but I have been getting very sore and stiff finger which makes using any sort of keyboard more difficult to use as it takes me alot longer to post anything. I am going to see the smiley - vampires for a blood test tomorrow to see why I have been getting so much pain.smiley - hug

Jinty there is someone at my French classes who looks exactly like you. She is very good at speaking French.smiley - smiley



I am back

Post 116


foreplay in fishing dont think ill asksmiley - biggrin

I am back

Post 117


It's probably when you waggle the rod around a bit, get out the bait or have a quick nibble. smiley - weird

PS Having had a look through the channels I find that one of the ones which I didn't ask for but randomly come and go is claiming to be British Eurosport at the moment. I haven't seen any sign of fishing though. Previously I've seen tennis or cycling in passing.

I am back

Post 118


Its when me and Mrs manda play with my pole before we start fishing smiley - winkeye

British Eurosport is one of the channels that that you don't have to pay for, I think fishing is only on once a year as it is the world champion ships

manda smiley - peacedove

I am back

Post 119

Reality Manipulator

Intern I thought foreplay was something you did in tennis smiley - racket1.smiley - smiley

I remember the advert about fishing, there was this man fishing and he went into a book shop and asked for a book on fly fishing by JR Hartley. It was a yellow page ad.smiley - smiley


I am back

Post 120


smiley - laughsmiley - wahsmiley - laugh

i thought 4 play was[this portion has been removed]smiley - biggrin
and[this portion has been removed]
but i could be wrongsmiley - biggrin

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