This is the Message Centre for Conceited Little Megapuppy - Inbound traveller and Unas Matriarch
Hi Megapuppy
Conceited Little Megapuppy - Inbound traveller and Unas Matriarch Posted Jul 15, 2002
I do have to pay for the bread - and toast it myself too.
Still at least they provide the toaster, even if it is a rather dodgy catering size thing which either cremates the bread or slightly warms it!
Never mind - there's always the to wash down the charcoal.
Hi Megapuppy
SuePlusArt Posted Jul 16, 2002
We once had a holiday job in a fishmongers with 4am starts and toast made on top of an old electric fire was absolutely deliscious.
Hi Megapuppy
Conceited Little Megapuppy - Inbound traveller and Unas Matriarch Posted Jul 17, 2002
That's a novel way of making it!
I think the best toast I ever had in my entire life (seriously!) was done by a small café just opposite the place where I was doing my Computer Training - many years ago.
Toast freshly cut from a loaf (not pre sliced), individually toasted and spread with butter (not marge).
I got to go back to the same office complex to do some training as a Union Rep a few years later. First thing I did was go straight back to that café and order up some toast...
Lovely. I miss it to this day
Hi Megapuppy
Conceited Little Megapuppy - Inbound traveller and Unas Matriarch Posted Jul 19, 2002
You mean there's a 5 am on freezing cold November mornings?
Urgh Scary.
Give me sleep any time!
Unless there's good toast to be had, of course...
Hi Megapuppy
SuePlusArt Posted Jul 19, 2002
Just been watching the TT Thetford 14c Priory dig, looking for an earlier Norman Cathedral. Good stuff, Karenza got to tell the boys "I told you it wasn't a Cathedral".
Hi Megapuppy
Conceited Little Megapuppy - Inbound traveller and Unas Matriarch Posted Jul 24, 2002
Ooh - sorry I haven't been about much - computer problems.
My attempts to log on have been blocked at the w*rk firewall for the last couple of days. Very strange, given that we're allowed to do things like shop online (out of working hours of course) - you can't do that if you can't register with the site, can you?
I vaguely remember that one. Was it on, or did you have it on video?
Hi Megapuppy
Rivkeh Yankee-Shoes... bashing about the BoE again Posted Jul 24, 2002
Felicitous greetings from... Yankee-shoes. Really smart looking page. Used to play viola in middleschool... gave it up and took up guitar (my parents were infinately thankful) but I still love viola from a distance, as one who couldn't hack it. Yankee-shoes
Hi Megapuppy
SuePlusArt Posted Jul 24, 2002
No, just a re-run on the History Channel. So have you ever considered going on a dig as a novice volunteer. It's something we've been looking into, check out It's just finding the time to fit it in and the dig to inspire us.
We collected our rings yesterday, our wedding's only six weeks away now so the pace is beginning to pick up.
Hi Megapuppy
SuePlusArt Posted Jul 26, 2002
Hi Yankee, it would seem our hostess Mega is still having probs with the w**ks account. She's usually very hospitable, so we'll say a stand-in "Welcome" plus our own Hi and how're you doing!
Hi Megapuppy
Conceited Little Megapuppy - Inbound traveller and Unas Matriarch Posted Jul 29, 2002
Quick - try and post something before it goes down again!
Hi everyone - have a cup of on me while I wrestle with this wretched machine
Hi Yankee - welcome to my kennel. Glad you like the front page!
I'll try and post something longer soon. But I think I'll have to do it tonight when I get home!
Try again...
Conceited Little Megapuppy - Inbound traveller and Unas Matriarch Posted Jul 31, 2002
Okay another attempt...will I be able to post it, she asks?
Only one way to find out...
Is everyone well? I am, apart from this £$$%^%&^& computer glitch. With a bit of luck it's just intermittent!
Try again...
SuePlusArt Posted Aug 1, 2002
Are you sorted yet? and did you find the culprit. We're going to have to do a full re-install as we've registry problems that won't GO AWAY
. Never mind let's have some
We're still thinking about broadband, but the cost has got to come down some.
Try again...
Conceited Little Megapuppy - Inbound traveller and Unas Matriarch Posted Aug 2, 2002
Ooh - I'd love broadband (at home - as we have it piped in at w*rk). You'd never get me off the net then!
