This is the Message Centre for The CAC CONTINUUM - The ongoing adventures of the Committee for Alien Content (a division of AggGag)
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The CAC CONTINUUM - The ongoing adventures of the Committee for Alien Content (a division of AggGag) Posted Dec 14, 2001
>>I have attempted to talk to the Genau chappie and haven't heard a thing.
how about this?<<
LOL! The King's English indeed. Very droll m'friend. But it isn't really an h2g2 entry is it.
Let's be daring and go with 'genau' anyway. But do mention we tried to ask. Anyway, it's 'up to you' or 'down to you' as the English say
to provide us #3/3 and intro by Monday, so I'll shut up and stop harping on so you can go watch the trombone concert.
peace thru gravity
Layout for #3
Tonsil Revenge (PG) Posted Dec 14, 2001
Gee! Thanks. Concert last night. Portsmouth Sinfonia springs to mind.
how about this?
Look out, it's coming this way!
Spiff Posted Dec 14, 2001
"What is it?"
"I don't know, but it's movin' at a helluva speed!"
"Outta my way, I'm gettin' outta here. That thing's *dangerous*!"
"It's like a *whirlwind*!"
"What's it tryin'a do?"
"Beats me, seems like it's everywhere. Hun--in' all over for somethin's. Like a mad thing, ah say."
"I hear sommats. "Entrails" or sommats like that. I think..."
"Well, we better stay undercover until it goes away, huh?"
"You *dang* right!"
Okay. I'm quitting this for the day, especially after this ...
Tonsil Revenge (PG) Posted Dec 14, 2001 ulk! Yuck! what things are hidden in the corners behind the couch.....should stay there.
Layout for #3
Deidzoeb Posted Dec 15, 2001
The problem with "How To Pronounce German" seems to be that
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Deidzoeb Posted Dec 15, 2001
(...that it's not quite finished. Seems to be under construction still.)
Layout for #3
Deidzoeb Posted Dec 15, 2001
The rubber thimbles article at looks good, but there's nothing from stopping it getting in the Edited Guide, is there? A few days back, I saw an entry on STAPLE REMOVERS on the front page as a new Edite Guide entry. This piece about rubber thimbles could conceivably get in.
You've been moderated!
Spiff Posted Dec 15, 2001
my first ever moderated post!!!!
It's a red letter day! I'm gonna do it all today!!!!
I'm gonna do it Myyyyyyyyyy Waaaayyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!
I don't wanna wake up in any f**kin' city!!!!!!!!
Never mind the one without any towers!!!!!!!!!
I wanna be...
Strasbourg! Strasbourg!
PS - Sorry, I was excited about getting moderated
You've been moderated!
~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum Posted Dec 15, 2001
The first time is always.. ..'memorable'.
But after a while it's just like eating or sex. It comes with the territory, y'don't always know why it's happening, and y'begin to wonder what all the excitement was and even if y'really want fries with it or just wanna roll over, have a smoke and go to sleep.
You've been treated like the idjit you are!
Tonsil Revenge (PG) Posted Dec 16, 2001
well, sometime during the night of Dec. 15th,01 or the morning of the 16th, I and another poster got modded or lindaed on the 'Sex during your Period' thread.
Relating real life experiences.
I feel no excitement, just disappointment.
I've read Mark's explanation of the process and the fact that the moderators are a third party outfit mainly made up of collegiate students, but...
I've seen things said in threads that would've gotten you hung a mere twenty years ago.
I've seen things said in jest that made me sick to my stomach.
We were just talking about experience.
What's wrong with that?
You've been treated like the idjit you are!
~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum Posted Dec 17, 2001
Dec 15th, eh? Saturday night,eh?
Well if you had a part time job at the BBC in London working weekends and couldn't go out boozing with your mates and your job was to maintain sober order and discipline in a potentially global chat room and some Yank started waxing poetic about menstrual musings...
The regular staff will be in Monday morn and I'm sure your posting will be re-instated. The weekend moderators are particularly 'diligent' because there's no one else there to second guess them until Monday.
You've been moderated!
Deidzoeb Posted Dec 17, 2001
What a cynical view of sex. I thought I was used to the worst of it, after 4 years of marriage, being somewhat acclimated to the occasional dry-spells (figuratively, not literally). But I hope I never get to the point where I "begin to wonder what all the excitement was."
Hmmm. On the other hand, this part sounds promising: "even if y'really want fries with it." For a while there, my wife's email signature said, "I love my husband, my cat and fries." Maybe if I incorporate fries into the picture somehow...
...Well, the bed will get salty, but I won't complain.
Key: Complain about this post
He-man is with us!
- 101: Spiff (Dec 14, 2001)
- 102: Tonsil Revenge (PG) (Dec 14, 2001)
- 103: Tonsil Revenge (PG) (Dec 14, 2001)
- 104: The CAC CONTINUUM - The ongoing adventures of the Committee for Alien Content (a division of AggGag) (Dec 14, 2001)
- 105: Spiff (Dec 14, 2001)
- 106: Tonsil Revenge (PG) (Dec 14, 2001)
- 107: Tonsil Revenge (PG) (Dec 14, 2001)
- 108: Tonsil Revenge (PG) (Dec 14, 2001)
- 109: Spiff (Dec 14, 2001)
- 110: Tonsil Revenge (PG) (Dec 14, 2001)
- 111: Deidzoeb (Dec 15, 2001)
- 112: Deidzoeb (Dec 15, 2001)
- 113: Deidzoeb (Dec 15, 2001)
- 114: Spiff (Dec 15, 2001)
- 115: ~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum (Dec 15, 2001)
- 116: Tonsil Revenge (PG) (Dec 15, 2001)
- 117: Tonsil Revenge (PG) (Dec 16, 2001)
- 118: ~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum (Dec 17, 2001)
- 119: Tonsil Revenge (PG) (Dec 17, 2001)
- 120: Deidzoeb (Dec 17, 2001)
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