This is the Message Centre for Scandrea


Post 1


Nothing cheeses me off more.

Today we were sitting in our tutoring class talking about values, and somehow we got on the subject of nihilism and postmodernism. Now the major component of those two worldviews is apathy- nothing matters, and there's nothing we can do about it.

I disagree, but that's not the point.

To illustrate her point, she asked us all who was a registered voter-everyone but one raised his hand. I thought "OK, this is good." Then she asked who voted regularly, and only three people raised their hands. I was one. She asked why, and one girl said simply that "It was too much hassle to get an absentee ballot."

I lost it. The hair stood up on the back of my neck, and I just laid out on her- "It's on the internet! All you have to do is print off the stupid form and send it in- costs you postage and nothing else!" I had to push myself back in my seat to keep from shouting more.

And the guy who wasn't registered- I offered to get him a voter registration form. He said, "Why?" I asked, "Don't you want one?"

"I don't care."

I said, "It's your funeral," and walked away.

I mean, for chrissakes! My grandparents fought for these morons right to vote and they're not using it! My great uncle spent six months in a Nazi POW camp for these idiots! Do you know how much that offends me?

I think some time in a third world country would do these folks some good.

I am just so very angry right now.


Post 2


Scandrea... Ok take a deep breath a moment and relax... Apathy is a modern day problem that is true. Personally I do vote myself in the UK and have voted in the last 2 general elections we have here.

In the first I voted the same as my parents, the second I made a choice on who I would like to see in. Both times neither of the parties I voted for got into power and I have seen a lot of crap done in Englands name by the current goverment in charge. Looking over the history of politics in this country I have come to one conclusion. It does not matter which major political party you get in they are all as bad as each other. They lie to get in and then do not concentrate to improve the country only enough to make sure they stay in and assure there own power and bank balance. The next election that comes up I am still going to vote as I choose to exercise my right to but I am going to vote independent. Whoever stands in my area. It may be considored a waste of vote but I would rather see more independents get in and try something different, anything, than not vote and truly waste it.

Also despite the majority of this country being against a lot of decisions of the current goverment there was bugger all we could do to change the actions of this goverment. Hence I can see why apathy sets in. If what you do makes no difference why try? Personally for me I try because despite being cynical I am an optimist smiley - smiley....

Hope you feel better over this soon.... smiley - hug


Post 3


Thanks. smiley - hug

I just needed to rant- I have half a mind to bring in a bunch of forms tomorrow, envelopes, and offer to buy stamps just so they'll have no excuse.

The thing is, they would make a difference if only they'd just get off their @$$3$ and vote!


Post 4


No worries...

Well when one alternative is George Bush - yes anyone is better in my opinion as I do think a certain level of intelligence and reasoning is required to be in charge. So at least you have a decent choice...

(Please I hope I haven't offended you if you are voting for GWB)


Post 5


Bravo! smiley - ok

Like you I feel quite passionate about voting. As far as I am concerned if you don't vote, then you have no right whatsoever to moan when the people in power do something you don't like. If you don't vote, you are effectively voting for the winning party, whoever they might be. Its plain and simple. If you don't like any of the people on the list, then you should vote just to keep the most *disliked* people out of power.

In Ireland a particular political party whom I distrust enormously have been making great strides in local and national elections. I am nearly first in line to vote in elections mainly so that they don't get my vote.

And you know, sometimes you win and sometimes you lose, but if you vote and lose then you can take every opportunity afterwards to express your disappointment.

In the US, it appears you can only vote for just one of two parties. In Ireland we can vote for any number of parties, ranging from relatively right-wing groups to deep socialists, to independents with an axe to grind. Even so, we have a lot of apathy about voting here too. People seem to quickly lose sight of the fact that dictatorship is only a few generations away, and could easily come back. Spain and Portugal were still dictatorships in the 1970's; most of the Eastern European countries had no vote as recently as 15 years ago.

smiley - peacedoveWoodpigeon


Post 6


Are you kidding me?

You should read the george bush hero or moron thread. I go off on it all the time why I'm voting for Kerry.

Don't get me wrong- I'd love to vote for an independent or third party candidate- and I will in local and state elections. But for President, I'll vote for brocolli before I vote for Bush, and I think Kerry really does have the best chance at beating him.


Post 7


Hey, Woodpigeon-


We do have third parties over here, it's just that traditionally, third parties don't get off the ground well. They're either based around people or ideas. The people either die or get discredited, and the ideas get absorbed into the major parties' platform. They're still politically important, but it's highly improbable that we'll have a third party president in the near future.


Post 8


In our system a TP person can get a place in parliment but it is only the parties that have a chance of getting into power...


Post 9

Traveller in Time Reporting Bugs -o-o- Broken the chain of Pliny -o-o- Hired

Traveller in Time smiley - tit checking just one candidate at the time
"We think it helps to involve our children. They have attended the ceremony of bringing out the votes on every occasion by now.