I'm still not sure what the problem is - it seems to be one of those things that car mechanics describe as 'intermittent'. Sometimes it happens, sometimes it doesn't. Someone suggested I should try deleting all offline temporary internet files - which I did. It didn't seem to have much of an effect until I logged of and back on, but I still don't trust my machine at all!
Never mind. Maybe our lottery syndicate will come up with the goods!
Try again...
SuePlusArt Posted Aug 2, 2002
It's always a good idea to clear out your temps an cookies, they just clog things up and facilitate backdoor er's and Trojans anyway.
So far the fat pipe choices are improving as the competition hots up a notch or two each day. A bit more patience is what is needed we think.
Try again...
Conceited Little Megapuppy - Inbound traveller and Unas Matriarch Posted Aug 5, 2002
*thinks* be patient be patient be patient *thinks*
Mind you - a lottery win would also be helpful (say she sending hopes of success to the syndicate...)
On a much happier note:
Four weeks to my holiday! Yay!
Try again...
Conceited Little Megapuppy - Inbound traveller and Unas Matriarch Posted Aug 6, 2002
I tried that (knitting, not nuking), but I couldnt' figure it out 'cos my mum's right handed and I'm left handed so she couldn't show me how to do it...
Try again...
SuePlusArt Posted Aug 6, 2002
And how are you this morning, the lady on the telly said that you've got all the sunshine this morning up your end of the garden
. It's a bit dull over here at the moment.
Our Machine is just hanging on by a thread at present, Oh well!
Try again...
Conceited Little Megapuppy - Inbound traveller and Unas Matriarch Posted Aug 7, 2002
I'm very well - though a bit bored as it's the quiet time of the year for us.
The sun is shining, but it's a bit misty, and I think it's meant to rain later on. Pity really, as I haven't got a coat with me (thank heavens for the brolly in my handbag...)
Just out of interest - we got our Council's Adult Education Prospectus through the post yesterday - and my and my Mother are (believe it or not - I'm still trying to believe it myself...) signing up for yoga next year...
My weight loss is affecting my brain - you wouldn't have caught me anywhere near a yoga class when I was a big girl - too about being seen in leggings, and with my big butt at the time (well that was *my* opinion of it), no wonder...
But I lost my 100th pound last night! Only 24 more to go, yay! (I'm a bit pleased with myself this morning - can you tell?)
Key: Complain about this post
Hi Megapuppy
- 141: Conceited Little Megapuppy - Inbound traveller and Unas Matriarch (Jul 15, 2002)
- 142: SuePlusArt (Jul 16, 2002)
- 143: Conceited Little Megapuppy - Inbound traveller and Unas Matriarch (Jul 17, 2002)
- 144: SuePlusArt (Jul 18, 2002)
- 145: Conceited Little Megapuppy - Inbound traveller and Unas Matriarch (Jul 19, 2002)
- 146: SuePlusArt (Jul 19, 2002)
- 147: Conceited Little Megapuppy - Inbound traveller and Unas Matriarch (Jul 24, 2002)
- 148: Rivkeh Yankee-Shoes... bashing about the BoE again (Jul 24, 2002)
- 149: SuePlusArt (Jul 24, 2002)
- 150: SuePlusArt (Jul 26, 2002)
- 151: Conceited Little Megapuppy - Inbound traveller and Unas Matriarch (Jul 29, 2002)
- 152: Conceited Little Megapuppy - Inbound traveller and Unas Matriarch (Jul 31, 2002)
- 153: SuePlusArt (Aug 1, 2002)
- 154: Conceited Little Megapuppy - Inbound traveller and Unas Matriarch (Aug 2, 2002)
- 155: SuePlusArt (Aug 2, 2002)
- 156: Conceited Little Megapuppy - Inbound traveller and Unas Matriarch (Aug 5, 2002)
- 157: SuePlusArt (Aug 5, 2002)
- 158: Conceited Little Megapuppy - Inbound traveller and Unas Matriarch (Aug 6, 2002)
- 159: SuePlusArt (Aug 6, 2002)
- 160: Conceited Little Megapuppy - Inbound traveller and Unas Matriarch (Aug 7, 2002)
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