This is the Message Centre for Conceited Little Megapuppy - Inbound traveller and Unas Matriarch

Hi Megapuppy

Post 101

Conceited Little Megapuppy - Inbound traveller and Unas Matriarch

Grapefruit - smiley - yuk

Not really thought of doing anything else. I think food combining would be just too much of a bother for me - particularly as this weight loss plan I'm following now (reduced calories and exercise) has worked magnificently for both my Mum and my Sister. It's been working magnificently for me, too - though I've dealt with the current stall by reducing my intake a bit. That should sort matters, with a bit of luck.

I completely understand the loving good food too much bit. That's been my problem for years.

Mind you, I came across a report on that 'Esther' programme on the - ahem *other* channel (dare I mention that on a BBC site?!) which featured a man who had managed to peak at fifty stone, and had been trapped in his house for over a decade as he couldn't walk anywhere, and couldn't fit into any car. He also couldn't go upstairs in the house so he slept on a hospital bed in his living room. I sat there watching it and thinking how I could have ended up going the same way. He started out as a skinny child, and so did I. He managed to lose 17 stone (yes really) though his own efforts, but as he couldn't exercise, the rest was refusing to shift.

The report ended with his preparing to go into hospital to have around ten stones of fat removed surgically (which was sagging around his hips - poor man). The surgery was going to be pretty risky, as he was so overweight - but the result of a successful operation would be the freedom to actually get out and about. If he gets through it, then he'll find it easier to get rid of the rest conventionally as he'll be able to exercise more. They hope to report back on his progress.

I hope he gets through it - and manages to get rid of the rest, too. He deserves to after all he's been through. His wife deserves it too - she's been getting up and going downstairs every morning for years wondering if he's still alive.

Best of luck to them both.

smiley - dog

Hi Megapuppy

Post 102


We heard of something similar happening in Surrey. Only he did injure himself at home. So the firemen had to take a window out, nock down a wall, and then because he was three stories up in a flat over a multi-storie car park.......get a crane. They then re-housed the family in a bungalow with extra-large french windows.
Wouldn't get that level of care in Kentsmiley - grr, they'd get him liposucked on the spot, send him the bill, then evict him, and give him a B&B voucher.

smiley - cdouble

Hi Megapuppy

Post 103

Conceited Little Megapuppy - Inbound traveller and Unas Matriarch

Urgh. Sounds like a caring, sharing place to be!

Speaking of Kent, my Folks have booked a converted oast house in Knox Bridge for the end of August/September. I'm tagging along for the ride, so I'll be visiting for my hols!

Must make sure I don't injure myself...

smiley - dog

Hi Megapuppy

Post 104

Saint Patrick Patron Saint of Depression: Here to haunt your dreams and stalk your waking hours

smiley - cuddle

Hi Megapuppy

Post 105


We'll be away on honeymoon in Greece at that time.

So may'be you'll get the chance to visit Finchcocks, they'll be holding some live music concerts around then, do you want some details?

We got the current issue of the BEEB's Music mag, the free CD's of Alexander Scriabin's "Poem of Ecstasy" and the 2nd Symphony, with some additional pieces by Bartok, Schubert, Schumann and Mahler.

We are entranced by the poem, it's really beautiful.

smiley - cdouble

Hi Megapuppy

Post 106

Conceited Little Megapuppy - Inbound traveller and Unas Matriarch

Wow - that sounds cracking! Whereabouts is Finchcocks? I'd love the chance to visit it.

Honeymoon? Wow! Brilliant! smiley - hug to you both!

smiley - dog

Hi Megapuppy

Post 107


Finchcocks is just outside the village of Goudhurst. You'll love it.

So have you heard any of Scriabins stuff?

smiley - cdouble

Hi Megapuppy

Post 108


Check out their site: smiley - winkeye

smiley - cdouble

Hi Megapuppy

Post 109

Conceited Little Megapuppy - Inbound traveller and Unas Matriarch

I found the site yesterday morning after a quick search via Google. It looks fascinating.

I note that they're only open on Sundays (apart from bank hols and such). I've mentioned it to my Dad and he would also like to see it, so, as we will be just three miles outside Cranbrook, it's not far off either!

So I think We'll be visiting.

Actually, I've never heard any stuff by Scriabin. I have to admit, that most of my listening is generated by the pieces I play in the orchestras I belong to. If I like it, I buy it.

It might sound a bit daft, but I much prefer to be playing music than listening to it!

smiley - dog

Hi Megapuppy

Post 110


We're both envious of your gifts and sympathise.

We only mention Scriabin because we note your liking of Richard Strauss et la.

We are convinced that you'd want to get a chance to play something of his once you heard his Poem of Ecstacy.

As we said, it's on the CD with Beeb's Music Mag, but try the Library.

Did you know that Vaughan Williams was a Viola player?

Hope that you do get to visit Finchcocks.smiley - hug

smiley - cdouble

Hi Megapuppy

Post 111

Conceited Little Megapuppy - Inbound traveller and Unas Matriarch

Indeed he was. The lovely viola solos in the Variations on a Theme by Thomas Tallis (not that I've been lucky enough to play them) - and Flos Campi.

There's even a tidy viola transcription of the Fantasia on Greensleeves.

Suberb stuff.

smiley - dog

Hi Megapuppy

Post 112


Our favourite, though we love virtualy all his work is "Dives and Lazarus"smiley - magic.

Can "The Lark" work on the Viola do you think?
We usually lie down with our eyes shut to listen to it. It reminds us of the first time we climbed the South Downs and lay on the grass listening to this tiny little dot high in the deep blue sky and experienced a deep sense of joy and release form the earth beneath us.

smiley - cdouble

Hi Megapuppy

Post 113

Conceited Little Megapuppy - Inbound traveller and Unas Matriarch

Having accompanied 'Lark' many times - I would have to say, probably - but only with a five stringed viola!

It goes very high up, and I don't think the viola has the right tone for it. Unless we're talking about a particularly butch male lark celebrating a rugby win in the local pub, of course!

Now there's a thought...

smiley - dog

Hi Megapuppy

Post 114


We just aquired a copy of VW's Violin Sonata performed by the Nash Ensemble, which also includes the Phantasy Quintet, String Quartet No 2 and Six Studies in English Folksong.
We've not heard Flos Kampi as yet, but we'll put that right soon enough.
Don't know what they feed the Larks in Wales, but you have a point about a five stringed Viola.

Havn't heard from Pat for a while, hope he's OK!

smiley - cdouble

Hi Megapuppy

Post 115

Conceited Little Megapuppy - Inbound traveller and Unas Matriarch

Me too. How are you doing, Pat?

I'm off w*rk all of next week, so I won't be around much.

smiley - dog

Hi Megapuppy

Post 116


Hope you have a great week off w**ksmiley - ok

smiley - cdouble

Hi Megapuppy

Post 117

Conceited Little Megapuppy - Inbound traveller and Unas Matriarch

I intend to! smiley - biggrin

smiley - dog

Hi Megapuppy

Post 118

Saint Patrick Patron Saint of Depression: Here to haunt your dreams and stalk your waking hours

smiley - biggrin

Hi Megapuppy

Post 119


smiley - okPatsmiley - cool
Been on anymore Evolution weekends recently?
smiley - cdouble

Hi Megapuppy

Post 120

Conceited Little Megapuppy - Inbound traveller and Unas Matriarch

Hello all!

I had a good break - always nice to be away from w*rk - though it meant no internet (such as we get here) so no H2G2 smiley - cry

Not that I've actually done anything particularly interesting...

smiley - dog

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