This is the Message Centre for spook

Target: 10,000 Posts Of Nonsense

Post 2681


you sure Homer was spotted near there? last thing i heard was that he caught a spaceship to the Death Star from Star Wars!

Target: 10,000 Posts Of Nonsense

Post 2682

Oot Rito

Oh dear.....

Homar "blobbed" on a shrub and it's tentatively being considered as a biological weapon attack......

He'll be on a pack of cards before we know where we are...

Wake up Julie, all hands on deck, we have to find that parrot and get him back safely

Target: 10,000 Posts Of Nonsense

Post 2683


smiley - cool we need to go to the Death Star first. if it is Homer, we can rescue him, and if it is n evil clone, we can stop him from killing us all!

Target: 10,000 Posts Of Nonsense

Post 2684

Oot Rito

You go to Death Star, I'll go to Mexico... MexiCCCCCOOOOOOO (yep !)

Target: 10,000 Posts Of Nonsense

Post 2685


okily dokily!smiley - smiley

*heads of in search of deathstar, finds it, then gets chuked in a cell as a prisoner.*

smiley - doh

Target: 10,000 Posts Of Nonsense

Post 2686


If you ever catch that bloody parrot, please have it chipped so you can track it via satellite. I haven't slept fo 3 weeks!

Target: 10,000 Posts Of Nonsense

Post 2687

Oot Rito

As soon as Spook gets out of prison, I'll *strongly* suggest the idea to him. (AlexoOo, will you hold him while I hit him?)

However, we have a more urgent mattre to deal with. The campaign is now "Free Spook and Save the Parrot".

I'm sending spook a nail file hidden in a smiley - hotdog and hoping for the best.... (he owes me for the postage on 9042 pairs of binoculars).

Target: 10,000 Posts Of Nonsense

Post 2688

Reality Manipulator

2 Legs all I can think of is Alice, the walrus and the seal. I have always wanted to go down a smiley - bunny hole or through a looking glass and be in the world that Alice was. When I was a child I used to try and get to the land of Narnia through the built in wardrobes. I even thought of trying to get through to another world through the fire place. I wanted to have a wand and flying carpet.


Target: 10,000 Posts Of Nonsense

Post 2689

Reality Manipulator

Does this Homer love donuts and keeps saying dooh?


Target: 10,000 Posts Of Nonsense

Post 2690

Oot Rito

Even just going through the wardrode would be enough.....

Kat, help !

Spooks in prison, the parrot's (O-Homer) has 2 and a half clones wandering around (they are evil ba****ds), the parrot still hasn't been caught...

Do you think he could be in Nadia.....

Target: 10,000 Posts Of Nonsense

Post 2691

F F Churchton

No, he's done the clever thing and gone down to the pub. I think I'll join him!!!

Target: 10,000 Posts Of Nonsense

Post 2692

Oot Rito

Catch him and then we can concentrate on getting spook out of jail !

(oops, wrong priorities)

Target: 10,000 Posts Of Nonsense

Post 2693


*grabs guard and steals laser gun.*

well, the guard didn't have the key i need to get out, but any guard that comes near me now will get shot!smiley - smiley

*Darth Vader walks up to the cell and uses the force to take the gun away from me.*

Vader: You, and your parrot, will be destroyed!!!!!!

Target: 10,000 Posts Of Nonsense

Post 2694

Oot Rito

I'll go and get Admiral Articuno out of the pub and see what he suggests...

Target: 10,000 Posts Of Nonsense

Post 2695


smiley - cool - but hurry!


ps. i saw an evil parrot on Darth Vader's shoulder!smiley - winkeyesmiley - yikes

Target: 10,000 Posts Of Nonsense

Post 2696

Oot Rito

Got it !

On the way to the pub, I had a great idea: Tell Death Vadar that the secret to absolute pan-galaxy domination is hidden in this thread and get him to read it.

Get all your friends to post here to save you and.......

Either DV will :

> get addicted
> start babbling nonsense
> shape up, get a real job and try to get a date with Julie
> go mad
> get swamped....

Spook, you can take advantage of his addiction/babbling/shaping up/madness/swamping to sneek away...

YOU'RE SAVED once your friends start making a REAL effort with this thread..

I'm going back to the pub... (major parrot lead)

Target: 10,000 Posts Of Nonsense

Post 2697

F F Churchton

*drink's smiley - stout*

Publican: Tonight ladies and gentlemen is Karoke night, oh and Admiral Articuno I have an urgent request to tell you to phone Spook

Humm, Karoke or rescue attempt

I don't need all the answers, because one thing is true, as long as the Earth turns, I'll always love you!!!

Target: 10,000 Posts Of Nonsense

Post 2698

Oot Rito

nice to know you'll always be loved....

Concentrate on the parrot !

(You sing rather well, I never knew)

Target: 10,000 Posts Of Nonsense

Post 2699


naah that requires other people. i have a better idea!

*grabs dvd of 'Target: 10,000 Posts Of Nonsense - The Movie', and due to home DVD technology it is released before the thread is finished (Just like in Spaceball - The Movie, a comedy Star Wars parody smiley - winkeye). shows Vader the DVD, and while he is looking at himself look at himself on the screen, i forward the DVD on, and Vader sees himself move his head upwards, bang it on a shelf and cause a bowling ball to knock him unconscious, the parrot to run away and me to use the keys to unlock the cell and lock him in it instead. at seeing Vader yerks his head upwards in shock, bangs it on the shelf, and the sequence of events occurs. unfortunately though Vader head-butted the DVD and snapped it in half.*

smiley - biggrin

Target: 10,000 Posts Of Nonsense

Post 2700

Oot Rito

you didn't want Julie dating other men.....

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