This is a Journal entry by Kaz

just a thought...can anyone help?

Post 1


I didn't know where else to put this question so I thought I'd put it here.
Apparently there was a video released a couple of years ago about the making of the Hitchhikers TV series. I'm thinking of getting it. Does anyone know if its still around?

just a thought...can anyone help?

Post 2


I don't know, but you can try to ask this in Ask h2g2 - A148907


just a thought...can anyone help?

Post 3


Yes. Its still available. You can purchase it from Amazon, and there's a DVD version with outtakes, etc...

just a thought...can anyone help?

Post 4


thanks. I hadn't seen it anywhere you see.

just a thought...can anyone help?

Post 5

Bald Bloke

Assuming your in the UK the DVD is available in Woolworths, I know that because I just got mine smiley - smiley

just a thought...can anyone help?

Post 6


I haven't got a DVD player you see, that's why I'm after the VHS tape. but thanks anyway. smiley - smiley

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