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Target: 10,000 Posts Of Nonsense

Post 2661


well there is one difference between the original Homer and the clones:

the name tag on the original Homer had one of those holographic squares to show authenticity, and since only one was made thst was uncloneable and the tag was made unremoveable, the real Homer will have the authenticity mark on the tag.

hope that helps!smiley - smiley

Target: 10,000 Posts Of Nonsense

Post 2662

Oot Rito

So you only want O-Homer, not Homer 1, Homer 2 or half-Homer ?

Target: 10,000 Posts Of Nonsense

Post 2663


yep!smiley - smiley

the clones are most likely evil anyway, as most cloning turns the clones evil of hatred for not being the original. in fact, Homer could be in danger if his evil clones are loose, like Picard was in Star Trek Nemesis, so if you catch a Homer and find it ain't the original, KILL IT!

Target: 10,000 Posts Of Nonsense

Post 2664

Oot Rito

Even the half-Homer.... he doesn't have the strength to be evil...

Target: 10,000 Posts Of Nonsense

Post 2665


Mini-Me was evil and small!

Target: 10,000 Posts Of Nonsense

Post 2666

Oot Rito

and the Maxi-you ?

Target: 10,000 Posts Of Nonsense

Post 2667


depends on my mood!smiley - biggrin

anyway, back to the parrots...what are the latest sightings?

Target: 10,000 Posts Of Nonsense

Post 2668

Hermi the Cat

There once was a Parrot named Homer
who wondered "How much is an omer?"
To the Mid-east he went
like a bird that was sent
for his curiosity compelled him to go there.

Just in case you were wondering an omer is 1/10th an ephah, or somewhere between 2 and 3 1/2 quarts. Probably about the right size for a quick parrot drink to refresh himself after a long flight from outerspace.
smiley - cat

Target: 10,000 Posts Of Nonsense

Post 2669


are you sure it was the original Homer and not an evil clone?

Target: 10,000 Posts Of Nonsense

Post 2670

Hermi the Cat

Not at all... It's a bit wild in that area and I wasn't keen to get close to a green parrot drinking questionable substances in a seedy Damascus bar. I did see a flash of silver though. Where is his tag?

The flash came from, well, where other flashes come from.
smiley - cat

Target: 10,000 Posts Of Nonsense

Post 2671

Oot Rito

Half-Homer (he's pretty unmistakely because the "half" is lengthwise) was last seen attempting a Pacific ocean crossing... no news expected really.

The other Homers were spotted simultaneously in Birmingham, Brussels and Baden (that was before we knew about O-Homer's special ID). The entire patrol is demanding new binoculars to avoid eye-strain.... Can you afford that ?

If not you will have to add a couple of deeply moving and motivating postings here to keep up morale....

I'm going to follow up a promising lead in Geneva, I'll let you know how it goes.

Incidently, how's Julie ?

Target: 10,000 Posts Of Nonsense

Post 2672

Oot Rito



Ignore sighting from Brussels, it referred to a "Homard" not Homer.

Target: 10,000 Posts Of Nonsense

Post 2673


Deni - have a look at my personal space for the parrot picture now being used. you'll see binoculars looking, which is suggesting you get out your binoculars out of the survival kits you were all issued at the start of the parrot search. don't tell me you left them in the box by the door?

Target: 10,000 Posts Of Nonsense

Post 2674


btw the picture of the parrot through binoculars that you and i both have on our personal spaces were actually taken by a stunt double on the parrot search who HAD his survival pack, so you should have a pai of binoculars just like them!smiley - winkeye

Target: 10,000 Posts Of Nonsense

Post 2675

Oot Rito

According to the patrol members, you need extra-powerful binoculars to pick out the holographic square on the ID tag....

They spend hours and hours looking for the Homer, you can't blame them for having an occasional grumble !

I think a few cheery postings, some hot cocoa for those in cold climes - Margueritas for those of us in warm places - and a few sausage rolls will get everybody happy again.

IMPORTANT NOTE : For reasons we both know.... please avoid sending egg sandwiches.

P.S. Has Julie flown as well ?

Target: 10,000 Posts Of Nonsense

Post 2676


alright, you can all have your smegging amazing binoculars!


ps. i let Julie sleep today. i'll get her back on the search tomorrow though!smiley - smiley

Target: 10,000 Posts Of Nonsense

Post 2677

Oot Rito

OK, I'll go make my own smiley - stiffdrink.

If I end up having smiley - stiffdrinksmiley - stiffdrink or smiley - stiffdrinksmiley - stiffdrinksmiley - stiffdrink, don't blame me if I adopt "cloned vision" (well, it's not as corny as p*ssed as a Homer).

P.S. It was chilly in Geneva, I'm off to Cairo after a couple of smiley - stiffdrinks.

Target: 10,000 Posts Of Nonsense

Post 2678

Oot Rito

OK, I'll go make my own smiley - stiffdrink.

If I end up having smiley - stiffdrinksmiley - stiffdrink or smiley - stiffdrinksmiley - stiffdrinksmiley - stiffdrink, don't blame me if I adopt "cloned vision" (well, it's not as corny as p*ssed as a Homer).

P.S. It was chilly in Geneva, I'm off to Cairo after a couple of smiley - stiffdrinks.

Target: 10,000 Posts Of Nonsense

Post 2679


i'm smiley - sorry

here, have a regular smiley - tea and let's get back to parrot searching!smiley - smiley

Target: 10,000 Posts Of Nonsense

Post 2680

Oot Rito

No, I'm more of a smiley - stiffdrink bod. Anyway, I just had the one and am now in Cairo. It's dark but I'm keeping very alert for Homer-spotting.

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