This is the Message Centre for Conceited Little Megapuppy - Inbound traveller and Unas Matriarch

Try again...

Post 161


Yay, smiley - coolwhere is Pat when you need him.

So it's smiley - zen for you, well next thing you know you'll be on a cycle and heading for the hills!smiley - winkeye

smiley - cakesmiley - musicalnotesmiley - wow 100 amazing that's some peace of determination and will power.smiley - ok

smiley - cdouble

Try again...

Post 162

Conceited Little Megapuppy - Inbound traveller and Unas Matriarch

I trust that's low calorie smiley - cake - oh what the heck - I can save it for the weekend and have it as a treat, can't I?

I think my machine is behaving itself at last (touch wood), so I'm posting whilst lunching.

Only 24 pounds to go now - and I can shop, shop, shop!

smiley - dog

Try again...

Post 163


So have seen anything you really like as yet?

smiley - cdouble

Try again...

Post 164

Conceited Little Megapuppy - Inbound traveller and Unas Matriarch

Not much - but I haven't been looking at the moment. Mind you, there are some very nice fitted blouses with three quarter length sleeves in BHS which I've been coveting for a very long time. I got a couple to 'shrink into'(though one of them more or less fits now - and I wore it at a 'Kiddie concert' we did at the end of last month).

I'm looking forward to finding out what's 'in' when I'm at target and looking trendy for the first time ever...

smiley - dog

Try again...

Post 165


BHS has some nice stuff in at the moment, you've got to make the most of it when you get there, it's going to be tough sticking with it. Get some nice pics taken toosmiley - ok

Have you got anymore concerts coming up in the near future?

smiley - cdouble

Try again...

Post 166

Conceited Little Megapuppy - Inbound traveller and Unas Matriarch

Oh yes - I've had a piccy taken already by my Mum, who grabbed her camera when I came downstairs in my (hastily bought 'cos nothing else fitted me) concert gear just before I was going out to play in one! She really wants one of me in my *really* posh stuff, which was bought for a major concert in July - but I haven't got round to dressing up in it yet for her to do it.smiley - blush

Both orchestras are in their 'down' season at the moment. The first one is likely to be in October for me, as there's one in September, but I'll be missing most of the rehearsals as I'll be in Kent - so I'm planning to give that one a miss. As it's in Milford Haven, I've got a nasty feeling it'll be 'pops' stuff, so I won't be missing anything, though I might go to the first rehearsal and give it a go, just in case there's something worth playing.

smiley - dogsmiley - musicalnote

Try again...

Post 167


You'll have to post the pic on MSN Groups so invited can have a look at how smart you'll look in your Posh frock (complete with Viola of course). Ignore that if you feel it's a bad idea, We'll be posting a wedding pic of us at the end of Sept. So a few we've got to know here can put faces to smiley - cdouble.

Try again...

Post 168

Conceited Little Megapuppy - Inbound traveller and Unas Matriarch

Wish I could - but I can't join groups. Our firewalls at w*rk won't let me. The e-mail address at home is too inconvenient to use (for a range of very odd, technical reasons) and there's no nearby internet café I can go to either. smiley - sadface

Never mind. I'll know what I look like - though I will have to keep looking into a mirror to remind myself, I think. My mum says she still can't believe she's slim!

I'm looking forward to that.

smiley - dog

Try again...

Post 169


Oh well, smiley - dogit was just a thought, well we think you'll look wonderfullsmiley - cuddle.

We'll post the wedding pics anyway and they'll be there if the oportunity arises for you to get a look.

smiley - cdouble

Try again...

Post 170

Conceited Little Megapuppy - Inbound traveller and Unas Matriarch

Hope I can!

smiley - bubbly

smiley - dog

Hi Megapuppy

Post 171

Two southcoast lovers

Felicitous greetings from...Two southcoast loverssmiley - smooch
love the look of your space. The sun is shinning, so we are off to the beech, Thanks for the supplies think we will need them today. meltie cadbury's chocolatesmiley - bigeyes yum

Hi Megapuppy

Post 172

Conceited Little Megapuppy - Inbound traveller and Unas Matriarch

Hello Two Southcoast Lovers and welcome to my Kennel! I'm so smiley - blush you like my space!