Personally I try not involve in any kind of politics, elections however are as important as education."


Post 10

Blackberry Cat , if one wishes to remain an individual in the midst of the teeming multitudes, one must make oneself grotesque

Always vote
2 party systems like ours do encourage the feelings of apathy
What we need is electoral reform but of course the 2 main parties like the system the way it is
I may actually break a 21-year habit and vote Liberal Democrat rather than Labour next election


Post 11


That was who I voted for in my area lastv election and turned it from a conservative stronghold (my first ever vote) to a lib dem one by about 600 votes....

Never voted labour and never will now....


Post 12


I would have voted labour i the next general election IF the current MP was going to be up... he is a good man with strong morals... but he is moving away back to the north east... so I will vot3e the best man/woman for the job... it doesnt matter as much to me what party it is...

I didn't like the european elections because ou had to vote for a party not a person... silly system... but I voted anyways

last local we had 3 labour and 3 conservatives in our area which was so annoying... but still I voted...


Post 13

T.B. Falsename ACE: [stercus venio] I have learned from my mistakes, and feel I could repeat them exactly.

*mumble* *mumble* labour party member and hopefully future MP *mumble*

smiley - cheers


Post 14


Are you....

Great can I ask a few questions?


Post 15


Don't worry TB you aren't the only one...

one of my best friends is on of the stringest labour supporters I know... and I'm still friends wit himsmiley - winkeye

yes he intends on being an MP one day too... he hasn't had a chance to vote yet... he has been stuck in over contries both times he got a chance


Post 16

T.B. Falsename ACE: [stercus venio] I have learned from my mistakes, and feel I could repeat them exactly.

ask away FS

smiley - cheers


Post 17


Cool mate and thank you....

1: On topic - if you became an MP any theories or ideas on how to overcome the current trend of voter apathy?

2: Your opinion if you would on the current state of affiars on Iraq?

3: Do you think that the current taxation system on pay bands needs an overall as they are currently set at what was considored low, medium and high income based on pay bands from over 25 years ago?

4: If you became an MP and got in power would be concentrating on your own ideas on how to run and improve peoples state of lives from that position of power or would you tow the line on current party polices (persuming of course you have different views from the party)

5: Would you promise something you do not think you could provide to get voted in?

6: If yes on Q5 how would you dodge the issue of not fulfilling that promise? (sorry for the last two as they are a bit tounge in cheek)...


Post 18


Hi, Everyone,

What a joy to meet a bunch of people who do care smiley - smiley

In the UK we get what we deserve - only about a third of the electorate actually vote, so whoever gets in does not get in on a true majority.

I have voted for years, and have dealings with our local MP, Ministers etc. as part of my campaign work. If people are so apathetic it is obvious that those politicians who seek power for themselves, as opposed to power to help people, are going to see it as carte blanche to do as they please, which is exactly what they are doing.

Added to that they can now do as they like, and blame Europe if it goes pear shaped which it mostly has smiley - grr. So they get their money by the barrow load whether they are any good or not, and people just sit back and whinge smiley - doh

As far as our lot are concerned they couldn't organise a party at a playgroup, and as for the US, well ANYone would be better than GWB. The damage he has done to the environment alone beggars belief , undoing years of hard work and legislation. That's not to mention the Iraq fiasco.

When are people going to wake up and DO something smiley - huh
My smiley - headhurts from banging it against a brick wall smiley - groan.

Oh, and smiley - peacedove we are a lot nearer to a dictatorship than you think. Strangled by red tape, sedated by drugs (legal), demoralised by the destruction of our heritage and beliefs, crippled by taxes and bank charges, and castrated by a nanny state, how much further is there to go before we capitulate to our new masters?

As mentioned previously our ancesters fought tooth and nail to get us the vote, and must be turning in their graves at our treachery. Look at third world countries, where people will walk miles and queue for days to vote. We should hang our heads in shame.

Hey, who started me off on thissmiley - huh I wish I could say I feel better but I don't, though it is good to be able to let off smiley - steam to like-minded people.

smiley - dragon


Post 19

T.B. Falsename ACE: [stercus venio] I have learned from my mistakes, and feel I could repeat them exactly.

1) Personally I think lowering the age of majority to 16 would help, but other than that nothing specific

2) snafu, it's completely fubar

3)hell yeah the taxation system needs an overhall, the less well off people in the UK pay too much tax and the very well off people pay too little

4) I'd try to do what's best for the people I represent

5&6) I hope not, I have this concience which can be a real pain sometimes as it stops me from being immoral, however I have been known to use language to get round that. For instance questions which start with didn't or don't are great as you can answer them quite deceptively. e.g. 'Don't you think the current PM has f***ed up with the whole Iraq situation?' I would answer 'No', that is 'You are wrong, I do think he's f***ed up the Iraq situation'


Post 20


smiley - erm one thing that annoyed me last election though was "let down by labour" not a promise of any sorts but trying to get you to vote...

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