Journal Entries

A new year, a new me

I've cut my hair! Eek! It's now shoulder length (as opposed to being down to my bottom) and I've bought a car!!! Yay!!!

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Latest reply: Feb 1, 2006

Bon Jour & Hey y'all!


Greetings from New York City! I was in Quebec last week (Montreal and Quebec City) and got back to NYC last night. Gotta go away to go shopping...will post more later.

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Latest reply: Aug 28, 2005

Hitchhikers movie discussion...beware - spoilers!

Hello everyone! I just can't hold myself back to not talk about the film! So here's a nice quiet spot to have a chat about everything in the film without spoiling it for other people who haven't had the chance to see it yet!

So pull up a squishy bean bag, grab a drink from the bar (Manuel will take your orders) and let's talk!

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Latest reply: Apr 29, 2005

My tickets are booked!

I'm going to New York!!! smiley - wow

I'm leaving Sydney on the 22nd of August and arriving in New York on the 22nd of August (I love that time difference)...and then going to Canada for the first week, then back to New York for a fortnight, then off to L.A. on the 17th of September for four nights, and then to Honolulu on the 20th for two nights!!!

YAY!!!!! smiley - somersaultsmiley - biggrinsmiley - rofl
(can you tell I'm excited??)

Now, I've got to find some researchers, cause I'll be by myself in LA, so if there's anyone that's a native, got any ideas on what to do there? (night life, etc)

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Latest reply: Apr 9, 2005

a move...

my brother has been transferred to New York for 14 months! He's leaving at the end of February (25th)!!! It'll be weird not having him around...I'm going to make him a calendar with pictures of the dog for the months. He'll like that.

Any native New Yorkers here??? Know of any places that he'll like...???

I'll check to see any guide entries...

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Latest reply: Feb 9, 2005

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