This is the Message Centre for manda1111

I am back

Post 21

Reality Manipulator

smiley - bubblyWelcome Back Manda, I hope that you are refreshed and fully recovered from jet lag. The place has not been the same without you.smiley - bubbly


I am back

Post 22

Reality Manipulator

smiley - bubblyWelcome Back Manda, I hope that you are refreshed and fully recovered from jet lag. The place has not been the same without you.smiley - bubbly

The system is playing, I hope you have not had several messages of the same posting.smiley - hug


I am back

Post 23


Hi Trish (did you get your card) The thing that made the biggest impression on me this time was the drive across the desert, just amasing smiley - magic

I have seen that SSO has coresed a lot of problem smiley - erm

Yep, it is taking longer that I expected to get back to my normal pattern (Don't anyone dear say I aint normal smiley - tongueout )

> Longer than the "things we want for Christmas" list,<
I didn't think there was anything longer than one of them smiley - yikes
well done on getting the LDers page through smiley - star
e-mail me when you are ready

I did one days fishing, but did not catch anything very big (made me feel right at home smiley - winkeye )
as for missing a nice smiley - ale ,,,YOU BET smiley - cheers

I think it will take a while to fully recover, I got to work today and found that they had not done my work, they had just left bits of paper to say what needed to be done, so it is going to take ages to catch up on that smiley - grr

I think I might have a week off next week smiley - rofl

manda smiley - peacedove

I am back

Post 24

Midnight Angel (ACE / G~A / GODDESS)

Manda are any of us normolsmiley - tongueout

You had a good time thats the main thingsmiley - smiley

I am back

Post 25

Reality Manipulator

smiley - hugsmiley - cheersManda, deserts are breathtaking. I was in two of the desserts in Israel in 1987, one was Masada near the Dead Sea and the other one near Jericho. The one Jericho had an oasis and they are far more beautiful than I have ever seen on tv. The sand near the the Dead Sea desert was very hard more like rock. I have never done fishing but I used to visit the Lea Valley canal when I was living in Plaistow in London. I had two friends (brother and sister) who won angling contests from the age of 9.smiley - smiley


I am back

Post 26

Yes,I am the Lady Lowena!Get with the programme...

And may I say welcome back too.i too have been in the desert,the desert of the misunderstood and taken for granted.One doesn't like to say too much but I have suffered!But then I realised there was an alternative to walking round in circles and took the short road called f***kthisforalaugh and I was out of there and in the first pub pretty damn sharpish.

I am back

Post 27


We did not get lost, we could see the road for a hundred miles infront of us smiley - rofl

manda smiley - peacedove

I am back

Post 28

Yes,I am the Lady Lowena!Get with the programme...

I was looking for a little bit of sympathy there actually. You use to do sympathy if I remember rightly.

I am back

Post 29

Reality Manipulator

smiley - hugLady Lowena, life is like that. Sometimes I feel that I have no control of where my life is going and times I wish I had done things different.smiley - hug I have alot of what if moments and wonder if I did things different would I be happier?smiley - hug It what the Egyptians (Copts) called the dessert experience which is when we go through various vary painful and difficult trials.smiley - hug

smiley - hugLady Lowena, if you want to talk to me at any time, I will always be willing to listen.smiley - hug


I am back

Post 30

Reality Manipulator

smiley - hugLady Lowena, you can always post on my page and/or email me.smiley - hug

smiley - hugI will always be here and I will try and help you as much as I can.smiley - hug


I am back

Post 31

Reality Manipulator

Manda, I have heard that Americans burgers are very big, please tell me what is the biggest that you have eaten and are do they taste any different from the ones you get in the UK?


I am back

Post 32

Yes,I am the Lady Lowena!Get with the programme...

Ooh thanks but I'm fine now! Honestly !!! American pizzas are calle pies and they are table width in diameter.

I am back

Post 33


Sorry Lady Lowena

I am still at w**k trying to catch up on the last 2 months of c**kups by people that should of been doing my job
I did not read it properly smiley - blush

Do you forgive me smiley - grovelsmiley - grovelsmiley - grovel

manda smiley - peacedove

I am back

Post 34


Hello manda long time no see ya may not of herd that i left h2g2 a couple of months ago but guess what i am back now and her to stay i throught to myself why shoul i stay offline because of what a copule of idtios think

and i am off pre mod as well yay


so how ya been
what ya been upto

I am back

Post 35


Hi HTML smiley - ok

Nice to have you back smiley - smiley

As you can see I have been away myself for 2 months so I didn't realy no that you had gone, but it is nice to have you back anyway smiley - rofl

I got back to work yesterday and found that they had not been covering my work, just leaving notes of what had to be done, so I have got all that work to catch up on smiley - wahsmiley - wah

manda smiley - peacedove

I am back

Post 36

Reality Manipulator

Lady Lowena the most I have eaten is a 12 inch pizza.smiley - smiley

Manda how would you compare the pubs in USA to the ones in the UK?smiley - smiley

Hi HTML.smiley - smiley


I am back

Post 37

Reality Manipulator

Good morning Manda and HTML I hope you are both keeping well.smiley - hug Manda I hope things betting back to normal soon.smiley - hug


I am back

Post 38


Morning kat

We found that the bars was heard to find on the west coast of the USA, there was more resterants than pubs,
but on the south/east of the USA there was a lot of pubs, they seemed more friendly than ours and it was easyer to talk to people that you have never met before, they all seem to have TVs all over the place and all showing sport

manda smiley - peacedove

I am back

Post 39


smiley - cheers

Welcome back Mr Manda smiley - magic

I am back

Post 40


Thanks Toy Box smiley - ok

I think I could do with a holiday to get over it smiley - winkeye

manda smiley - peacedove

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