This is the Message Centre for Serephina


Post 21

Wilma Neanderthal

Achh, the poop's always saying ridiculous stuff - don't mind him, he's old smiley - erm For my part, bigotry doesn't work - plus we have a form of witchcraft incorporated into our faith in Lebanon (how smiley - cool is that?)

My grandmother was a "seer" - second sight? Whatever. She scared the other villagers to death. I loved being her granddaughter. Noone messed with me smiley - winkeye - I guess so I wouldn't sic old granny on them smiley - laugh

There is not much that separates us all.. We pour melted lead into water to destroy an evil eye (read bad spell).. and the way those prayers are chanted... well... what *is* the difference? We have household saints (Hindu? Catholic... what's the difference)

At the end of the day it is not the words that matter but what you are and what you do. As you say in your entry, it is not the vessel but your mind that does the scrying...

Bah... anyway. So who's the hotdog?



Post 22


your granny sounds like she was very smiley - cool

Your very right that its not the words or names that count but the intention, the rest are just focus points.


Post 23

Wilma Neanderthal

smiley - wow she was ultracool - came and said goodbye to me before she passed on. I was here, pregnant and depressed. She died in her sleep in Lebanon. She showed me my son at 3 and played with him at a long dining table before taking her leave. I never saw her again but I think of her often. I sense her when I'm down or when we have a problem. I think of her as our guardian. She was definitely an oddball but her heart was pure and she was very funny and silly with it. My ambition is to be remembered by my grandchildren the way I remember her, you know?


Post 24


Hi Seraphina,

smiley - spacesmiley - book"How does this make me any 'wackier' than the millions of people who believe in an almighty being in the sky, virgin births and people who come back from the dead to float up into the aforementioned sky!!??"

Hey, you can't expect to be treated like a respectable religion until you've:

smiley - spacesmiley - starbeen the target of, or the perpetrator of, ethnic cleansing on a massive scale;
smiley - spacesmiley - starhad your beliefs taken so seriously that they have a positively dangerous influence on modern politics;
smiley - spacesmiley - starused said beliefs to justify murder, rape and paedophilia;
smiley - spacesmiley - starstarted accusing the rest of the community of the above atrocities because you don't like *their* beliefs.

Nope? Not even an inkling to burn books, kill, pillage, conquest? You say your religion is generally PEACEFUL?

Where the hell do you get off comparing yourself to a "respectable" Abrahamic religion?

(All of the above was a P-take, BTW. smiley - winkeye)

More seriously, many of the edited entries on Christianity are skeptical; us Christians are starting to realise that when you go around claiming inspiration from a big guy with a beard, you're really just asking for a ribbing. However, there are also entries which exist solely for descriptive purposes, leaving the counterpoint to existing entries. If you're writing about gem therapy and spellcasting, you can leave the "critique" to a (hopefully good-natured) followup. I'd expect that most people will realise that smiley - doh these are actually personal religious beliefs, not established scientific fact!

Good luck in PR, Seraphina! But remember the advice of an anonymous friend:

smiley - spacesmiley - book"Given the choice of Peer Review or a tank of man-eating piranhas, I would choose the piranhas. It's faster and much less painful."

smiley - space—Jordan


Post 25


That was funny! smiley - laugh Well said Jordan!

I think hunny that you are doing a fantastic job with your guide entries, and very brave of you too! smiley - ok the whole point of the guide and what keeps it going is the contribution from everyone about everything! smiley - hug

Keep strong, I suspect they are just jelous at the rate you are getting your fab entries into the guide! smiley - winkeye

Big smiley - hugs


Post 26


I just had a bit of a chuckle at Jordans post too smiley - laugh


Post 27

Milla, h2g2 Operations


Another match at PR, huh?
I think that this commentor felt the practice is wacky - his opinion. It doesn't necessarily mean that the article is wacky. I admit not having read since the latest updates, but it is fairly objective in describing the hows and whys of crystal therapy. It would be hard to find evidence, yes, so adding any references would perhaps not even help.

Don't give up, you've made a nice piece of writing here!

Piranhas... yeah!

smiley - towel


Post 28

pheloxi | is it time to wear a hat? |

Serephina, you arewacky, not because you are witch, but you sense of humor!

