This is the Message Centre for Chairperson of the Black Hole Escape Committee (They don't let me out much)

The Escape Plan

Post 101

Chairperson of the Black Hole Escape Committee (They don't let me out much)

MdA get the smiley - bubbly on ice.

Can we get on with meeting whilst we wait for it to chill

The Escape Plan

Post 102

6.48etc - Quartermaster and Chief Teamaker of the B.H.E.C. Keeper of Unnecessary Name Badges

Yippee, we just managed to beat Get out of my ears to 100. They're still on 99.

A glass of smiley - bubbly if you please Mda

The Escape Plan

Post 103

Mad Dog Arnie ( Official Chief Bartender and secondary shouter of order to the Black Hole Escape Committee )

Okay, celebrations all round then, hang on I’ll put a bottle of smiley - bubbly on ice, meanwhile, everyone can have a smiley - stiffdrink

Whee, smiley - cake’s too ?

The Escape Plan

Post 104

Bob the Babel Fish (Official Secretary and Translator to the BHEC) {189771}=>1+8-9+(7*(7-1))=42 )

Who says we've achieved nothing?

*looks back over several pages of the notebook*

Oh, I see what you mean!

Anyway I think this deserves smiley - donutsmiley - donutsmiley - donut as well as smiley - cake

The Escape Plan

Post 105

Peej ( Keeper of cakes, and treasurer to the Black Hole Escape Committee )

< Peej slumps down and wraps his towel round his head >

Nooo, I can’t take another postings war, it was bad enough in the ‘Questions Only’ vs ‘Thingiets’ battle of ‘02

Can’t we just get down to the business of escaping, and THE PLAN ?

< starts to wimper into his smiley - stout >

The Escape Plan

Post 106

Chairperson of the Black Hole Escape Committee (They don't let me out much)

We're still trying to get through the equipment and planning part of the agenda.

ANy other suggestions for equipment?

The Escape Plan

Post 107

Edam Cheese (Official Spell Checker and Cheese Advisor to the Black Hole Escape Committee)

I'll need a subscription to universal cheese monthly, a new dictionary, a hedgehog and some cheese.

The Escape Plan

Post 108

Peej ( Keeper of cakes, and treasurer to the Black Hole Escape Committee )

Well, are we escaping for good? Or are we coming back some time in the future?

If we're not coming back, I'll have to nip out to turn my lights out and grab my spare towel.

We still need some sort of transport. Has anyone got a van or something? One of those old VW campers would be perfect...

< sips smiley - stout, munches on smiley - donut >

The Escape Plan

Post 109

6.48etc - Quartermaster and Chief Teamaker of the B.H.E.C. Keeper of Unnecessary Name Badges

I'll need a large enough supply of my regulation medication to keep me sane until we get to where we're going.

If we leave before the 5th we'll all need balloons and streamers.

Do you think we'll be there by Easter? We might need some easter eggs and a few cute fluffly bunnies and chicks

The Escape Plan

Post 110

Calum McBain (chief Procurement Officer and opener of the mail to the Black Hole Escape Committee)

I think I'll just pop out for a minute...

The Escape Plan

Post 111

Bob the Babel Fish (Official Secretary and Translator to the BHEC) {189771}=>1+8-9+(7*(7-1))=42 )

Where's he going?

And what's with the ballons and streamers? Are we having a party? I like parties, you get smiley - cakesmiley - alesmiley - stoutsmiley - stiffdrink and smiley - drunk

The Escape Plan

Post 112

Chairperson of the Black Hole Escape Committee (They don't let me out much)

I think we'll use PeeJ's mini. It'll be a bit of a squeeze but I'm sure it'll be fun.

Can someone call a smiley - doctor for 6.48etc I think the medication's wearing off.

The Escape Plan

Post 113

Peej ( Keeper of cakes, and treasurer to the Black Hole Escape Committee )

< Unwraps towel from head, sips smiley - stout >

I don't think we'll make the 5th at this rate. We've spent two days discussing the smiley - cake and smiley - bubbly situation.

Better aim for Easter, we could all disguise ourselves as bunnies.

Edam, we all know your an expert in the way of the edam hedgehog, how are you with bunnies ?

< finishes off smiley - stout, wonders back to the bar >

The Escape Plan

Post 114

6.48etc - Quartermaster and Chief Teamaker of the B.H.E.C. Keeper of Unnecessary Name Badges

smiley - sillysmiley - sillysmiley - sillysmiley - sillysmiley - sillysmiley - silly

The Escape Plan

Post 115

Chairperson of the Black Hole Escape Committee (They don't let me out much)


We haven't got as far as discussing the date yet.

Are we all agreed that we go in PeeJ's mini?

The Escape Plan

Post 116

Calum McBain (chief Procurement Officer and opener of the mail to the Black Hole Escape Committee)

[Door opens and staggers Calum with some heavy barrels]

I'm back and i've got some smiley - alesmiley - alesmiley - alesmiley - alesmiley - stoutsmiley - stoutsmiley - stoutsmiley - stoutsmiley - stoutsmiley - stoutsmiley - alesmiley - alesmiley - alesmiley - alesmiley - stoutsmiley - stoutsmiley - stoutsmiley - stoutsmiley - stoutsmiley - stout

Is that enough?

The Escape Plan

Post 117

Chairperson of the Black Hole Escape Committee (They don't let me out much)

I have just had a memo from a Mr Moose who would like to apply for the position of navigator. I've asked him to pop in some time.
I may be out when he calls in.
Don't forget to ask him if he can read a map (although this isn't a necessity) and what his preference is as far as smiley - alesmiley - stoutsmiley - tea is concerned.

The Escape Plan

Post 118

Mad Dog Arnie ( Official Chief Bartender and secondary shouter of order to the Black Hole Escape Committee )

Yipee ! Supplies !

Just stick 'em round here behind the bar, that should last us till the end of the meeting at least.

Anyone want some smiley - ale or smiley - stout ?

Does anyone want me to shout 'ORDER! ORDER!' yet ?

The Escape Plan

Post 119

Chairperson of the Black Hole Escape Committee (They don't let me out much)

As secondary shouter of order you get to shout Order at any time as long as I've just shouted Order.

Calum, can you put some of those barrel into the boot of PeeJ's mini?

The Escape Plan

Post 120

Calum McBain (chief Procurement Officer and opener of the mail to the Black Hole Escape Committee)

What? I've just got them from ther...Oh alright I'll put them the boot then

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The Escape Plan

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