This is the Message Centre for Evangeline

Dear British Petroleum

Post 21

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

Oilly thumbs are hard to twiddle. smiley - sadface

Dear British Petroleum

Post 22


Yeah, so they need to finish the job and wash their hands.

Dear British Petroleum

Post 23


I was sure -at least fairly sure-that I had heard something about a west coast contingent of Canadians who'd helped out with the shorebirds affected by the Exxon Valdez tragedy. But a Google search did turn up this(as per Google search, among So many other thingssmiley - winkeye) -

Dear British Petroleum

Post 24


smiley - doh And I should've added that I'd hope something of that nature is in progress in Louisiana as well by now.

Dear British Petroleum

Post 25


There has been more on our news about how bad it could be than what is being done to clean it up. The local seafood is a big part of the economy here. I hope someone is capturing and cleaning the birds.

Dear British Petroleum

Post 26


Yes I've seen numerous fishermen interviewed. Even Canada's seafood consumption will be impacted to some extent, as Blue Fin Tuna are curently spawning in the gulf.

Dear British Petroleum

Post 27


smiley - huh '?' ...I suppose you have to ask yourself whether or not you want to continue eating bluefin tuna.smiley - winkeye

Dear British Petroleum

Post 28


I prefer salmon to tuna.

Farm raised catfish aren't too bad, either.

Dear British Petroleum

Post 29


Actually I rather prefer salmon too & I've had catfish( - drool gotta get bak there sometime soon!) - although it was quite some time ago, I seem to recall it was very nice.

Dear British Petroleum

Post 30

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

I didn't know that there were people who cleaned oil off birds after oil spills.

Dear British Petroleum

Post 31


Jaz'd, that restaurant menu looks really good.

Paul, it's not easy washing a bird.

Dear British Petroleum

Post 32

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

Here's a link that shows how close BP is getting to being barred from doing business in the U.S.:

When I was young and foolish, I was on my aunt's farm, and was given a duckling. I put the critter in what I thought was a pail of water. it turned out to be kerosene. smiley - sadface The bird didn't make it. I get morbid at the mention of birds covered in oil, because of this experience. If there are people who can save birds from oil, they are wonderful. I wish I could have done that....

Dear British Petroleum

Post 33


Pictures of this ongoing disaster. smiley - sadface

Paul, I'm not sure what else they use on the birds, but Dawn dish detergent is one of the things used. I would assume it's diluted to begin with because I can't imagine fully sudsing a bird with that undiluted. Probably any non toxic (to birds) detergent would work.

I kind of wonder if Ecover or BioKleen products would do the same.

Dear British Petroleum

Post 34

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

Those pictures are pretty grim. smiley - sadface

Dear British Petroleum

Post 35


Dear British Petroleum

Post 36


This was on the news last night.

Dear British Petroleum

Post 37

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

Those pictures are ghastly. smiley - sadface

Dear British Petroleum

Post 38


It is heartbreaking that so many birds, fish, and other wildlife are being killed or injured.

It is a bit of hope that some of the birds are being saved. The brown pelicans are not long off the endangered species list and I'd really rather the state bird not end up back on that list.

Aside from all of that, the economy has taken a big hit with the beaches being closed, the oysters and shrimp unavailable and so on.

Dear British Petroleum

Post 39

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

Your problem is becoming our problem, Evangeline, due to the currents and the spreading of the slick. smiley - sadface Today I read that Obama said he would have fired Hayward long ago if Hayward had been working for Obama. This had to be very frustrating for Obama, who would surely prefer to be dealing with trustworthy people.

The Huffington Post is said to be the best site to go to for credible reports on this crisis.

The people who live along the Gulf coast are beginning to go through hell now, and I am so sorry for them. smiley - sadface People with beachfront condos find that oil is staining the floors of their homes because it sticks to the undersides of their shoes when they walk on the beach. The sight of so many oil-covered birds and sea turtles must be heartbreaking (it's bad enough to see pictures of them).

BP has been on and off probation more than once in the past ten years, and risks the loss of all future government contracts in the U.S.

Dear British Petroleum

Post 40

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

Here's a link to an interesting article:

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