Journal Entries

I'm now a Thingite!

I'm now officially a Thingite!!!(read the manifesto at A516647)

see ya.
Kaz, Thingite musical trivia anorak and Follower of Richard Marx-ism.smiley - smiley

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Latest reply: Mar 22, 2002

My Hitchhikers movie cast.

I know lots of people have been talking about their preferred cast for the Hitchhikers film (if its still going ahead)so I thought I'd put a few of mine in here. They're probably more suited to another TV series, but never mind.

The Book: Richard Briers
Arthur: Robert Lindsay.
Slartibartfast: Benjamin Withrow.

I'm a bit stuck for Zaphod and Ford at the moment. Everybody's been saying how we do not want Jim Carrey to do Zaphe, and I agree, no offence to him. Zaphod needs to have lots of charisma, and the same for Ford, really.
For Ford, I initally thought of Vic Reeves, after his spell as Marty Hopkirk in Randall and Hopkirk, but Arthur and Ford seem to be of a similar age, so the age gap would be a bit too obvious.
What do you think?

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Latest reply: Mar 18, 2002

A tribute to 'Morse'.

John Thaw died yesterday. I'm just lost for words really. I'd always been a big fan of Morse and had watched Kavanagh QC when it was on. I suppose I saw more or less everything he had been in on TV, Goodnight Mr. Tom and things. It feels really weird using the past tense, like when DNA died.
He was a great guy, I always looked up to him. He will be missed.

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Latest reply: Feb 22, 2002

just a thought...can anyone help?

I didn't know where else to put this question so I thought I'd put it here.
Apparently there was a video released a couple of years ago about the making of the Hitchhikers TV series. I'm thinking of getting it. Does anyone know if its still around?

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Latest reply: Jan 26, 2002

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