Funky Gibbons Place.

Its not a gibbon, but....

Gibbon: A small agile arboreal anthropoid ape inhabiting forests in S Asia.

Funky Gibbon: A big hairy bloke inhabiting a house in the Midlands of England.

I survived single sign-on

UnOfficial h2g2 Lurker

The Unofficial H2G2 Lurkers Society.


This page looks just as bad in Goo

Funky Gibbon's Motor Home

Three glassses of beerThree glassses of beer

smiley - whistleAlways Look On The Bright Side Of Life.smiley - whistle

Two people chundering their guts up spectacularly.

smiley - zenYou Are Here To Enable The Divine Purpose Of The Universe To Unfold , Thats How Important You Are!1smiley - zen

My h2g2 Pets

Adopted PetA scabby parrotBertie
Adopted PetA passport belonging to a dog.Roxy
Adopted PetsA scruffy kitten - an alternative home for fleas, perhaps?Jack & Pandora

All Hail The Disco Snake

A 'Disco snake'

Are You Having Fun?

A smiley going through several mood changesA smiley going through several mood changesAn alien

People will tell you that life is serious , but if you forget to HAVE FUN whats the point?

smiley - Don't go without saying hello smiley -

Have Fun!
1- Eckhart Tolle.


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funky gibbon

Researcher U188638


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