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Paul Rodgers Live @Colston Hall, Bristol 6 October 2006


Just back from Bristol after seeing Paul Rodgers on Friday at Colston Hall. I guess I should've told you guys I was going before, but I didn't want to jinx it. (the last gig I went to got postponed twice).


IT TOTALLY ROCKED! smiley - rainbowsmiley - biggrin

I think the set list went something like this, not sure: (scribbled on a piece of paper whilst crashed out later on in the evenin-very rock and roll! ) There was some new stuff and some songs I didn't know, so you'll have to excuse the gaps!

I'll Be Creepin'
The Stealer
Ride On A Pony
Be My Friend
War Boys (new)
Feel Like Makin Love
Bad Company
I Just Wanna See You Smile
All Right Now
Wishing Well
The Hunter
I'm A Mover
Little Wing (I think. -He said he wanted to sing it as a tribute to Jimi)


Was totally amazing. I really wasn't expecting him to do Be My Friend, and we were all standing up and singing by about three songs in!

I got a T shirt too! Also managed to get some very blurry pics on my phone!
ROCK ON! smiley - ok

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Latest reply: Oct 7, 2006

See you soon...

Hi people.

you've probably noticed I've not been on Hootoo so much the last couple of weeks. smiley - erm Unfortunately I'm likely to be away from Hootoo a bit more often from now on as I'm off studying, away from home, so I'm going to be a bit limited with the Internet access! I'll try and get on Hootoo when I can, (probably occasional weekends) but for now, Au revior and see you soon. smiley - ok

Kaz. smiley - rainbow

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Latest reply: Sep 9, 2006

Mange tout, mange tout, chaise langue...

I've been listening to Chris Evans on radio 2 recently and I've noticed if he finds out something interesting he says 'mange tout, mange tout, chaise langue, grand mange blanc...' in a mysterious voice as if to say- ' see..'

Why you would want to say 'green beans, green beans, long chairs, loaf of bread'...I dunno.

Trouble is, its catching-I keep on saying it...!
If the listeners are catching on like this the OED might soon have a new definition of 'Mange tout' on their hands to put in the new edition...smiley - ok

Mange tout, mange tout, chaise langue...!
smiley - winkeyesmiley - biggrin

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Latest reply: Aug 12, 2006

David Attenborough-Climate Chaos programme

Watched the Climate Chaos planet earth programme with David Attenborough Thursday night. Whenever I see these programmes I always come away from them feeling so angry that we seem to be doing nothing in this country to help combat Climate Change. In my personal opinion Blair is practically now in line with Bush on these issues and doesn't care.

What about putting more information about renewables in the public domain? Finding info about grants and things towards making your home energy effecient and stuff like solar power is difficult. I was really pleased with Newsnight's series on 'going green'. That was really good-but we need more of this kind of accessible info, otherwise people simply will not consider it as an option. A lot of people I know aren't very green because they can't see what's in it for them. (smiley - erm people are so selfish!) The Govt. needs to make it in people's economic interest to do these things: ie: tell them they'll save money. Energy efficiency means cheaper fuel bills! And where are the grants available for setting up solar power in your home?

smiley - grr...and another gripe...
Why are people who believe in saving the evirionment always protrayed as a bunch of Tree Hugging Hippies? I want to do my bit to help save the planet but I'm not one of these green smiley - rainbow loonies...

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Latest reply: Jun 3, 2006

happy birthday HooToo!

Happy birthday HooToo!!
smiley - cheerssmiley - bubbly

smiley - smiley

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Latest reply: Apr 28, 2006

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