This is a Journal entry by ...Shrillian...
Hitchhikers movie discussion...beware - spoilers!
...Shrillian... Started conversation Apr 29, 2005
Hello everyone! I just can't hold myself back to not talk about the film! So here's a nice quiet spot to have a chat about everything in the film without spoiling it for other people who haven't had the chance to see it yet!
So pull up a squishy bean bag, grab a drink from the bar (Manuel will take your orders) and let's talk!
Hitchhikers movie discussion...beware - spoilers!
paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant Posted Apr 30, 2005
I wonder if Douglas Adams had also written a screenplay for "Restaurant at the End of the Universe." If not, the dynamics of the sequel are likely to be different from this film. Also, the storyline of this film is already veering off course from that of the original books. If Slartibartfast can just build another Earth every time some dumb Galactic President with a Texas accent authorizes its demolition, then Arthur Dent and Trillian have much less of an incentive to hitchhike through the galaxy.
But I can't deny there was a lump in my throat when Slartibartfast took Arthur to his house on the back-up Earth. Then I almost fell out of my chair with hilarity when Marvin turned the gun that makes other people see your point of view at the Vogons that were clustered around Arthur's yard.
So, some of the changes are really quite promising.
Hitchhikers movie discussion...beware - spoilers!
Linus...42, i guess that makes me the answer... Posted May 1, 2005
Shrillian, beat you to it:
Hitchhikers movie discussion...beware - spoilers!
...Shrillian... Posted May 2, 2005
It's true...I really love Sam Rockwell...he's a great actor, but Zaphod annoyed me a bit - he was just in it too much. He's not meant to be! Trillian was centred on too much, and all this threw off the dynamics of the story...but it was still entertaining...
I loved Marvin's use of the POV gun.
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Hitchhikers movie discussion...beware - spoilers!
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