Enjoy yourselves at the beach - and all that smiley - choc!

smiley - dog

Hi Megapuppy

Post 173


Hey SouthCoastsmiley - ok, perfect day for a smiley - cuddlestroll through the tide.

What a great idea for the weekend may'be

smiley - cdouble

Hi Megapuppy

Post 174

Two southcoast lovers

Thanks, was a perfect day even with all the meltie smiley - choc, great fun licking it off, weekend looks a certainty, so if you don't mind mega-pup, come to replenish our supplies.yum yum. Sea was a bit chillie round the nether regions, because the body was so hot, but once in was smiley - cool .
Thanks Sue+Art smiley - cuddlesmiley - cuddle aplenty.
Trying to get enough supplies together to perhaps sleep down there for Sunday so we don't have to come home, then we might get a look at the meteror on saturday night 9.00. all are welcome come and enjoy

<smiley - smoochtwo of twosmiley - smooch

Hi Megapuppy

Post 175


Hi everyone, didn't get down to the coast, we had to pack for Greece. Some how we just can't bring ourselves to regret it that much, once we got to thinking about the traffic to the coast and back, the overcrowded south coast beech's, and the lack of unspoilt stretches of southern coastline. So it's two weeks in a manse in the Mani for us.

Hey smiley - dog, have you ventured down to Margam Sands this summer? Or how about Rossilli on the Gower? One of our favourite places, the Gower.

smiley - cdouble

Hi Megapuppy

Post 176

Conceited Little Megapuppy - Inbound traveller and Unas Matriarch

I haven't had the chance to get anywhere much out and about recently - except for a concert we did in Tenby. I got the chance to go for a wander after tea and it was lovely. The sun was shining, it was warm, and the whole of the South Beach just looked utterly gorgeous with the tide quietly coming in. There were a few people playing beach rounders, some others playing frisbee. Superb.

And then we had to sit in a hot hall and play. I'd rather have stayed on the beach!

I haven't been to the Gower for a very long time - I remember visiting Rhosili when I was younger, and Oxwich bay, but I'm not a beach person really.

The closest I've come to a beach (apart from Tenby) this year was a visit to Kenfig Pools Nature Reserve, which is down on the dunes just down the coast from Port Talbot Steelworks. We were lucky enough to see two buzzards courting - they hurtled towards each other, flipped over, linked talons and then corkscrewed down through the sky. It was magical. smiley - wow

We weren't so lucky with the Great Crested Grebes, though. They were asleep, mostly.

Two weeks to go and I'll be in Kent! Yay! Holidays!

smiley - dog

Hi Megapuppy

Post 177

Two southcoast lovers

I first drove a car on pendine sands,couldn't touch the peddles at the time, love the coastline, in fact love wales, we keep meaning to go back, sigh, funny we was watching a pair of buzzards dancing in the sky at the weekend! there seem to more than ever this year, also the amount of snakes and lizzards we've seen this year is more?
Kent half my family come from Kent, spent a lot of time down there in the past when the summers were always hot with not a drop of rain throughout the summer holidays(take my specks off)oh look they're reddish! have a great time, enjoy!!

smiley - smoochof smiley - smooch

Hi Megapuppy

Post 178

Conceited Little Megapuppy - Inbound traveller and Unas Matriarch

Ooh I will.

Can't wait to go - the days are passing so slow

Hmmm... there's a song in there probably.smiley - erm

smiley - dog

Hi Megapuppy

Post 179

Two southcoast lovers

After I took the glasses off, remembered that we sat on the beach in almost all weathers, remember one day, a really dense sea fog came in could hardly see your hand in front of your face,,,spookie,

have your tried the new skin yet?

smiley - smoochof smiley - smooch

Hi Megapuppy

Post 180

Conceited Little Megapuppy - Inbound traveller and Unas Matriarch

Briefly - but I'm not sure I like it. I may give it a go for a longer run and see how it goes - but the jury is definitely still out.

I have to admit that, although I like the way it's structured (with conversations/journal et al at the top rather than at the bottom), the colours are a bit too 'in your face' for my liking smiley - bigeyes. I'm still a goo fan, I think!

smiley - dog

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