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Post 21

the autist formerly known as flinch

Homily to bevvy and relaxation - oh yes. There are about a dozen different translations that Fitzgerald did, and we'd have to be careful to all get the same one. It's a short read too, half an hour or so. Much more the work of Fitzgerald than Khayyam too.


Post 22

the autist formerly known as flinch

I was thinking of some others that are quite short (perhaps even two week books):

Breakfast at Tiffanies by Truman Capote
Tortilla Flat by John Stienbeck
Cannery Row by John Stienbeck

And most plays can be read in an hour so a we could cover it in a week. And of course we can discuss them till the cows coe home.


Post 23


I think the Klein woman is Canadian, actually.

I've been trying to get up the energy to read Pasternack for agaes (Doctor totally unable to spell it Zivago), so that is my suggestion for sometime in the future. Although that is a bit long, too, so feel free to ignore it.

Thanks (should I be writing this here) for the online version of Time Machine, BTW. I'm hoping to be able to get to it today, and then I'll catch up...


Post 24

Researcher 177704

ok, so what are we reading next month? We should aim to decided reasonably soon, especially if it's a long book.

smiley - rocket


Post 25

Great Western Lettuce (no.51) Just cut down the fags instead

Hope you guys don't mind me sticking my hoof in?
Just looking through the thread and saw that No Logo was mentioned. This sounds like a fantastic idea (chiefly because my housemate owns a copy and I really wanted to read it anyway).
You could always extend the month to two if it will take a long time to read (and digest). Plus, as it is quite pricey, maybe do a quick survey to see how many libraries have it in stock, so people can just borrow it?

No Logo

Post 26

the autist formerly known as flinch

Borders', Waterstones' and James Thin's bookstores all have this book on some kind of offer at the moment. I quite fancy it.

No Logo

Post 27


Sounds like we have agreement.

No Logo

Post 28


So, unless anyone has any real disagreements, March's book is going to be No Logo by Naomi Klein.

Publisher: Flamingo (Harper Collins)
ISBN: 0-00-653040-0
Price: £8.99 (though you'll find it cheaper by shopping around)

"You might not see things yet on the surface, but underground it's already on fire." Y.B. Mangunwijaya.

No Logo

Post 29

Mother of God, Empress of the Universe

I found the first chapter of 'No Logo' here,6761,402483,00.html if anyone else hasn't gotten a copy yet. So far it's much more interesting than I'd expected. I rarely read non-fiction books, rather stick to articles for my reality doses. Thanks, y'all. smiley - smiley

Let us know when and where you start the discussion, Andy.

No Logo

Post 30

Mother of God, Empress of the Universe


smiley - grr
I don't know why it doesn't want to link properly, but you can copy/paste this one and get the whole thing.

No Logo

Post 31


I suggest that we split the discussion up more for this book than for the last, by running on multiple threads. The book appears to be broken into four parts (No Space, No Choice, No Jobs and No Logo) so I would propose at least 4 threads for the discussion.

I also suspect that we should acknowledge from the outset that this is probably a two-month book. I have only skimmed the surface of the intro and chapter 1 and already my mind is turning over the stats and some of the concepts that are presented. I think to try and read it and understand it one month will be pushing ourselves too hard.

No Logo

Post 32

the Shee

True... I started the online version there, and it took a long time (longer than usual) for me to comprehend it... Just the first chapter. Is there any chance of this book being published somewhere online? Things like Shakespeare or Chaucer pop up everywhere, but...

No Logo

Post 33


smiley - sheep I haven't actually got the book yet, so I'm happy with a two month study.

No Logo

Post 34

the autist formerly known as flinch

I have taken the liberty of opening a discussion page for this book bellow at A705386

No Logo

Post 35

Mother of God, Empress of the Universe

I was searching for the rest of the book online and wasn't able to find it anywhere... will have to go pay full price for it, as my used bookstores don't seem to have a copy smiley - sadface I'll do that tomorrow.

I'd like to add a couple of suggestions for the future: Humberto Eco's 'The Name of the Rose' and Dante's 'Divine Comedy'. I'm gently working my way through those, and have the feeling that I'd get a lot more out of them with additional input.

No Logo

Post 36


I haven't read 'The name of the Rose' but have recently finished Umberto Eco's 'Foucault's Pendulum' There's a book to get you talking !!!

No Logo

Post 37

Mother of God, Empress of the Universe

smiley - smooch
Do you wanna do 'The name of the Rose' with me? I have 'Foucault's Pendulum', I've tried to get into it 3 times and it's one of the few books I just can't seem to get far enough into to get a grip on.

I'll email.

No Logo

Post 38


Love to read it with you - will get a copy a.s.a.p.

No Logo

Post 39

a girl called Ben

I am going to dip out of 'No Logo' because I found finding time to read the Time Machine pretty scarce, and because I don't feel up to being politicized. Also you have No Idea how behind I am on my other reading.

My loss.... smiley - sadface

But I will keep watching, and dip back into the group in a couple of months.

See you soon, and happy reading!



Post 40


There are English paperbacks of "Monkey" called "Monkey".
And who could forget the Japanese T.V. series (still available on V.H.S.)?

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