This is a Journal entry by Kaz

Denim jeans

Post 1


smiley - grr
What is it about the cut of ladies jeans at the moment?

I've searched high and low, and everywhere I've gone its impossible to find a pair of jeans that fit properly!
They're either

Too low cut, so they're ucomfortable
Too long in the leg
Or they fit, but when you turn round, they're loose at the back so everyone can see your undies, and not even a belt helps!!??
really embarrassing.
smiley - grr
How stupid is that? I almost had to resort to looking through the Men's jeans to find some that actually fitted.
The only pair that were all right were some ones from BHS, but even they're a bit big

I give up.

Denim jeans

Post 2


I know *exactly* hhow you feel!!!!

i find they're too short, too big in the waist, gaping at the back, too tigh in the hips, or some other stupid thing. they seem to make jewans for the straight up and down people. What about us normal shaped people?

Denim jeans

Post 3


I don't often go off on a feminist rant, but this is one of them. If it were mens jeans that weren't right, they'd be screaming at the designers to sort it out, but because its women, we either get ignored or feel we have to put up with it, I dunno which. Either way, the fashion at the moment's driving me crazy, and its not like its been a five minute thing-jeans have been like this for ages. They should get some sensible people in to sort it out!
Maybe its got something to do with the models for all these brands being stick-thin. I dunno.

Denim jeans

Post 4


Yeah. Why are they all designed for stick insects? Even the bigger sizes are kinda straight up and down. No margin for having a waist or anything.

Denim jeans

Post 5


No. Its totally silly.

Denim jeans

Post 6


Don't understand it. Never met a girl who finds it easy to get jeans. Think lots of girls say a particular make fits ok, but it's finding it.

And you'd think every size 12 or whatever would be pretty similar. But it's not.

Denim jeans

Post 7


yeah. I've sort of lost count of the amounts of shops I've been into trying to find sizes that fit. I used to use the trick of going one size up everytime, but now they've changed the cuts, it makes no difference! Maybe it would be better if they opted for a different size system, like the blokes jeans, then if you know length and stuff you can sort of mix and match.

Denim jeans

Post 8


Yeah. That would make sense and would make life a heck of a lot easier. Than you could get jeans that were the right length and all the various widths. If it's too wide in the waist but fitrs everywhere else you can do something about it.

Denim jeans

Post 9



Denim jeans

Post 10


But people in general have forgotten how to think. They don't know how to make life easier for everyone.

Denim jeans

Post 11


true. Its like all the computer stuff. Its getting way too complicated now.

Denim jeans

Post 12



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