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Keane's new single

smiley - wow

Just heard Keane's new single on the radio. I had to do a double take, (with my ears) almost! (is that possible?) it sounded so different, but excellent! It rocks! But its not out for ages smiley - wah and Tom Chaplin's voice sounds better than ever! smiley - whistlesmiley - blush

...ooh..I wonder if its out on Itunes...Does anyone know?

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Latest reply: Apr 17, 2006

Denim jeans

smiley - grr
What is it about the cut of ladies jeans at the moment?

I've searched high and low, and everywhere I've gone its impossible to find a pair of jeans that fit properly!
They're either

Too low cut, so they're ucomfortable
Too long in the leg
Or they fit, but when you turn round, they're loose at the back so everyone can see your undies, and not even a belt helps!!??
really embarrassing.
smiley - grr
How stupid is that? I almost had to resort to looking through the Men's jeans to find some that actually fitted.
The only pair that were all right were some ones from BHS, but even they're a bit big

I give up.

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Latest reply: Feb 18, 2006

Pan Galactic Gargle Blaster

Guess what?
Got a recipe book for xmas (only just had a chance to have a decent look at it) and in the back of it are recipes for cocktails, smoothies and such like. There is a recipe for a 'Gargle Blaster' believe it or not! smiley - ok Sadly it's not alcoholic, but I don't know whether the effect is anything like having your head hit with a large slice of lemon wrapped round a gold brick,smiley - bubbly because I haven't tried making it yet!

If I get more time, I'll try it out. Not sure if I'll be allowed to post it on h2g2 as it is straight out of a book (copyright problems maybe-I dunno).

smiley - cheers

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Latest reply: Jan 6, 2006

Doctor Who

Did anyone see the Doctor Who Christmas Special last night?

There was a nice reference to Arthur Dent in there, (nice little thank you to Douglas, cos he wrote for Dr. Who in the early days, didn't he?) which reminded me, I think David Tennant would have made a v. good Ford Prefect in the recent hhgttg film. Though Mos Def was ok, I didn't think he was energetic enough. He was a bit more chilled. I reckon Ford shouldve been a bit crazier.

What do you think?


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Latest reply: Dec 26, 2005

The Finn Brothers live @ Portsmouth Guildhall: June 10th 2005

Oh wow.
Still reeling from the amazing gig last night at the Guildhall. Neil and Tim were fantastic.

They opened with Anything Can Happen, from the Everyone is Here new album.
They did Edible Flowers, Part Of Me, Part Of You, Won't Give In...loads of stuff from the album.

They did 2 encores: some Crowded House Numbers (only Natural, Weather With You, Nails In My Feet)some Split Enz stuff, (I Got You, and History Never Repeats -I think- there might've been some more) and ended with How Will You Go.

The most special song was Four Seasons, which they dedicated to Paul Hester. They turned all the amps off and sang with the audience. You could just about hear Neils acoustic guitar. EVERYONE sang. Some people were even doing the harmonies. It was one of those moments. Just really special.
smiley - smiley

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Latest reply: Jun 11, 2005

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