I do not really care what do in witch time, because it is not spectrum of intrests
every one deserve a hobby they smiley - love.

any one judging let them go their own castle in clouds!


Post 29


Its more than just that one i'm having trouble with Milla!


Post 30


I hope I didn't come across as stroppy smiley - erm - it was a genuine question.

I think the article is good, and have no problem with it being in the Guide, which I'm sure it will be very soon smiley - hug


Post 31

Smij - Formerly Jimster

From my own point of view, I don't see h2g2's role as justifying faith any more than it's proving scientific theory. Our job is simply to document human existence and with that comes the freedom to accept that science is only one aspect of that.

Personally, my only concern with any entry about faith is that it should explain the basics first - I don't believe an entry about faith should then have to justify thousands of years of faith. I don't believe your entries on the tenets of witchcraft needs to justify witchcraft, only to explain that for those who do believe in it, these are the details and these are the processes, which as far as I'm concerned is exactly what your entries so far have done.

If a Scout doesn't believe your entry has merit, they are free not to pick it. They also have the freedom to explain their point of view - civilly - in Peer Review. They do not have the right to insist that only one world view can be represented in the Edited Guide. The only people who do have that right, should we choose, is the in-house team, and tht would require a shift in our Editorial Policy

So, just to reassure you, we're aware of the long and noble history of witchcraft and do not expect you to justify it - only to document it, should you choose. With that in mind, our criticism would focus on how you explain the practices, not on whether the practices themselves have any basis in science.

Personally, I feel that if we were to limit ourselves only to a scientific approach, we might as well delete anything to do with music, art, religion, TV, films, food and culture as science can't fully rationalise any of 'em. It offers us many answers, but not all of them.

smiley - peacedove


Post 32

Milla, h2g2 Operations

smiley - applause

smiley - towel


Post 33


Indeed, it's not nice to be spoken to like a five year old though!


Post 34

aka Bel - A87832164

I should have read this earlier ( but had some difficulties getting this to open smiley - erm ),then I would have known that I'm not the only one who asks for an opinion being given civilly. I have now unsubscribed from PR, because I had the impression that everybody else was just fine with how certain comments were given, so I decided that PR is not the place for me to be. It's good to see that some people reflect on the tone in PR, though. smiley - smiley


Post 35


Sereph - keep on fightin' the good fight smiley - winkeye I'm actually in the middle of updating the WOEFULLY inadequaste Entry in h2g2 about Witches. It's called 'Witch' and for the life of me I can't remember the A number but feel free to send me info. smiley - smiley

I'm not practicing but my mother is a longtime white one, so I grew up with the 'wacky' ways smiley - winkeye

Bels - just ignore the ignorant smiley - winkeye Works for me in all walks of life smiley - smiley


Post 36

aka Bel - A87832164

MJ, it's not only one ignorant, there are a few more, and I didn't like being told off for asking for a civil tone and fairness, either. Plus, I've seen a bit too much of this in PR , so excuse me, but I have enough arguments at home which I can't avoid, I really don't need them on here. smiley - smiley


Post 37


Imdeedy do smiley - smiley PR rattles my cage at times too. I go in fits and starts. But then I go and unwind by drinking smiley - redwine and eating smiley - cake, so it's all good smiley - biggrin


Post 38


I know what you mean Claudia,, its more someones
tone than their actual opinion that gets to me!
I'll be right over MJ!


Post 39

aka Bel - A87832164

It's good if this works for you.smiley - smiley I was wary of PR, but then thought I'd give it a go, because it is important for the guide. But I don't want to get involved in arguments about opinions and beliefs . If my request for politeness and fairness is thought to be about 'philosophical' things, then PR has missed it's aim, imho. I thought PR was about giving advice, correcting things, asking for clarification if necessary, and all that in a friendly, inoffensive way. Looks as if I've misunderstood the concept, though. smiley - sadface


Post 40


No I don't think you've misunderstood it at all Bels smiley - smiley Don't be discouraged because I think you have a valid voice and sensible attitude, something that a few others might like to try out smiley - winkeye

Sereph - I'm working on the Entry about Witches here: A9247629

It isn't much more than what was originally there and a few links in the Guide that I thought might be relevant. The rest is on a Word file that I'm trying to get together. I'll edit it soon, but am looking for some more good info. I'm sure you can help out smiley - smiley

MJ smiley - ok

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