This is a Journal entry by ...Shrillian...
Bon Jour & Hey y'all!
...Shrillian... Started conversation Aug 28, 2005
Greetings from New York City! I was in Quebec last week (Montreal and Quebec City) and got back to NYC last night. Gotta go away to go shopping...will post more later.
Bon Jour & Hey y'all!
Platypus 2 Posted Aug 29, 2005
Hi Shrillian!!
Sounds like you're having a ball, look forward to hearing all the tales when you get back
Bon Jour & Hey y'all!
...Shrillian... Posted Sep 4, 2005
Having an absolute blast... so much good shopping to be had here!!!
I'm loving it here in New York... though I do miss the people of Sydney (you can start a conversation or at least smile at people in Sydney...but in NYC they're very closed off and quite stand off-ish)...
I wouldn't mind living here for a while. A short while. Would love to get in touch with some Hitchhikers from here...not leaving NYC till Sep 17th. Will be spending the next week or two just wandering the streets, looking around. Staying with my brother (yay! free accomodation!!!) so he's been meeting up with me and mum after he finishes work, so it's been good. But mum leaves tomorrow, so it'll be just me.
Went to see the Statue of Liberty yesterday...quite nice actually! I didn't think I would really care that much about it, but it's quite stunning close-up.
We'll have to have a meet after I get back so I can regale you all of my adventures here in the upper half of this blue-green planet.
Bon Jour & Hey y'all!
Platypus 2 Posted Sep 4, 2005
There are a few from New York, you should try and catch up with Shea.
Glad to hear that you are having a great time and that you weren't down south last week.
Looking forward to hearing all your adventures when you come home.
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Bon Jour & Hey y'all!
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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."