This is the Message Centre for UAoM

Welcome to h2g2 UAoM!

Post 1


Hi UAoM and congratulations on becoming a part of h2g2smiley - biggrinsmiley - bubbly. h2g2 is more than just a gigantic
online book, it's a whole community and as part of that community I'm here to welcome you and give you a
few helpful hints. In fact I'm an <./>ACE</.> (Assistant Community Editor) and I'm a real person
who has been around h2g2 a couple of hundred times and has volunteered to show new researchers a bit of what
h2g2 has to offer and to answer any questions that you might have. Feisor (another ACE) has kindly written
an entry outlining some little tips for new users at A719840.

If you want to brighten up your user page and posts then you can do so with any of the many smileys shown,
surprisingly enough, on the <./>smiley</.> page.smiley - monstersmiley - rosesmiley - biggrinsmiley - bubblysmiley - borgsmiley - fishsmiley - hsif

Another way to spice up your user page is the entry on "Spicing up your user page" at A690518 along with the
PersonalSpace workshop at A1123354

For any general questions you want to put forward try <./>Askh2g2</.> while random chatting
takes place in <./>MiscChat</.>

If you get lost then just take the <./>DontPanic-Tour</.>smiley - bus or click reply to
leave me a message and I'll come running. If for some reason I don't within a day or two
(sadly these things do happen) then a list of other helpful ACEs can be found at the <./>ACE</.> home page

Welcome to h2g2 UAoM!

Post 2


Hey thats a very good first attempt

the only thing i can add is the h2g2 welcome page A53146

Welcome to h2g2 UAoM!

Post 3


Mullet that is very impressive.

So what would you do if a newbie asked you where the chatroom was?

Welcome to h2g2 UAoM!

Post 4


Welcome to h2g2 UAoM!

Post 5


Anyone else?

Welcome to h2g2 UAoM!

Post 6


Looks like we might have to see whos online drum up some ACEs smiley - biggrin

Welcome to h2g2 UAoM!

Post 7

Mort - a middle aged Girl Interrupted

Hi Mullet, are you still interested in being an ace?

i ask as you didnt answer abis question about the chat room

As you may be aware the italics have been working behind the scenes for a couple of weeks. But once they are back then we can finish off this round of recruitment smiley - ok

smiley - cheers


Welcome to h2g2 UAoM!

Post 8


I'm sorry, I've been meaning to get back into this conversation for a while. I started college 2 weeks ago and really didn't have time to come on h2g2 since I had so much to sort out. Then when I came back on a week ago this was buried under a week of backlog.

So yes, I do still want to be an ACE and I would refer the newbie to MiscChat

Welcome to h2g2 UAoM!

Post 9

Mort - a middle aged Girl Interrupted

That's ok, i know how it is when everything happens at once in RL!

h2g2 doesnt have a chat room. But <./>miscchat</.> is certainly a good place to direct them or even ask h2g2 even they want to get involved in community discussions. But it is worth pointing out that it works as a message system smiley - ok

I will see if i can find any other aces to offer feedback but abi was impressed already!!

smiley - cheers


Welcome to h2g2 UAoM!

Post 10

Stealth "Jack" Azathoth

I think refering a newbie to <./>MiscChat</.> is a good thing to do, though more conversation takes place on <./>Askh2g2</.> so I would I tell them if lively converstaion and debate is what they are after to go there... If there on a Digibox the LD areas may also be worth mentioning... If they are after one on one chat you should explain about talking to people on their personal space and that it isn't a faux pas to visit them and say 'hi'... Also if a new researcher is asking about a chat room you should trying to make clear in your reply what h2g2 actually is, a forum based community and that they shouldn't expect instant msg-ing...

You need to think about how you can convey most of that clearly and consisely...

smiley - peacedove

Welcome to h2g2 UAoM!

Post 11


yeh i would agree <./>misschat</.>is a good place to direct newbies

I throw in the option of visiting my page and say feel free to leave a message there for me which two or three have done
helps them as well i tell them they can click on my name(visit others useing the same method)or researcher number

Welcome to h2g2 UAoM!

Post 12


Good ideasmiley - biggrin

By the way, what IS a digibox?

Welcome to h2g2 UAoM!

Post 13


fiber optic cables that supply us
with sky but through a box and we get inter active and E-Mail

Welcome to h2g2 UAoM!

Post 14

Mort - a middle aged Girl Interrupted

you may find these links help give you the background on it A751501 and A757181 .

I had never heard of a digibox either before i came to h2g2!!

Welcome to h2g2 UAoM!

Post 15


You dont want to smiley - bleepthing

Welcome to h2g2 UAoM!

Post 16


What next?

Welcome to h2g2 UAoM!

Post 17

Mort - a middle aged Girl Interrupted

Put your feet up and rest a while until someone gets back to you!

Another change with the italics means they are still sorting things out but as soon as they have then someone will get back to you!
But smiley - dontpanic they know you are waiting!

Welcome to h2g2 UAoM!

Post 18



If you are interested and have spare time im trying to revive the h2g2 radio and looking for people to help out smiley - smiley

Welcome to h2g2 UAoM!

Post 19



Welcome to h2g2 UAoM!

Post 20


smiley - sorryfigger of speach its text onlysmiley - smileythere was one before but it wasn`t doing any thing

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