This is the Message Centre for The CAC CONTINUUM - The ongoing adventures of the Committee for Alien Content (a division of AggGag)

You've been treated like the idjit you are!

Post 121


"We were just talking about experience.
What's wrong with that?"

The moderators, and possibly h2g2 staff depending on their decision, are demonstrating that communications about real life experiences, as well as politics (see Guidelines during UK General Election and Guidelines during Afghan "Crisis"), are not safe on h2g2. That is, if you want to communicate touchy subjects, you may have to find another place besides h2g2 to do it.

I'm not trying to convince you to leave, or stop using h2g2 altogether. I'm saying that's the message implicit in h2g2 censorship. Ideally we should keep things "fluffy" here, and "Virtual elections are more fun anyway smiley - winkeye" to paraphrase Mark from an early draft of the Guidelines During UK General Election.

Anyhow, nice to know that some parts of the Bible (is it Leviticus that deals with this subject?) would be censored if posted on h2g2.

You've been treated like the idjit you are!

Post 122

Tonsil Revenge (PG)

Or the U.S. Constitution when Two-Bit Trigger Pumping Moron psoted it as an entry. I mean it might bring bright little people to their feet, screaming,"They've got all that and you wouldn't tell us!"
but no, I was trying to comfort some lad by relating a strange experience of my own......(you know what they say, don't you?)

(c'mere in da corner.....gimme yer ear....they say ((that the only truly successful socialist regime in the world.....(((is the UK)))...
don't that get all?)) I mean, why, just, why would anyone think that?)

You've been treated like the idjit you are!

Post 123

Martin Harper - Rubber Thimbles (edited)

Just thought y'all should know... smiley - winkeye

You've been treated like the idjit you are!

Post 124

~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum

I only just discovered the "Flea Market" area a couple days ago (thanks to Lucinda I think).
What a gold mine of possible stuff to be revised and updated!

I want to have a 'flea market' link on our AGG/GAG homepage.
Discussion? Agreement?

But I seem to have misplaced the 'flea market' link...
Will someone please post it here or go ahead and put it on the AGG/GAG homepage. It'll need a bit of explanation and an invitation to browse.

Feeling useful

Post 125


Hi jw

If you are on any of the Workshop Fora, (PR, WW, AWW, FM) there are links to all of them at the top of the page.

Of course, you could just use this link -

smiley - smiley

Feeling useful

Post 126

Tonsil Revenge (PG)

I thought I'd mentioned the Flea Market to you.
Now, is there anything left to be done?
Write slowly and in short words, my comprehension seems to be 1/3rd of it's normal capacity today.

Feeling useful

Post 127

The CAC CONTINUUM - The ongoing adventures of the Committee for Alien Content (a division of AggGag)

Thanks Spiff smiley - cheers
We should campaign to get AGG/GAG included in that group cross-referencing.

Click here:
That is #3. You did good. You wrote one. And you recco'd one.
Now click here:
This is #4. It needs a third (#4/3) entry. By a week from today.
That's 7 days. From now.
smiley - biggrin

Feeling useful

Post 128

Tonsil Revenge (PG)

puts index finger between lips

da pwessure, da pwessure......

wait.... I wote wun? I'm in pwint? Wow, maybwe this Elmer Fudd imprewession is dwoing some good?

smiley - burgersmiley - shark

Feeling useful

Post 129

Tonsil Revenge (PG)

Wait a second. Wasn't 'Prester John' the philosopher king of legend (which one I can't remember)?

Now, here comes the really stupid question, once the entries are mentioned in the post, are the actual entries archived in some manner separate from the guide entry area on the Personal Space, so that there is a copy lacking the 'edit' button or is that a bit of quasi-legitimacy that we shall have to forego?

(what the fig does 'quasi' mean anyway?)

tr, s.a.d.
smiley - sharksmiley - burger

Feeling useful

Post 130

The CAC CONTINUUM - The ongoing adventures of the Committee for Alien Content (a division of AggGag)

A 'quasi' is one half of a 'quasimodo', a humpbacked bellringer who invented the quasi-demi-semi-quaver, a musical notation for those whose ears are still ringing. A kind of acoustic afterglow.

I believe when Shazz picks up our pages (such as #3 which I am now assuming is 'ready to go') she POSTS them on separate pages with no edit access to anyone but her and her POSTees.

Our versions here, remain edit-accessible to anyone with the AGG/GAG logon name and password (available by e-mail from my homepage) but the 'edit' button should not appear unless you are logged on as AGG/GAG.
The edit button on your original 'Burblespark' entry page (or any entry off your homepage) should only appear to you on the page you created it on.
Yes, I or anyone, could cut and paste it to another entry elsewhere (in whole or in part) and make changes, but your original version is safe except where you change it.
In addition Lucinda is archiving each Issue and each indiviual Entry as it appears in the POST.


Feeling useful

Post 131

Tonsil Revenge (PG)

And Prester John?

tr, s.a.d.
smiley - sharksmiley - burger

Feeling useful

Post 132

~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum

Oops. As you can see I got careless and forgot I was logged on as AGG/GAG when I posted that last one.
So, does any of that makes sense?

I know that 'sometimes' and 'rarely', an 'edit' button may wrongly appear when visiting other peoples' pages.
It won't necessarily work (See following):

You can hit the "Add Guide Entry" button on anybody else's page and a dialog box (editing/formatting box) will apear and you can write a new entry. BUT when you click on 'Update' the entry will apear back on your own page NOT theirs. It recognises who you are logged in as.

*gone off to look for Prester John now*

Feeling useful

Post 133

Tonsil Revenge (PG)


tr, s.a.d.
smiley - sharksmiley - shark

Hey! You guys!

Post 134

Tonsil Revenge (PG)
Have you seen this thing? It is a guide to writing comedy.
I don't know if this is intentional or what....
Should we run it with an intro suggesting that no one try this at home?

Hey! You guys!

Post 135

~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum

Yeah that's interesting. A lot of spelling and typos that really should be fixed as they leave the wrong impression. The writer seems bright and keen and humourous and also expresses a desire for greater fame. We could help! And that's what we do!

I really liked the 'Cows go moo' joke, but Bob shouldn't take 20 minutes to stumble into his lodgings and fall asleep. I know from experience it is possible to do this in one simultaneous motion lasting less than a minute.

There was a 'reply' attached to the article saying the piece had gone into peer review, but nothing more. I wonder where it went and what happened?

BTW. I think we have to give Shazz something today so I'm going to make a few minor adjustments to #4 and offer it to her as a two item entry later today if I hear no further from anyone.
smiley - holly
peace, and joy

Hey! You guys!

Post 136

~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum

OR... I could use 'Going Sooth'
as the third one with your comments (in a reply to it) as the basis for 'your' intro to it. How about that?

Hey! You guys!

Post 137

Tonsil Revenge (PG)

Will be back with intro link in ten minutes.

Hey! You guys!

Post 138

Tonsil Revenge (PG)
There! Happy?

Hey! You guys!

Post 139

~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum

As a warm puppy!
Ta very mooch.

Hey! You guys!

Post 140

The CAC CONTINUUM - The ongoing adventures of the Committee for Alien Content (a division of AggGag)

I have posted the link to #4 on our conversation with Shazz.
When she comes round to put the next Post together it should be all ready for her.

Key: Complain about this post